Just beat this game. Anyone else find it really underwhelming?
Just beat this game. Anyone else find it really underwhelming?
Made me want to play hollow knight again, and then be sad when I realize that there is no other game like hollow knight that can fill the insatiable desire to play hollow knight inside me.
What was wrong with it?
It sounds like Ori gave you a Hollow feeling.
>Made me want to play hollow knight again
Honestly thats kind of what I thought when I was playing and saw all the stuff it has from Hollow Knight. The NPC giberish voices, the charm system, the cartogropher, even the healing ability.
Honestlly this game just made me replay Hollow Knight and make me even more desperate for Silk Song.
It was just kind of boring. The combat felt spammy (still better than the combat in the first) and the new area felt too similar to the first games area in certain places. The game is pretty and the movement is fun though.
The story at times felt just as melodramatic/forced emotiional like the first (though I admit I did get attatched to the baby owl). The ending was kind of shit though.
I liked the tone shift from a place that has already fallen apart to a place that's in the process of dying, there's some really grimdark shit if you pay attention like the mori that kills itself
Why is Mahler always SEETHING about HK?
I've seen a few of his posts on that site. He always has this air of insecurity when someone mentions Hollow Knight.
I guess he's mad that literally 3 australian guys can make a better and more beloved game than him and his AAA team.
I mean hell there have been two hollow knight references in mainstream media.
The Nail in Amphibia, and the Hollow Knight doll in the intro for the cartoon the Owl House.
Must sting that the only real praise his games get is that they're "pretty".
You're not the only one, OP. I'd consider the first game to be a 9/10, and this to be like a 6.5, maybe a 7 after a patch.
For me, the big issue (besides the bugs, because holy shit does this game have technical problems) was that it didn't build on the first game. The first game was a metroidvania platformer with light combat elements. This game, while having some decent platforming challenges, gets bogged down by combat. Now, the combat isn't bad, but given that you can assign 3 active attacks/spells when there's something like 12 abilities, and no instant way to swap your entire loadout out at once, you'll barely ever run anything other than attack/heal/whatever the gimmick ability of the area is.
Further more, by assigning three face buttons to combat like this, one of the more interesting mechanics from the first game (That being, you expend energy to create save-spots) is abandoned completely, just making the game feel more generic.
I enjoyed the story at the start, but after that there's some serious pacing issues, a lot of wasted opportunity writing-wise, and an ending that, while a fitting end for the series, is not fitting for the game which proceeded it.
There's a few other issues I had, but basically, all you need to know is that while visually this is a better game, the first game outperforms it on every other metric.
>Anyone else find it really underwhelming?
No, just you.
>there is no other game like hollow knight YET
Silksong is coming, we have ust to wait a little longer.
The combat is fucking tacked on garbage just like the first game except this time you're forced to engage with it.
Who fucking said to the devs to focus on combat more? Literally the very best part of the first and second game was always the platforming and movement options.
But Ori too is on all platform except PS4, so what?
To make it sell some shit Microsoft even released it on the Switch, a competitor console. kek
The problem is that a common criticism was that the combat sucked, and they let that get to them and decided to try and please everyone. I'd be fine with the new combat if it didn't come at the expense of what made the first game good.
Best 2D platfomer ever made.
Just needs bug fixes. and enemies shouldn't have on touch damage.
>the shallow knight shill is back.
kill yourself.
Then you play Hollow Knight and wish you were playing La-Mulana instead.
Hi Thomas. I thought you only posted on Resetera.
>kill yourself.
>Wanting someone to kill themselves because they enjoy another game over another.
Yikes why are Orifans so insecure? People are allowed to have preferences.
Not really, oldschool castlevania jumping mechanics are not fun, nor is autistic nonsense puzzles that require you to either physically keep track of random shit or use a guide. It's a good game and I can see the appeal, but idk why people are trying to make it the end all be all of the genre.
more like wanting you to kill yourself because you try to shill for that trash game in every ori thread.
>idk why people are trying to make it the end all be all of the genre
Because it is. Certainly more than Hollow Shite.
That one made me sad. Probably the most touching part for me.
>The combat is fucking tacked on garbage
Thank you. I just watched the completionists review of this game and when he wasn't complaining about the bugs then backpedalling with "b-but i-its still a masterpiece though" he was praising the combat and my first thought was "Are you serious? What is high quality about this games spammy combat, and contact damage on enemies that have little to no indicator to when they're going to attack you most of the time"?
