Xenoblade thread

You are playing xeno during the quarantine, right user? What do you hope to see for the future of the series?

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>He played the game in English

I hope they keep giving each game a unique tone and style. I like their distinctness.

>marathoned Gears and the Saga trilogy for the first time after beating Torna last year
I wish I still had a xeno to play, OP.
I'm desperate for the next direct just to get more info about DE.

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Anyone who complains about XB2 or X being different is just ousting themselves as a retard who only played XB1
Hell, even the 3 Saga games had significant differences in regards to presentation despite following the same cast

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Gears HD remaster would be nice but I know they'd just cuck it all up

If the remake was out it would be all I'd do for weeks.

I want XCDE badly but I won't care for it once it releases.

Why is that?

Boys I'm basically done with torna, only need to do some blade affinity missions and defeat the golden tyrants but I'm only at level 70 and i don't want to grindb for exp, if i start a game plus do i have to collect all the thingies to open the sealed cave and get the golden tyrants back?

>You are playing xeno during the quarantine, right user?
>What do you hope to see for the future of the series?
A new installment.

>Anyone who complains about XB2 or X being different is just ousting themselves as a retard who only played XB1
Usually I think it's the other way around, they didn't play XC1.

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Which Xeno, bro?
Reminder that Gears and X are the best of old and new Xeno, respectively

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I wish they would overhaul the battle system to be more readable and reactive. I got through the 3 games without understanding anything I do wrong and just bashing my head against the wall until either breaks

blade 2: Torna the Golden Country NG+. Also a few challenges I didn't complete in NG+ on base XC2.

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I've thought about going for completion autism in Torna since it'd be a light load compared to the other main games but I'd have to make room for all of the XB2 base updates on my Switch as well, so I haven't gotten around to it
I never unlocked Elma in the base game either, that battle was bullshit

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the dub is really good though

I successfully turned Elma into a bunny girl
And of fucking course right when I was about to take a screenshot it started to rain, because fuck you

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Can somebody tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to do? I've been trying to go past this point for a year now, every time I pick the game up again I search endlessly for hours literally everywhere on the map but I have no fucking idea how I'm supposed to reach that landmark, I literally tried everything, what the fuck is this game?

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The maps in this game are honestly bad at depicting things properly, since there's so many layers to specific titans.

Do we know if they’re adding anything for the remaster? I figure why buy it on the switch when I can just get the $20 Wii version on the Wii U.

Don't quote me on this: You have to go east to the lake then swim through a tunnel to the west which has some level 70-something bats and spiders, if I recall correctly.

They'll for sure have a different themes, and style. The one thing I can't see changing, is Takahashi using the Monadology as a basis for XC3. Makes me wonder what he'll utilize for said game, since it was pretty prevalent in XC1, and XC2 thus far.

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Find out on the 20th, or the 26th. Whichever day that Direct is heavily rumored to happen on. At the most, though, I expect
>QoL additions from X, and 2, possibly new additions that they came up with
>Possibly another new area in the Mechonis, outside of Bionis Shoulder
>New clothing, judging by the trailer, and new weapons as well
>Ending will likely be retconned
>Possible Land of Challenge area
That's all I can think of, though.

I never had an issue with the map/compass in XB2 but the minimap in certain parts of Noctilum in X was a literal clusterfuck

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Also forgot to include Vanea in this list as a possible 8th party member, since she fits perfectly, and is a proper Machina representative for the party. I doubt the combat is getting changed, except for maybe including new arts.

Fuck I might as well wait then. Hopefully they release the game before my voucher expires.

I'm sick, so I hope I get to see the future for the series.

Now that Fiora's tits have your attention might I direct you to Xenoblade: The Secret File - Monado Archives e-hentai.org/g/893048/e23d4bead2/

Based on the trailer, the Bionis shoulder that was scrapped on the original release is being added back, where Shulk and Melia are wearing never seen armor plus Shulk has a never seen Monado, so there's likely new stuff to it too.

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This Corona shit is dumb. It's literally a bad flu for people who have awful immune systems, and is only threatening if you get severe symptoms. I doubt most people have personally seen someone with the virus, but the media is overhyping it to put people in fear.

Nah that's not it, just did that and there's nothing new I can access from here

I wonder if they'll make a "definitive" artbook for XC1's release. Possibly with more concept art, and designer notes.

