World is on fire

>World is on fire
>Normies are crying over quarantine
>Everything is shut down
Has there ever been a better time to be a NEET gamer?

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I hate games

no, because while you're gaming on a hand-me-down thinkpad at 60hz I'm prepped for Half-Life Alyx on my Index and Doom Eternal at 144hz while training for an upcoming LAN.
NEETs will never be desirable.

My NEETbux affords me a top-end gaming PC and all the vidya I want
Learn to exploit the system, bro

your NEETbux gets you a hand-me-down thinkpad T420
post a selfie with your speccy

>Everything is shut down
Most jobs ain't ;_;

Just another day for me.

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No. The NEET shall inherit the Earth.


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>Worlds on fire
>How 'bout yours?

Did the disease mutate and is killing normalfags yet?

New York City is about to become Italy 2, at least

I don't follow the corona virus lately did it hit the us yet?

Yes and normalfags are having a hard time dealing with social distancing.

Thank god but where?

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that's the way i like it

You´re gonna die. Unironically. It doesn´t affect only boomers.

Does an unlabeled dot mean exactly one confirmed case?


Idaho is safe because no one has actually left or gone to Idaho

Just less that 5, Montana has four cases.

What? They have huge fucking autism cons and clubs and shit though. NEETs on the other hand don't.

But I'm shut in though

This is actually horrible because now they're all on the internet shitting the place up and making too much damn racket downstairs at home. They even bought out all the tendies at the supermarket.

Okay but how many thousands are in in each state because it incubates for a bit before becoming active? The numbers we know now are nothing compared to what they actually are and we won't know for 2 weeks.

>making too much damn racket downstairs at home.
Every public building worth a fuck is closed, weather's too shit to go outside still, and there's currently 5 other people in the house, including a screeching toddler. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT

you still need to go outside to buy toilet paper

nah ill just use my hands like god intended

after all the average person uses a roll a day

It's hit us NEETs the hardest. I'm actually starting to want to find a job now just so I can escape these normwads who are on paid vacation. What an awful time to be alive.

I would like to visit a hooker.

Seems like games and porn will do the Job

>People hoard a fuck load of toilet paper s they can stay inside
>Still need to go outside to get food
Unless they have some secret plan of not eating so they don't shit as much meaning the wont go through all the toilet paper they're hoarding.

A lot! And you can spread it while being asymptomatic! America as a nation is woefully unprepared and about to become Italy 2!

Not if you own a bidet, uncultured swine.

>Was posting the map of which states it was in every day on Yas Forums
>"it's just a flu nothingburger"
>nobody listened
I warned you fags. Now you'll never get my STALKER stash.

I see you were in that FFXIV thread too

>all the shows, events etc you used to watch are now cancelled so there is literally nothing to do but stare at a wall
Nah, this sucks.

>Not just using the shower head

Us water of the showe to clean your ass

they're also hoardin canned food and pasta

the pasta was being spammed on alot of threads on every board

The maximum you can get off neet bucks for a single person in the US wouldn't pay half my rent

What actually are NEETbux? Government assistance? Allowance from your parents?

>>Normies are crying over quarantine
all the normies I know are extremely happy that they get to spend time with their family and loved ones

in a baffling twist, my local supermarket was fine on pasta but almost completely out of pasta sauce

Wasn't Ohio saying it had 5 confirmed cases but expected 100k currently?

>Get to work from home
>Still no time for vidya
>Haven’t been working long enough for government assistance

I just hope they eventually quarantine the whole nation and give everyone government assistance

I'm not a genuine NEET, I'm going to college. But now I can't study because

The largest con in North America is an anime convention.

what will ultimately kill everyone will not be the virus but the people that are panicking

I hope when this blows over all these panic buy retards are like "well fuck, we're only Shop I was in there was still a good amount of canned food. Toilet roll, hand wash and dog food was al lout though.
We've been buying handwash for yeas to shit is fucking annoying being unable to get any.

disability allowance

government assistance which most conservative types believe you can live in a mansion off of, but caps at less money than most states average rent.

the disease is spreading so quickly that basically any figure older than 24 hours is inaccurate. Ohio is up to 26 confirmed cases. Also, only reporting confirmed cases itself is HUGELY underreporting it, since we're only testing symptomatic people, and it can be spread by asymptomatic people.

Tick tock NEETfags, how long till you run outside because working from home becomes the norm and required

I don't think this is a nothing virus because holy fuck those infection rates BUT I do think the panic buying is fucking retarded and I hope when this blows over thee retards realize they probably bought way too much shit.

Wagie, wagie, monday is almost there. I hope you stocked enough food during the weekend because Mr. Shekelberg is going to need you to work some overtime next week. National emergency? Hey, these shelves are not going to stock themselves, prime delivery is not going to deliver itself either. Oh, and you better not take any sick leave or I might have to fire you.

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San Diego Comic-Con is an anime convention?

Has there ever been another ultra deadly virus/plague that had significant amounts of asymptomatic people?

Not sure what faction to join
>Accelerationist Virus-worshippers hell bent on superspreading the disease to boomers, politicians, captains of industry
>Bunkered down preppers to form local militias to fend off nigs and survive the happening

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if you're a NEET then nothing changes. why is this any different than any other year for NEEts?

no one would ask their employees to work with a national emergency.

formerly autismbux

Amazon is, and they're asking workers to share sick days.

If anything it'll be famine-induced rioting. The boomers will hang from the piles of toilet paper and canned food they have amassed in their homes.

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Posts like this really are proof we're overrun with normgroids. Maybe this isn't so comfy.

Anime expo reports higher attendees than comic con. Last year they reported 100k

Fuck off to reddit you fucking normalfaggot.

silly user, prisoners aren't employees, they're slaves.

Your fucking tax, that's where it goes to. Welfare. Feeding this slob. How does it feel?

>let prisons get full of sick people
>however you still have to release prisoners whose time is served, thus likely sending infected people into the populace

and SDCC regularly pulls over 130K

This map is old, as Missouri, Alaska and Idaho all have at least 1 case now. Only W. Virginia untouched

Unfortunately it does not report this.

>we assume based on revenue
Isn't a number of bought passes.

Hey, it's either us or Israel.

There's no toilet paper left.

yeah, but it's only a day old, which should tell you how quickly this is moving

Keep an eye on Connecticut and the surrounding states. Both our casinos are still operating as normal with no intent on shutting down. Still have thousands of guests flooding in a day, many international or from New York and Massachusetts.

If we get a massive outbreak here, you'll know who to blame.

I unironically believe florida and texas are probably teeming, but conservative ideology right now is to pretend the virus is a liberal hoax/propaganda and refuse to do things like testing. Where as liberal states with robust health systems are most likely to be doing mass tests.

New York City is about to become Italy 2, so I'd pin a huge outbreak there rather than CT