The only thing the Ori series does well is movement, and aesthetics. The first games combat is bad the second games combat is worse.
No, i left that place, its only full of tranny and white knight that want to fuck those tranny.
I'm the OP btw not the user who said he preferred Hollow Knight. Also whats wrong with someone mentioning hollow knight in an ori thread they're both metroidvanias. Do you get salty when someone mentions Castlevania or Metroid in an Ori thread? Stop being so insecure.
Not gonna lie, from my experience it seems that Hollow Knight flame wars are the only thing that saves Ori threads from page 10.
>What is high quality about this games spammy combat, and contact damage on enemies that have little to no indicator to when they're going to attack you most of the time
So Hollow Knight?
Its true. Ori is jut not that interesting of a game on its own the only thing most people can say about Ori is that the platforming is kind of fun and that its pretty. There's just not that much depth to series not enough to create a strong fanbase.
Honestly Ori fans should be grateful to Hollow Knight fans for protecting their threads from stillbirth.
Not at all? Hollow Knights combat isn't spammy and is more deliberate and all enemies, aside from Dream Bosses like Markoth and Grey Prince Zote (who are both universally hated by hollow knight fans) telegraph their attacks enough to know something is coming.
Hollow Knights combat has far more skill expression than Ori's.
Also for the most part Hollow Knights combat although more difficult than Ori's is also more fair for the most part. I beat Ori2 and I would not say it was difficult at all but it was annoying how I would get hit by an attack that either wasn't telegraphed by the enemy or blended into the environment.
>The first games combat is bad the second games combat is worse.
Excuse me?
I guess I should elaborate. In a vacuum Ori 2's combat would be better than the first games combat. But with the bad enemy design, spammy combat, combined with contact damage that doesn't suit this games spammy nature it makes the combat experience worse than the firsts.
If enemies were better made then the combat would be better than Ori1's.
Nah, easy GOTY for me tbqh
There's also how literally every enemy besides gorleks can be cheesed with spirit smash, and EVERY enemy (including bosses) can be cheesed with spirit arc
I just can't agree with this.
Even if I agreed with you in a vacuum about the enemy design and contact damage I literally never had ANY fun whatsoever with the first game's combat, unless you count 1-hit ground pounding at the end of the game, or ignoring them by launching myself off of them. Meanwhile, I did have fun with the second game's combat occasionally. It still needed some tweaking, but it never EVER sank as low as the first game.
The combat is fine though. The combat isn't anything like Hollow Knight, in Ori 2 you're very clearly meant to be a superhero. Enjoying the combat comes from doing it in style. Never touching the ground or being hit once, etc. and you can argue that HK can be played the same way but the difficulty barrier is significantly higher to do so- the average person isn't going to play HK that way at all. They're just two different types of game. In HK you're meant to be a knight thrown into a dangerous world while here you're meant to be spirit Superman.
Hopefully before batflu kills us all.
Sadly I've never posted on Yas Forums before. Sorry for enjoying a game.
I did enjoy ori for the record. Both games were good, slot more movement focused than hollow knight and most metrovania games.
Once you look behind the aesthetic it's underwhelming and kind of boring.
It's like a 9/10 chick that has the personality of a lamppost - fun for a time, but meh in the long run.
I have to disagree. I never really felt like the combat evolved much in Ori 2. By the end of Hollow Knight, I was spellcasting, fighting with charged moves, dashing through attacks, and pogoing around.
By the end of Ori 2, I was really just doing the same thing I'd been doing ever since getting the bow, except now I had bought and equipped a 3rd jump. When you have three choices, and the options include "sword that refreshes double jumps", "bow that very blatantly out-DPS's everything else" and "heal", there's very little incentive to equip other moves unless the area outright demands it.
Thats fair. I guess I was being dramatic by saying Ori 2's combat is worse than the first. I know Ori 2's combat is bad, its just that I guess I'm more critical of Ori 2's combat since I have to engage with it more than the first.
Speaking of "feeling like a super hero" there is one complaint (although very minor) since this is a sequel why not start the game with at least SOME of the abilities you had in the first? I know know balance reasons, but at the same time SUPER early in they game they give you back the double jump and the wall cling and I was thinking "why not just let me start with it for continuities sake if you're going to give it to me this early?".