Kill yourself retard.

What Monadology was in XC2

Hopefully something like renewed version of Monado Archives.

No. Corona is retarded. Continue seething in fear of a meme virus as I have fun.

please respond

God you are the dumbest faggot I've seen on here for weeks
>you shouldn't worry about a virus that leaves 10% of those who have had it dead and can reinfect people
>you shouldn't worry about all the places that are under quarantine and china witholding drugs to foreign countries who don't bow to them
I'd be surprised if you were dumb enough to even get your pants on your head.

I'd whack them now, just to be on the safe side. I actually think they do stick around after you unlock them though, but I'm not sure. I haven't played Torna since it released.

>"I'm going to continue sperging over a meme virus"
I don't care.

>meme virus
>10% dead with china and irans fudged numbers


>You are playing xeno during the quarantine, right user?
Nah, I've already replayed both X and 2 a lot and waiting for DE to replay 1.
>What do you hope to see for the future of the series?
A release date for XCDE would be nice.

Which area are looking forward to seeing most in Definitive? I think it's a tie between Mount Valak, and maybe Sword Valley?

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I'm not sure if you have to recollect shit or not, but you might as well just grind/use bonus exp so you can start fighting the first gold monster, it does require a lot of grinding to get to lv99 in Torna since the only enemies that can level you up at that point are those 4

It may be the one where you climb up a tree trunk near the timber yard, past a giant sleeping ape boss, and down a tree trunk water slide.

Each Saga game only has a different artstyle. Outside of that they are mostly the same in gameplay design, story, etc compared to Blade

There's so many I can't even pick. But the ones I'm most excited for are
>Makna forest
>Eryth Sea
>Mechonis field

Shoulder. Really excited to see what they do with it

Fast travel to Greatspine Boundary turn right and head to the waterfall, cross the waterfall and you got to jump.

Go to the timber yard and then look at the map and just go straight north until you reach the left side of Gormott's body

t. 50 year old boomer with a shit immmue system

This was my dream. Im currently playing through XC1 determined to actually finish it this time. Of course my job decides "nah we're working through it." I'm fucking pissed. I thought i'd have 2 hard weeks of enjoying xeno

>bonus exp
me retarded please explain, also i had a grea time completing this for the first time, i dont want the grind to ruin my experience

Satorul Marsh at night obviously and see what's the deal with the shoulder.

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Thanks I finally found it I don't know why this was the only path I'd never find every time I decided to boot up the game.
>18hours of playtime and still barely anything done

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Makna Forest and Eryth Sea were disappointing so far, I'd be happy to see new areas, especially a longer less direct Mechonis chapter, pretty disappointing that it was basically one massive dungeon all the way to Agniratha.

Music style was pretty different as well, outside of 2's cutscenes and 3 for obvious reasons.
Then there's the radically different battle system in each iteration, and changes to storytelling and cutscene direction between games. It's not as big a difference as the Blades, of course, but still pretty noticeable in comparison to most games that follow a single story over multiple entries.

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>pretty disappointing that it was basically one massive dungeon all the way to Agniratha.
Really? I liked the difference between the Titans. The architecture, and the way you traverse the Mechonis feels like the exact opposite of the Bionis, which was more free, and open. I think there was supposedly code for an area between Mechonis Field, and Central Factory, so that could be interesting.

makna forest had a god awful pop in all over everything in the original game, i really want to see the improvements this time around, and as for just overall aesthetics? it think it will be interesting to see just about anything in the mechonis, the capital specially
also fiora's robo ass

>I never unlocked Elma in the base game either, that battle was bullshit

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I'm a retard, I meant to say turn left not right

The Mechonis feeling like a dungeon wasn't a particular issue for me. After all, it is a giant robot in essence, so the structure being more linear, and systematic makes sense as an opposite of the Bionis. I think my only issue with it came from the lighting, and general textures for the place.

It feels rushed, like they just wanted something to fill the points between the hand and Agniratha, they should have put actual content between them, and not just the fight with what's his face. Personally I would like to have found some kind of abandoned autonomous town where brainless automatons still act as if it's inhabitants aren't gone.

I wonder if they'll also add that removed area from Mechonis.

It's such a let down compared to the rest of the game.