A decade later, it has never been surpassed in perfection

A decade later, it has never been surpassed in perfection.

Attached: Game_Cover-MH3_US.jpg (1526x2147, 2.06M)

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>thirty tri

You're going to trigger the worldcucks.

If only the minimap wasn't so ugly
Brings it down from a 10/10 to 3/10 2bh

It was surprised when 4U came out

based trichad

The music was definitely the best in the series.

Gen 3 had the best maps in the series.

In life there are hunters and then are Monster hunters

>underwater combat


It's a Monster Hunter World world baby

I bought my pro controller and tri separately second-hand.
not gonna lie, I enjoyed freedom unite more.

I loved those.

This game really was perfection. Underwater combat was fun as fuck. Lagi would shit on people, then abyssal came in too. If the roster would've been 4U's, we never would've needed anything else.

Where are they now?

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>You will never visit Loc Lac again
>You'lll never carry randoms through Jhen Mohran again
>You'll never play High Rank quests on actual hardware again

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My heart stays loyal to MHF2.

Attached: mhf2.jpg (300x515, 122.97K)

Bottom of Tokyo bay

>scottish man telling me how to use my wii
i can see why wii sports was where the wii began and ended

Based op.

>Online play is the best in the series
>Best weapon designs
>Funnest events and rewards
>All monsters fun to fight
>Best theme
>Soundtrack is godly
>Comfiest hub worlds for both Singleplayer and Online
>Weapons are the best versions of themselves

Attached: MogaVillage.jpg (1600x900, 182.76K)

>the game that make MH the casual trash of today
>being any good
Nintendo damaged the franchise beyond belief

Tri is the weakest non-portable MH.

are emus good enough yet? I want to play bingtendo MH but not buy the shitty consoles

Monster hunter world beat this trash and I have been playing since the beginning I speak for everyone in the monster hunter community in Aris's chat you red name inbred

Enjoy your shit online play, shit weapon designs and shit damage mechanics.

Only 7 weapons though come on bruh.

>Enjoy your shit online play, shit weapon designs and shit damage mechanicslmao you fucking shit eating cuck this PEAK MONHUN mechanics enjoy eating shrimp dick for the rest of your life you limp dick pencil pusher

same fag

yeah enjoy it


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I've never played a MonHun game. Isn't 3U just the same game but better?

still weird gamestop gave out free demo discs of this game

For the most part. The online system is worse, Tri still hasn't been surpassed in that regard.

this is the most powerful cover art

Wii online is dead now.

That's not the point, retard.

I just want to know which I should be playing today.

I mean it's the MonHun game with the most SOUL, of course it had demo discs. Only the most extremely SOULful games have that.

Unfortunately kinda but also not. Roster and weapons and G rank added yes. Barroth was a fucking legend in Tri and he got nerfed in 3U to the dead weight he is currently in World now. Also 3U gave you a random +50 defense. That combined with the Barroth shit just killed off Low Rank and generally made the game easier. Loc Lac being replaced with a room list is soul-killing. And the biggest thing is Tri is an actual console game whereas 3U is a shitty handheld port.

added g-rank (wonderful)
returning weapon types (excellent)
returning monsters (both good and bad ones)
introduced new subspecies (mostly meh)
more armor and weapons (always good)
port tanzia instead of loc lac (bad)
kayamba as a rival to cha-cha (whatever)
brachydios (good)
dire miralis (bad)
misty peaks (decent)
removed medium/customizable bowguns (bad)
lit up dark areas making torches useless (awful)

I thought 3U had a Wii U version.

>lit up dark areas making torches useless (awful)
Torches were just pointless busywork anyways.

There is. But nobody except me actually bought a Wii U.

There was even a save transfer function to hop between the two.

It does, I played that version of 3U. It's superior to the 3DS version.

4U's still better than it.

I remember Barroth being really hard-hitting, really fast and generally a really though fight. But I thought it might be just me being shit at MH back then.

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also forgot to add:
high rank village quests (fantastic)
removed day/night cycles from moga village (bad)
different controller/control scheme (ehh)
seeing gigginox glow in the dark or barely making out deviljho's drooling maw in the darkness was kino though

>I enjoyed freedom unite more


>2nd G
peak MH in almost every aspect

true next gen MH that was meant to surpass it

Start of dumbing down the series for the masses

stay mad nigger

>seeing gigginox glow in the dark or barely making out deviljho's drooling maw in the darkness was kino though

You are objectively wrong

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>surpass in perfection

How that even works? Are you mentally challenged?

3rd gen was when MH games actually became fun

>No Kushala Daora
Most perfect generation to ever exist.

I don't know why but MHtri overall looked more polished?

Like the menus and environment, the small things like dark caves, swimming and customizable bowguns

>not 3U

Missing half the weapons is just a hard no for me.

I would if it wasn't for the god-awful controls, hitbox problems and the farm being inferior to what came after

Why don't they remake 3 and 4 in one game for the Switch with GenU graphics?

I'd like to import if I can.

Nintendo killed monster hunter.

Everything is fully playable, including 4U
All dlcs, HD texture packs, specialized MH citra builds etc

Glad I enjoyed it with you guys.
I was there when the online died. This made me understand how painful online games can become.

Why did he do it?

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>that image

completely true, sad they chose shitty MHFU/MH4 area instead of MH3 for MHXX