Also in Ori 2 you can make combat fun using some of the charms.
Agreed. Thats why I refer to Ori2's combat as just spammy.
I havent played la mulana, is it good? I really want other games with a similar art style to hollow knight. Its half the reason I feel so attached to the game.
But honestly anything with that metroidvania souls like gameplay would be cool. Any good recommendations?
I had a blast with it, really hoping they're not done with the series despite the ending
>Hopefully before batflu kills us all.
It's not a deadly desease, it will kist kill the global economy and healthcare system, don't worry.
Do not have a character do cool shit and then turn into a vending machine for the rest of the game.
The monkey guy doesn't even have contextual conversations like a lot of the other characters.
Making the villain again "evil but does not actually 'mean' to be because everything seems to be inherently good in this universe until a spirit willow loses its' light for whatever raisin" is also not so hot. I liked Shriek. Sucks to be her, felt bad for her. But was she compelling? Nah. Did I feel like she was a major player in the story? Nope. Even her harming Ku just causes Ori to do what ORI WOULD HAVE DONE ANYWAYS.
That could have also just been how the narration ended up being framed in the end, what with Ori becoming the new tree, which some might've seen coming.
Music was great.
Combat was a big improvement but the wheel system felt janky. It felt like I wasn't able to have the options I wanted to have with just three - and sometimes I'd be locked to two if I needed a specific power like Launch.
Dunno if anyone caught that you can chainstun bosses with careful jump hammer loops until phase changes or death. Also another fun glitch gives you ground movement back in water.
>I know Ori 2's combat is bad
Sorry I meant to say I know Ori 1's combat is bad.
If they do they'll probably just make another Ori seedling, but if they make me have to see that hideous black totoro creature with the white face again I will be upset.
I thought the movement in this game felt fantastic toward the end, similar to the first game. The story elements felt incredibly underdeveloped and left like no impact on me whatsoever.
>It's not a deadly desease
Jesus christ this website must have rotted my brain. I thought you had compared Ori 2's combat to Hollow Knight, hence the "I have to disagree". My apologies.
I know people are sick of comparing this game to hollow knight but I swear the NPC voices literally sounded exactly like the NPC voices in Hollow Knight.
>Music was great.
Oh yeah, totally agree. I loved how the main theme would swell in at the climax of a boss battle, that shit gives me goosebumps.
Jus a half hearted joke. Stay safe though.
Its fine its fine we all have those moments at times. Honestly with all Ori 2 took from hollow knight (which for the record I do not mind since most game take inspiration from previous games) I wish they had done a better job on emulating the combat to make it feel more deliberate.
Oh nice, you got the ground movement in water glitch too. Did you ever figure out how to make this happen on demand? I know it's related to the burrow ability underwater, but anything specific?
Nice analogy.
It kind of sucks that in both games the most powerful and freeing movement option is locked behind the final dungeon where you have all of 15 minutes left of the game to play around with it
The movement was improved on in all the perfect ways and I give them a 10/10 in that department.
Dash, Launch, the Sand/Water dashes.
I honestly, truly believe there's a 'hard path' they intend for some things because I was able to reach a tremendous number of upgrades and collectables with just playing around or luring enemies in the right place unless it was absolutely, utterly hardlocked behind requiring them(like some of the stone crusher blocks underwater)
Another thing I'd ding the game on is that Spirit Light RAPIDLY becomes irrelevant, and then ends up giving fat bonuses via the Spirit Shard that gives extra damage based on your Spirit Light. This may also be because I put on the 70% extra damage+spirit light shard on instantly and wore it all goddamn game, at which point Normal felt just right in difficulty.
I think it may have to do with the shard that lets Ori stick to walls - I was wedged up against the tip-top part of the sandbar with one of those weird exploding flower torpedos and I -think- it first hit me via touch and Ori 'stuck' to the sandbar 'wall', and then exploded while I wasn't touching anything on the keyboard, causing Ori to take damage while 'attached' in a ground-based way.
