SCH is the more frequently played of the two, but AST is gaining popularity in the new raid tier

Don't play healer on NA if that gets to you.

I want to level a ranged DPS. which one is in the best spot right now?

Again, they are for people trying to climb the leader boards. People that are pentamelded and can get 6k collectability. They're not for plebs who are looking to get scrips.

No such things as late. Until next tier. There always will be peopel who want to clear shit or help

I want an epidemic to happen in xiv like the corrupted blood bug back in wow.

Attached: Nekopara-Episode10-Omake-10.gif (600x332, 1.14M)

How many people can a single Diadem instance fit? There's like 10 different school teachers having a conversation in this one.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2020-03-14_01-12-09.jpg (264x275, 19.72K)

We just stopped black rose, user.

Machinist is absolutely ace. It's a joy to play ever since Shadowbringers. Well post level 70 that is. Below lvl 70, it's kinda dull, but thats most jobs.

>anything happening
>in XIV
>non instanced events