>Brazilian player joins the team
Brazilian player joins the team
Only limp wristed niggers die from the flu
Carl Sagan is president of Brazil?
Except he isn't infected. That was a mistranslation.
Is Trump going to die?
We can only hope.
>Conservatards unironicaly thought the virus was fake news
I'm not fan or supporter of Trump but the consequences of having any US president die as a result from a viral outbreak would be absolutely horrific. It would cause massive civil unrest. Not just here in the US but everywhere in the world. The level of paranoia we are currently experiencing would be seen as good day. He needs to get tested now.
>We can only hope.
not before he spreads it around first please
man how awesome would it be if every old fuck in the government dies from this
Why? What is the horrible thing he did that he deserves to die in your opinion?
how about cutting the CDC and ignoring this problem for months which will lead to death of millions of americans? how's that for starters faggot
>le enlightened leftoids called any measures to prevent spread of the virus early on "racist"
>mass buying toilet paper
Do Americans really?
>Longtime friend to my family remarried a few years back
>The retired police officer boomer she married is currently spewing shit on Facebook about how the Coronavirus was made as a secret weapon against the US and was made to screw with the election
A reasonable person, here?
Do you talk about videogames, user?
>He fell for the CDC cut back meme
>Wastes billions of dollars building a paper thin wall that isn't nearly as long or as tall as he set out for it to be, and that gets blown over by a gust of wind
>Cut funding to a bunch of medical branches just to do this
Fat fuck deserves it
It IS a forced meme, yes.
there are cases of strong healthy people dieing from this because their immune systems go overboard trying to stop this new thing it has zero experience with
I want to kill every leftist so badly
Americans complain about poo in loo but they never wash their asses.
Just get into the shower and wash your ass.
Remember that reminding people that this is the fault of the Chinese Communist Party is racist :)
Such many cases.
Dare i say, based?
>He doesn't know
Stop reading fake news user. Also, would you rather have Pence as president? I know critical thinking is hard but come on
They're really fat though so they probably need at least 5 times more than the average person
Don't they have a Vice President in case that happens? Kennedy got shot, it was hardly an anarchy after that.
People are freaking the fuck out buying toiletpaper of all things right now. If Trump died there would be GENUINE riots on the street. I don't doubt it for a second that well over half the entire population would legitimately think the world is ending.
ta porra, cumé qui us rolê vai fika aki?
>Also, would you rather have Pence as president?
I would
The common flu STILL kills more people EACH year.
Where is the media on that?
based on what?
Yes unironically
Has the kung flu been around for a year yet?
Why toilet paper though? Weird as hell. Anyways a friend of mind told me to start hoarding goods as factories might be close if the virus becoming too much of a problem. And would soon result in food supply shortages and shit. Should I? I don't want to follow the panicky crowd and start causing problems for others by hoarding goods for myself and my family.
Nah, I'm like most people on Yas Forums I come to complain about video games I haven't played.
all jokes aside If I have something to bring to the conversation I try to add my input but alot of the time I just browse.
Easy for you to say when beaners with drugs and trafficked women aren't literally crossing your backyard because the border near you is wall-less. A simple wall rather than a fence or nothing 100% helps, and a wall fully spanning the entire border should already be a thing in the first place.
t. Texanon.
>kung flu
Fucking hell, I can't use this in my language because it didn't make sense.
What? You have to be retarded if you believe that, Trump and his cabinet are just so fucking inept. You got one retard saying they have contained the virus, another retard downplaying the severity of the coronavirus and a retard cutting 80 percent of CDC funding used to fight global pandemics .
anti vac soccermoms don't count
It's popular in Europe too, and I think this whole toilet paper hysteria started in Australia
He tried to pretend COVID-19 didn't exist and misinformed citizens about it in a dangerous way.
Does he deserve respect just because he's in power, while misusing that power?
ok lib
Because Americans are retarded. It became a chain reaction.
>Stop reading fake news user
as much as they like to scrub evidence from the web, stuff persist
>If you DON'T HAVE the virus, DON'T WEAR face masks!
Americans are fucking retards.
This virus is new and the year isn’t even a quarter finished. Are you retarded?
trump was literally called a racist a month ago for limiting some travel to china
even by the WHO and Xi ching ping
Remember that time hues flooded Yas Forums with child porn gore that almost shut down some archive service? Good time
Because it also infects more people, the mortality rate of seasonal strains of influenza is roughly 0.13%-0.62% on any given year, the mortality rate of corona-chan is 3.93% in China and 3.65% in the rest of the world.
In a year, we may be saying that it is indeed less dangerous than seasonal influenza, but currently we don't know, the numbers right now are suggesting otherwise.
>Posting doctored pdfs
Well Italy is in total lockdown but they aren't lacking food. Not course your favorite beer or certain foods will be missing it that is what you are askinh.
you can fucking read his goddamn budgets. he cuts the CDC every fucking time
>Do Americans really?
Unfortunately. I just want to wipe my ass.
I have more faith in drones than a fucking wall everyone can get over in a few months.
>being a stupid faggot
Has any one man caused so much unholy SEETHE then Trump in all of history?
He's not saying the political structure would break down. He's saying people are already overreacting to covid and if it killed the fucking president everyone would go nuts.
cheaper to do a handstand in the shower
Has there a flu where it can be spread airborne and can stay alive on a surface and fecal matter of the host for a few days? It's not that deadly sure, but the way it's spreading is what causing people and doctors to panic. And not to mention there's reports that recurring contraction, increases the virus strength. There's reports in China that a discharged patient that got contracted by the virus again, is in a worse state than he was ever before.
