Why it's objectively better?
I finished Skyrim once.
I finished Dark Souls 10 times.
Almost a decade later, which one was better? Has the dust finally settled?
save for all other Bethesda games I suppose
Probably Dark Souls. Much better gameplay plus online stuff. Skyrim was pretty boring and besides graphics was a step down from Oblivion in every way.
I downloaded Skyrim and played it up to the first town and got sick of it.
Skyrim plays like ass man with no real appeal besides modding
Skyrim has sex mods, Darks Souls is just a lazy sequel.
So Dragon's Dogma?
dark souls is probably the most overhyped trash in recent vidya history
wrong one
go on youtube right now
search dark souls
the first 40 results are bugmen with their mouths gaped open and gamer grrls streaming it
10 years later everyone is still trying to be dark souls
expect the next elder scrolls games to have fighting style side-stepping and roll doding with iframes