Almost a decade later, which one was better? Has the dust finally settled?

Almost a decade later, which one was better? Has the dust finally settled?

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Skyrim needs mods to be playable. People just end up making porn mods because the game sucks

if i'm gonna be completely desu with you i'd pick skyrim to play over dark souls pretty much any day of the week

Dragon's Dogma

Skyrim is better at this point because we have so many games like Dark Souls now but Skyrim is still unique.

For me? Its Skyrim

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Dragon's Dogma

You're legitimately retarded if you don't pick Skyrim here. It's objectively better, no matter what your personal opinion is.

Dark Souls 3

Dragon's Dogma

Why it's objectively better?
I finished Skyrim once.
I finished Dark Souls 10 times.

save for all other Bethesda games I suppose

Probably Dark Souls. Much better gameplay plus online stuff. Skyrim was pretty boring and besides graphics was a step down from Oblivion in every way.

I downloaded Skyrim and played it up to the first town and got sick of it.

Skyrim plays like ass man with no real appeal besides modding

Skyrim has sex mods, Darks Souls is just a lazy sequel.

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So Dragon's Dogma?

dark souls is probably the most overhyped trash in recent vidya history

wrong one

go on youtube right now

search dark souls

the first 40 results are bugmen with their mouths gaped open and gamer grrls streaming it

10 years later everyone is still trying to be dark souls
expect the next elder scrolls games to have fighting style side-stepping and roll doding with iframes

What if Iike rpgs? Or games with some level of difficulty?

Never. Bethesda can't implement that.

There's a reason why skyrim defined this whole gen while turd souls was never relevant.

You have to be 18, EVEN to access blue boards.

not a single game is trying to be dark souls outside of from's catalogue of repeated sewage

That result is based on your viewing habits.
I guess that's what you mostly watch faggot.

They couldn't even make SPEARS of all things.

>he has a youtube account
>he lets youtube use tracking cookies

lmao shiggy diggy


Then don't complain if all you get is the lowest denominator possible of content.

dark souls plays like ass to whats your point?

its just a flu right bro?

Pretty much this. I think all the good programmers and developers were fired along time ago and they have just been recycling code made by those people they fired. They don't have the ability to anything other that recycle old code and maybe tough of the graphics.

>Quality versus quantity
>Checkpoints versus quicksaves
>World design versus fast travel

dark souls is already the lowest denominator possible of content the fanbase merely flocks to it like shit eating maggots

>Dark Souls
>tied with Demon and Blood for best in the series
>critically and commercially acclaimed
>well recieved and respected

>objectively lacking in features and scope compared to Daggerfall
>less immersive and with weaker story than Morrowind
>More over the top and simplified than Oblivion
>tied with Arena as worst of the mainline titles
>critically panned
>not well recieved
>shilled multiple times in multiple packages
>only thing it's ever done for itself is sell copies

Hm that's a hard one there dawg

I was shilling dogma back when it had to contend with shitrimmer as well.

Anyone who thinks skyrim is better is playing modded or is an actual certifiable retard, I'm 99.9% sure that OP is posting skyrim support just to bump this thread.

I haven't played Dark Souls but I can say the Dark Souls is better by default by virtue of not being The Elder Scrolls Skyrim.

Of all content possible? This is the lowest? You sound like a 12 year old discuss and think he wins arguments.

name one game mechanic dark souls created that wasn't already done

name one game dark souls directly influenced

name literally one fucking impact dark souls had on gaming besides git gud meme

Dark Souls influence is it proved hard games can make money. It's okay for games to be hard and it can even be a selling point.
It did more good than people give credit for. If you remember back then, every game used to handhold you and treat players like idiots. It was a trend that, if DaS didn't break, it mitigated.

Name a single unique thing about Skyrim that hadn't been done better in its own fucking series bruh. You can't. It's all stripped down shit for normalfags where everything you do is part of some epic destiny and every cave is waiting for you, the chosen one, to solve some centuries long quest.
It's shit. Every other TES sans Arena can be objectively seen as better whether mechanically, impressively or in complexity.

The same can asked about Skyrim.

1. dark souls isn't hard
2. literally NOBODY fucking followed that "trend"

How is Dark Souls hard?

you're the ones saying your shit game is some groundbreaking innovation and licking its arsehole faggot soulsfags, skyrimfags acknowledge its nothing new or innovative

Neither is Skyrim.

god of war

Skyrim have nothing of value besides its fuckton of assets. Literally anything else in the game can be implemented by a child in Unity.

If you can't accept Dark Souls approach to difficulty is harder than your run of the mill games out there and it doesn't hold your hand...then there's nothing to discuss here.

Why do you speak like a robot?

If we count Dark Souls as the whole trilogy instead of just DS1 then it's definitely better than Skyrim. Otherwise DS1 alone can not beat Skyrim.

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IF yOu can't acCEPT DarK SouLS ApproACH TO DIfFICulTy is haRder tHan yOuR RUn Of thE MiLl games Out tHERe aNd it DOesn't HoLD YoUR HANd...tHEn THERE's nOthiNG to dIScUss hErE.

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Dark Souls isn't hard save for a few fights, nor does "every game" try to be Dark Souls.
It's a much better game than Skyrim by any metric, but these 2 points are retarded at best.

Dark Souls' shitty post-anor londo areas still shit all over the entirety of skyrim.

>my game doesnt hold your hand therefore its a massive influence to vidya

soulsfags are literally 40 iq trogs lmfao

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Coffe is objectively better than apples

I don't even own Dark Souls.
I know you that you can beat the game through route memorization.
But that doesn't change my opinion the The Elder Scrolls Skyrim is still rubbish.


>It's shit but I acknowledge it while eating it so it's ok!

It depends on what you look for in a game. Personally I prefer Skyrim because of the amazing atmosphere and sense of freedom it gives you. Also it's a much prettier game, and the soundtrack is godlike.


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why are soulfags so fucking insufferables? why they actually belive their game is some sort of outstanding revolutionary event that change industry like never before? its literally a linear adventure-beat the next boss game, it doesn't even have a proper lore so retards had to male their own. not to evem mention it plays like literally shit

I never said anything about what Dark Souls does or doesn't do. I am however saying Skyrim is pathetic and derivative even within its own series. Whereas Dark Souls is arguably the best and tied with two other excellent games if not the absolute best.

i'm gonna COOM

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>up there with Doom and Rogue in terms of genre influence
It has had an objective ripple through the industry. The same cannot be said about Skyrimjob

some soulsfag literally said it in the thread lmao, it doesnt hold his hand like his mario games

>genre influence
name it

It's not about Dark Souls being a spectacular or even influent game. It's more about Skyrim and nu-Bethesda being abolute low points in the industry. Wrinting a lot of generic fantasy and making it explorable by a camera on roller skates isn't game design.

so, thats it? "you get killed in 3 hits while the camera screw you up lmao XDDD. git gud" ?

Doom-clone, Rogue-like(Berlin), Souls-like
All three can objectively be seen as having inspired a slew of knock offs and consequently defined tight well defined sub-genre due to the success of the formula they popularized.

holy kys



behold the massive influence of dark souls on the gaming industry

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come on, be cool

From need to get their shit together and fire Miyazaki already. Armored Core 6 can't come soon enough.

Yes, now show me the influence of Skyrim other than the perversion of modders and death of the modding community (continued by Bliz)

i had an easier time roleplaying in DS1 so that tells you all you need to know about skyrim, todd

let it die not even on the list.

skyrim isn't the one claiming to invent a subgenre you dumb fucking retard

The nearest thing to that is Fallout 3 being called oblivion with guns.