The Diadem sucks and fucks all over your inventory. At least most materials are cheap on the market thanks to that but fuck doing the gathering yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing on the Aehter server
>Stone Vigil
>WAR repeatedly commits to double or triple pulls despite neither him nor me being gearcapped
>uses holmgang as if I'm not gonna have to heal him out of it without benediction anyway
>eventually even chaincasting cure 2 fails to catch up
>next WAR never uses Overpower Tempest combo
>bard uses repelling shot on CD
Is this some kind of American joke I'm too European to understand?
Finally cleared E8S after weeks of dealing with shitty pugs, AMA.
>still can't find group of pugs that will not fuck up e6s
how can you forget your waymark every single time
just put it in your fc bank
tell them to put a flag down, it's pretty easy to get turned around
>Be a new player
>Rarely use anything BUT Overpower/Tempest combo
Maybe it's because I don't have a lot of skills yet but I thought that's just what we did.
Congrats. How many times did you see enrage with pugs?
How many wipe count user? I'm about to try pugging it too. Also what's your tips on completely new to the fight player?
i had the tin can set on that cutscene
still have yet to find anything as great as the deadpan stare i give in every cutscene
Elidibus confirms the Ancients had a true form of the Echo. Yet the Convocation was Tempered. This means it can't just be the Echo that is preventing Tempering as we've believed.
What is it? Is the WoL already tempered? As far as we know our Ancient ancestor said fuck you to both summoning of Hyd and Zodiark. Does it have to do with the current Hydaelyn's Blessing? Why doesn't any tempering happen when it's surprised by Midgar?
It seems the Echo can be overwritten by a badass enough primal like Zodiark.
The entire game sucks. Now go back to /vg/.
>Level 60 PLD quest
>Lol, I just faked my death to train that kid but now I reveal everything because my friend that was in on it was mauled to death by wolves
>Also when there are 2 PLD close together that believe in different way of doing things their souls start storing aether that could destroy both of their souls
>To stop that both PLD need to fight each other and the winner proves their dominance and that their way is right, which sounds more like a WAR thing then a PLD thing
>Even the kid says that this is the most retarded thing he has ever heard
>Also lol I planed everything to make that sword shine again
>Even the 30-50 PLD teacher says that this is all needlessly complicated
What the fuck even was that?
At least the Tournament arc looks fun.
But will Zodiark stand a chance against Him though? He took over one powerful Primal, he can take over another
Paladin are known for fighting for aggo and being dominant.
At least it wasn't
>curious gorge gets horny
Lmao how the fuck do these 50-60 crafting job quests expect me to make HQ with expected gear?
I'm just powerlevling to 70 with Ishgard shit and using yellow scrip gear.
Are expert crafts a meme? They take way too long to craft compared to just macroing the next best thing.
what server do i make my character on? does it even matter?
dead servers, alive servers
main langauges
maps, hunts are all server specific
being a free paladin and burying the corruption dynamic in the order instead of exploring it screwed the quests over desu
tournament was fun though
no one cares tranny, go fucking back
>all my avenues for money crashed in value
>was never even decently off to begin with
I got to 57 with Ishgard turn ins and I really dont want to craft a total of 300 turn-ins just to get them all to 60 due to diminishing returns.
Does the exp boost squadron manual work in dungeons too? The description reads that it works in the field. I don't want to waste what I have when deciding to run dungeons or farm fates.
Alphinaud gry z piłką??????????
I personally think they are because I prefer just macroing myself while I do something else. But they do give a lot more points. My friend is at 200k or more now and she has only been doing expert crafts. I kind of admire her willingness to subject herself to that.
If you're targeting your mats like you should be you're filling for four items and getting another 5 dumped on you purely for market profit and approval scrips. If you're doing legendaries you're at 13 max.
>made all the old crafts useless
I don't want to do diadem fuck you
Does anyone know what titles the top 10 Ishgard crafters get?
Good one chancellor.
Save your class quests until you're almost 60 and do them, it's like a level a quest
Don't forget the Moogle dailies are good for about a level as well
Honestly i've always wanted crafting to be more manual but it feels like they went a bit overboard with the expert crafts. They should keep the new condition procs for regular stuff though.
Then wouldnt 57 be a good time? Theres like 4-5 quests.
Paladin quests were not very good but yeah, that retarded anime keikaku stuff was embarrassing to go through.
