A decade later, it has never been surpassed in perfection

>underwater combat


It's a Monster Hunter World world baby

I bought my pro controller and tri separately second-hand.
not gonna lie, I enjoyed freedom unite more.

I loved those.

This game really was perfection. Underwater combat was fun as fuck. Lagi would shit on people, then abyssal came in too. If the roster would've been 4U's, we never would've needed anything else.

Where are they now?

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>You will never visit Loc Lac again
>You'lll never carry randoms through Jhen Mohran again
>You'll never play High Rank quests on actual hardware again

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My heart stays loyal to MHF2.

Attached: mhf2.jpg (300x515, 122.97K)

Bottom of Tokyo bay

>scottish man telling me how to use my wii
i can see why wii sports was where the wii began and ended