Very compelling argument, tranny
>leftitrannies are now blaming trump for the coronavirus
clown world
The line of succession goes way after the president in case anything like happens. I think this scenario is different enough. Its not just a isolated incident its happening everywhere else.
Even the regressive left wing site says it's mixed so yea, stop watching cnn
Tell that to the Spanish flu
>And not to mention there's reports that recurring contraction, increases the virus strength.
Ok, now I am scared.
>rightytighty has trouble with reading comprehension
of course
>snopes. fucking snopes. the stupid faggot linked snopes
his budgets exist. you can read them. stupid faggot.
This guy needs to be skinned alive.
American "experts" claim 70-150 million will be infected in America.
If those same % were upheld to:
China - 350-700 million infected
South Korea - 12.5-25 million infected
Japan - 30-60 million
Those 3 countries are basically over the Corona virus already.
The experts in the West are liars and fearmongers, the number of deaths in the West won't even exceed the 2009SARS numbers.
It is a lucky coincidence that the Chosen ones and media are using to Fuck Drumpf.
>What's True
>The Trump administration's proposed 2021 budget includes cuts to the CDC's activities related to chronic disease.
So yes, he did try to cut it. Fortunately, congressional democrats have not approved the budget.
Did ya read the part where it says those cuts weren't passed? Stop watching cnn, low IQ gaylord
he has cut them every fucking year
I wonder if sales of the corona drink have actually crashed.
Not if you keep posting fake links user
>I can't use this in my language because it didn't make sense.
maybe this one will survive the translation
it'll be over by june, nothing made in china lasts more than 6 months
>Because Americans are retarded
didn't the toilet paper hoarding shit start in Australia though
Moving the goalposts user. He did not cut them, particularly not the part relating to a pandemic
If you're going to link snopes at least read it first you retarded turbonigger
>it'll be over by june, nothing made in china lasts more than 6 months
This will do nicely, love you user!
He is one of the morons that threw us into this mess, all he had to do was give us universal health years ago and not ignore the CDC and the countries facing this problem last month.
Take your own advice retard
>tfw mutts are too busy engaging in political shitflinging to make sure a virus doesn't get out of control
fake numbers look at the pollution indicating mass burning of human bodies
>South Korea
They wash their hands and have functioning medical systems, america doesn't
Not just that, say we reach the point that we get over and contain this. It's high level of virulance makes it prime research candidate for some country trying to build a doomsday biological weapon.
>berniebro in charge of logc
Here in Denmark, we're in a state of emergency despite our universal healthcare. Now what?
Redditors B T F O
>there are cases
Yeah, all 0.2% of it.
I don't like him either but that was denied. You can check official united documentation to prove it wasn't passed on and funding was never cut.
Congrats, you believe anything if said by many on the internet.
>The Trump administration's proposed 2021 budget includes cuts to the CDC's activities related to chronic disease.
It's at the fucking top you drooling mongoloid
It's just a flu bro
>italy, spain and france who have been hit far harder than the US don't have universal healthcare
You leftitrannies are braindead.
yeah man give us universal healthcare!
>allows millions of illegals into the country who pay no taxes, have no insurance and have 6-8 kids.
But they weren't cut. Are you actually retarded?
Well, my mom is far left-wing and she suggested that to me, today.
>chronic disease
That's not how it works
I get why americans and and europeans called it a nothingburger, Americans needed it to be one so they would not have to admit how fucked their healthcare system was and europe just wanted to virtue signal by calling anybody concerned racist but nations like australia have no excuse for taking this long to start taking precautions
The claim was that the white house budget cut the funding, which it did. What did not happen is the budget getting approved. He tried to be stupid and democrats stopped him.
I suppose everyone is just dumb as hell.
I really hate you dumb niggers.
Again, are you actually retarded?
Why does Bolsonaro need to sound like a wacky radio host on every issue? He's a president, for fuck's sake.
There was more serious stuff going on in japan where people were scalping fucking masks, goverment really should have steped in at that point
What I want to know is, how many burgers will bite the dust?
So if it never even got approved, who gives a fuck? It literally didn't affect anything.
>being this desperate
The claim was he cut funding. Since the cut never actually happened, that's objectively a false claim
Trump is bad for trying to downplay the virus but every other world leader did the same thing, rather than making this a trump thing you should be making this a general anti goverment thing
>Stops trucks full of migrants
>Has never fallen over (media portrayed unfinished section with wet cement as completed wall falling over).
>Can also have drones around it
>Next president defunds. Wall still there for decades, eventually can be re-funded to be reinforced
Drones alone:
>Need batteries
>Next president defunds, drones gone
Entire life as a milicia commander, mate.
He got much better in talking, but talking was not his job.
But then how will I get epic upboats from my Reddit friends?
He said mean things on TV
And some AM radios.
its only a matter of time before we hear that Trump tests positive for Corona and the stock market crashes harder than we've ever seen and he dies and Mike Pence takes over and Joe Biden wins presidency with Hilary Clinton as VP and Joe steps down as President because of dementia and Madame President takes over and fucks everything up.
>fake numbers look at the pollution indicating mass burning of human bodies
Evidence for that is weaker than one claiming earth to be flat or that incels are men with the highest sexual activity.