Warrior quests is the most basic shounen shit aimed at 10 year olds I had to skip them
It's ridiculously cheap and easy to level crafters with Ishgard, it used to take several months to get your dude to 50 doing Ixal beast tribes and grinding the highest level crafts you could plus getting the bonus for making something the first time. It was hell.
Bros what DD in Light Rampart mean? Its ayatori strat for E8S from Elemental DC.
Grats. I keep joining "after adds" PF groups that can't get past Light Rampant. I think I'm gonna give up.
50-60 is worst for crafters and gatherers. I have only imagine how bad it was before ShB and exp/levels buffs.
Damage Dealer
We still don't actually know what tempering is and what it does. The game suggests it's some permanent modification of a person's soul (aether) that cannot be undone or changed, but no one has ever explained why or how that happens. We do know that gods can refrain from doing it, which is a point in favor of the WoL not being tempered, and we also know that Hydaelyn also directly shields you from other threats (most prominently the casting of Ultima). On the other hand the WoL cannot avoid doing Hydaelyn's will, which may just be "because it's the plot" versus actually being tempered. The DRK storyline is probably the only time the story actually concerns itself with the free will of the WoL and whether or not it's aligned with what's going on.
mega nz/#F!zvQQmQLA!aS5IuPboaVcLtpuEtS6CNA
You should see the retarded shit that happened on the DRG questline for the 50-60 levels.
SCH quests are bland as fuck, but at least they are consistent.
I'm replaying Shadowbringers right now and it's reminding me of how much of a waste of an opportunity it was to not have the twins grow up while we were away. They even say that time passes differently on The First, but barely did anything with it beyond the initial character reunions.
I think they just don't really know what to do. If they make the entry gear too hard / too long to craft they'll risk it ending up like HW where stuff was 20 mil a piece and all these new crafters would feel left out and we can't have that. On the other hand, they now think they have leveled the playing field but forgot that the crafters, who have been at it for years, have far more resources available to push new crafters off the MB.
Stuff like the Expert Crafts will most likely only be used for petty stuff like turn ins. Much like specialists is now merely used as "able to craft the flavor of the patch glamour and primal furniture"
>Is the WoL already tempered?
Not in the same way Ascians are, at least. If anything, the way the plot unfolds would make it seem WoL is the one doing the tempering. Practically every storyline when you enter a new zone is: Everyone mistrusts you > Do chores > Everyone wants to suck your dick. There are very few individuals who aren't swooned by WoL.
Obviously, the game plays that way due to the repetitive nature of the quests, but the idea of WoL being a Primal was a pretty early theory.
Do you not own a keyboard? This sounds like your fault.
What was it?
Megalink to ~900mb archive of FXIV porn
Zenos is 90% Lahabrea at the moment, he just doesn't realize it yet
Or he is some corrupt version of Venat given the "Hunt" connection
they give truckloads of exp but fuck doing them with any manner of HW gear
do turn ins and leves to get to 63 and just buy vendor gear in kugane
Was expecting something worse, oh well.
Guess I'll save that link for later..
And what is that?
>xi/v/ autism
Never change Yas Forums, never change
Seems to be just more XIV porn
Haha, I keep getting to Ramuh enrage but no clear. Haha..
s-surely next week when everyone can buy more tomestone gear h-haha...
The expert crafts are worse for scripts but they aren't for scrips. They are for Skybuilder points. They give 125+ compared to the 3 or so that the regular 80s give you.They aren't a meme, they just aren't use for what you think they are.
Is week 5 too late to finish E5S? Been stuck at this for weeks bros...
Use the marketboard then, retard.
SCH or AST? Which is more popular?
It's 800 versus 25, if you aren't maxing them they're nowhere near as worthwhile
SCH is the more frequently played of the two, but AST is gaining popularity in the new raid tier
Don't play healer on NA if that gets to you.
I want to level a ranged DPS. which one is in the best spot right now?
Again, they are for people trying to climb the leader boards. People that are pentamelded and can get 6k collectability. They're not for plebs who are looking to get scrips.
No such things as late. Until next tier. There always will be peopel who want to clear shit or help
I want an epidemic to happen in xiv like the corrupted blood bug back in wow.
How many people can a single Diadem instance fit? There's like 10 different school teachers having a conversation in this one.
We just stopped black rose, user.
Machinist is absolutely ace. It's a joy to play ever since Shadowbringers. Well post level 70 that is. Below lvl 70, it's kinda dull, but thats most jobs.
>anything happening
>in XIV
>non instanced events