Brazilian player joins the team

not before he spreads it around first please

man how awesome would it be if every old fuck in the government dies from this

Why? What is the horrible thing he did that he deserves to die in your opinion?

how about cutting the CDC and ignoring this problem for months which will lead to death of millions of americans? how's that for starters faggot

>le enlightened leftoids called any measures to prevent spread of the virus early on "racist"

>mass buying toilet paper
Do Americans really?

>Longtime friend to my family remarried a few years back
>The retired police officer boomer she married is currently spewing shit on Facebook about how the Coronavirus was made as a secret weapon against the US and was made to screw with the election

A reasonable person, here?
Do you talk about videogames, user?

>He fell for the CDC cut back meme

>Wastes billions of dollars building a paper thin wall that isn't nearly as long or as tall as he set out for it to be, and that gets blown over by a gust of wind
>Cut funding to a bunch of medical branches just to do this
Fat fuck deserves it

It IS a forced meme, yes.