
Fuck, now I got the "joke" but I was already triggered and cant delete my post.
Welp, guess its time to close the thread

>mfw as a kid when claws were first introduced

Attached: 1477852772371.jpg (600x500, 408.63K)

Keep going, combine Nintendo AND Lego markup. The price will be insane

Are there any games with this aesthetic

It confuses me as to what it does, but it's still just a lego set so it doesn't matter to me.

Attached: nonsense.jpg (209x194, 18.57K)

>Tendie misses the point
No surprise

Because that costs more money with R&D and creating sets than just pumping out more of these.
Dumb fucking tripfag

>posting a snoy fanboy to make fun of nintendo

what point?

Ok consoomer