That's my GUESS.
hollow knight has no depth you retarded spastic. it doesn't even have proper attack animations. you press a button and an awful looking effect appears infront of the character. while the character doesn't even wing it's weapon.
there is no tech. you can;t even do combos. you just spam the same move over and over.
it's a low quality trash game for trash people.
it can't even touch he quality that is Ori.
I'm from italy, and in all the dead people only the 0.2 were sane other than the covid-19, and in that 0.2, more than 2/3 were over 80 years old farts.
That is not a deadly desease, especially since there are already 10.000 people healed from it here.
>everything seems to be inherently good in this universe until a spirit willow loses its' light
The point of the story was that Ori and Ku had upbringings that allowed them to value good. Shriek was also just going along with what her upbringing instilled in her as well hence the scene at the end.
So she was basically owl Sasuke without an owl Naruto. I liked the story.
While I agree that launch was pure sex I think it avoided a problem that many games (like Ori 1) tend to have and that's the novelty of a mechanic wearing off. By the Kuro chase you've already mastered everything in the game to such a degree that the Kuro chase feels underwhelming compared to the slams of the Ginso Tree and the Ruin escape. By the end of Ori 2 you get launch which feels like the ultimate evolution of Ori's movement- as soon as I got that I knew the game was going to end because of how insanely broken it was- which is why it makes the Shriek boss so good. The moment when the floor falls is probably the best concluding gameplay segment I could've imagined for the Ori series and I admire the restraint the game had to leave it till the end to maximize the effect of the finale.
>The story elements felt incredibly underdeveloped and left like no impact on me whatsoever.
OP here. The story is actually my BIGGEST complaint with this game even over the combat its just the same story as Ori 1. I don't mind if sequels rehash the story from a prequel IF they do it well. But in Ori 2 I could literally predict all the plot points except the ending. I knew This games owl lady was going to be a sympathetic villain the MOMENT I saw her.
Oh yea, i'm in quarantene for 15 days now, never stepped outside (not actually much different from before the quarantene tho)
>I havent played la mulana, is it good?
I was working, now we are on a sorta paid leave I guess. Gotta do stuff occasionally but I have a fuck ton of free time and money to spend on games now so I'm trying to play indie games and chill.
based buttblastedposting
Introducing the abilities one at a time, even if early in the game, eases in new players. Not everyone will have played the first game.
>hollow knight has no depth you retarded spastic. it doesn't even have proper attack animations. you press a button and an awful looking effect appears infront of the character. while the character doesn't even wing it's weapon.
>there is no tech. you can;t even do combos. you just spam the same move over and over.
This is true about the character, but the actual deep is in the boss ability and patterns and ow to deal with them, not in the knight ability, it's the opposite of Ori actually, they are just different kind of game design, not better or worse, just different, like DMC and Dark Souls combat, one ahs the focus on the main character the other on the bosses.
>hollow knight has no depth
Objectively false but OK
>you retarded spastic
>it doesn't even have proper attack animations. you press a button and an awful looking effect appears infront of the character. while the character doesn't even wing it's weapon.
Disagree. It may be "just and effect" but there is actual weight when you hit an enemy in the game with a basic attack, with Ori it jut feels like you're using a light saber (which may sound cool but doesn't feel satisfying at least to me).
>you just spam the same move over and over.
Sure you can do that. If you want to lose. Hollow Knights combat is about being deliberate and finding openings knowing when to poke at an enemy or hack and slash them if you just spam you're not gonna get very far. And I say this as someone who 100% completed this game even the final pantheon.
>it's a low quality trash game for trash people.
Its an extremely high quality game considering even without considering it was just made by 3 guys.
>it can't even touch he quality that is Ori.
Why are you so mad?
>like DMC and Dark Souls combat
This is how I feel as well. With Ori 2 it felt like I was playing a 2d version DMC or Kingdom Hearts 2. Especially when it came to the aerial attacks.
While I agree that Shriek was a great boss fight in general, I still feel that you're so powerful by that point that it isn't as hard as I felt it should have been, mostly because of a combination of launch being just too damn good and spirit arc being disgustingly broken when fully kitted out
Something I really appreciate in Hollow Knight is the weight the player feels behind each attack due to the bounce back, both from landing a hit and being hit. There are charms to disable this feedback, which makes everything feel noticeably more shitty.
Exactly, it's meant to be a flashy distraction more than an actualcore element, but still you have the possibility to do interesting stuff with it.