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Unironically the best COD campaign ever.



this and mw2
everything else is booty
havent played blops 3 or anything past blops 2 or mw3 desu

You're very well-prepared for a dead man.


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thats when ur like oohhhhh shit
11 year old me loved this game at release, but I didnt udnerstand it as much as I do now. Replayed it a lil bit back on hardcore and now love the whole cia goverment cold war era all that shit
fun as fuck story

Underage with shit taste.

Nah. The campaign was shit that was only worth it for the Reznov twist.

World at War and Call of Duty 2 have the best campaigns.

Same, always interesting looking back on stuff and realizing some stuff was pretty deep, especially for video games

>blops 1 comes out in 2010
>11 when it released
>20 now

Name a better COD campaign.

Everything to do with the JFK assassination hints and brainwashing/LSD MK ultra tier shit was really interesting and hasnt been done in a big budget game since

I liked World at War but it had an objectively shit campaign. Hurr durr commies and island hopping. It was boring.

>Decide to get the new MW game cause friend wants me to join his clan or something
>Try out the campaign
>Every level is super short but feels like they last forever because gameplay is basically just run 20 feet, hurdle into cover, shoot forward, repeat.
>Story doesn't fuck around with brutality of war but it spins all the fucked up shit as basically "This savages deserve to perish so war is justified" with one character basically going on tangents on why we need less privacy and more funding on the military and he is treated as 100% correct
>Multiplayer is literally just "Whoever see's the other guy first wins"
I do not understand the appeal.

It's a military thing, you wouldn't get it.

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Props to Treyarch for actually doing that, probably got some shit from Big brother from that


I guess not.

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i dont remember what really happened, did mason end up killing JFK?

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>kowloon level
>when that music kicks in

No, it was great. You're just a poltard that doesn't like the fact that the Russians played a bigger part in the story.

Its the best CoD campaign when taken ironically, also the last CoD that had some fucking teeth to its single player

yes he did

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The only good campaigns in any order
>Blops 1
>COD 2
>Big Red One
I like all of these equally for their own reasons. If you remember Big Red One, then you're forever my negro
>the mission when you're walking around a bomber

>the barrel section

Five Years ago, I lost 30,000 Men in the blink of an eye, and the whole world just FUCKING watched...

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For me, it was BLOPS 2 and its branching paths.


Not a poltard and commies were in literally every single COD game since the first one.


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>Big Red One
My dawg
I remember that game having good banter for a Cod game

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based retard strawmanner with no argument

I actually lined up at midnight for this game.

Was worth it. Miss those days.

Based black pot.

Which one was the one where you watch the protagonist from the previous cod die? That was nuts.

thats black ops 2

black ops 1

>running through Kowloon
>running and gunning in a hazmat suite
>blackbird and accompanying ground mission
>'nam levels
Fucking mint
Only other campaign I like besides old ones (I'm talking pc and ps2 old) is mw2. I really liked the missions in Brazil and the Middle East. The radio chatter in that game is kino, even if most of it is made up. The D.C levels were amazing imo

>gameplay is basically just run 20 feet, hurdle into cover, shoot forward, repeat
just like real life, maybe the "muh realism" trend will finally die and allow us to go back to the michael bay "shoot motherfuckers and save the day like a badass AMERICA" campaigns like MW2

i had a really hard time trying to get invested in the story and the level design felt incredibly underwhelming.
i've tried to finish 3 times now, but i always get bored and hop to mp.

CoD campaigns were always at their best when you were bleeding and crawling through corpses under fire. MW2 turning the MC into a bullet proof god even on Veteran to make up for the level designers falling for the realism meme killed the game

>running to pop flares on the roof
>emp goes off and everyone is running around code words
>no one knows who's who
>all the American levels
>all the TF141 levels
Pure kino

>the dragons breath shotgun

it's actually pretty decent. Best CoD game since BO2 desu senpai

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I haven't played a cod game in a while but the mission on world at war where you and Reznov fake being death in a fountain and go around picking off soldiers with a sniper rifle was amazing.

Tfw old cod game radio chatter has a better story than nu-cod campaigns
>Solid Copy on Broken Arrow, Major it's been an honor. out"

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>be in uni
>live alone
>play black ops with bros every night
>always having a blast
>gf comes over to fuck
>back to black ops after she leaves
>not a care in the world

I miss those times.

>price's cheesy as fuck speech
>two fucking dudes blasting an entire platoon
>speedboat chase
>shooting down a freaking heli with three shots
>throwing a knife into shepard's eye after un-stabbing yourself with it
absolutely ludosonokino, this and MW3's ending were the best

>CoD campaigns were always at their best when you were bleeding and crawling through corpses under fire.
When you describe it like that it sounds really metal.
But like I wrote, the reality is the game is just
>Run 20 feet, hurdle into cover, shoot forward, repeat.
And while I can appreciate them going full out with the brutality, the green-text below the one describing the game-play already states my thoughts on the story itself.

I really want to know why MW 2019 was a reboot instead of a prequel. I mean, the story is literally a prequel with how Price met Gaz, Price forming Task Force 141, and so on.
Was it a reboot to make Gaz black?

Who knows, maybe Infinity Ward wants to really use the most out of modern technology to make WW3 really immersive. Maybe this time we'll actually burn down Moscow and go through No Russian with a squad of suicide bombers.

Kino > Ascension > Five > Call of the Dead > Moon > Shangri - La

>that slow descent from mild panic to full on terror in their voices and phrases
It's a shame cod missions are designed to be ran through at light speed. If I slowed down and listened to these, I would have enjoyed the campaign a little better

It's more likely he was just involved rather than the one who pulled the trigger since he mentions Oswald's capture. But we really don't know

alright, thanks

>"Hammer down protocol is in effect"
Tell me you fuckers didn't get chills

It's heavily implied, what Dragovich says is as close as you get to actual confirmation.

Black ops is a sequel to world at war right?


But I thought that Yas Forums was cozy with the russians? You redditors don't make much sense.

all of the dlc maps (except ascension) were unbearable garbage.

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Not completely related but my father for the past 10 years has spent nothing but playing MW2 challenge levels. Not even all of them, just three: The one where you're on a roof trying to survive, the one map based on the campaign level Shepard betrays you and some other third one I don't even remember.

Whenever I try to gift him a new COD game for Christmas he plays it for a week, the goes back to MW2 playing the same exact levels for 358 days a week right after work.

I don't know why. I theorize he has some sort of specialized OCD but he hasn't been tested or shown signs of such disorder beyond this very one specific thing.

Your father is based. I would easily clink some beers with him and play spec ops and multiplayer with him for a few days on end

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I'm glad you think so, but I'd be lying if I said I get it.

>can we level the federal reserve
>uhh lemme get back to with that

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