Why is XIV such a shit game with a shit community?

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Transgenders have a crab mentality that transfers onto everyone else as a result of their lack of acceptance in reality. I don't say this as a REEEEEE TRANNIES sort of thing, I say this as someone that actively plays XIV and has done so for many years. They're a very vocal part of the community despite being a very small minority.

XIV is reknowned among MMOs for having one of the friendliest and least toxic communities in gaming.

And ResetERA (Cenozoic)

I reached level 80 in all the jobs, what now?

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>Why is XIV such a shit game
Because it's a MMO
>with a shit community?
Because it's a MMO

Good talk, user. Glad we cleared this up.

now you check your /playtime then google to see what you could've done with that amount of time that would've been more constructive than playing a tranny dress up game with no endgame

that's edea not a lalafell you stupid faggot

>play gayme in 2020
>join literally any FC
>be forced to join their shitty discord to get any form of human interaction
>meanwhile ingame fc chat remains dead silent all day every day

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the game has flaws here and there but its far from being bad. it was already claimed to be one of the best FF games by some