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This will go great with my Ambiio and Baby Yoda collection.
Don't like, don't buy it, but stop false-flagging and fuck off.
Soulless. Of course Nintendo doesn't have to play by the rules like every other LEGO licensee.
its neat but it's for children.
It would be cooler if they were bigger sets
It's a massive disappointment. Who wanted this retarded board game shit instead of a proper lego set? Give me Peach's castle.
I wanna see more on how it works. What interactions are there, can it be modded to do more, what does that bluetooth button do, etc.
I just wanted a Bowser or DK minifigure modeled like the Hulk...
adding an unnecessary gimmick to make a silly non-standard lego line is the most nintendo way to go about it.
i'm hoping that at least a few sets in the line are normal minifig scale instead of all this boardgame stuff - like how the lego minecraft stuff started off as pic related before going minifig scale later
>that part in the trailer where the boy flicks the lego piece hard onto the table towards the asian
On the one hand it's cool that they tried to make a digital Lego figure, and it ties in well to Mario being all about video games
On the other hand it would've been fine if they just made standard sets themed around certain games like SMB3 or SM64
Its fine. As long as it sells enough for them to make traditional sets, who cares.
I played with Lego when I was 10. That's the mental age of nintenlards to this day.
Looks like a toy. Why should I have any particular thoughts or feelings about some Lego set?
even blizzard managed to squeeze some soul into their line
>I'll see if my wife's son is interested before I make the purchase.
>That's the mental age of the general public* to this day.
>harry potter lego
>marvel lego
>star wars lego
>mario lego
Toys are fun. You should try them sometime.
>harry potter lego
>marvel lego
>castle is micro fig scale
Fuck off.
>star wars lego
so how do the eyes and mouth work? are they lcd screens or something? im retarded and not tech savvy at all
This face doesn't make me feel comfortable. It makes me feel like I'm going to get raped or/and brutally murdered.
I'm too lazy to combine three pictures into one
you're looking at a $30 set right here folks
Yes. Theres a little thing in his feet (or butt, I dunno) that can register what you put him on. His face and the sound he makes changes depending on if you put him on a pipe, on a goomba, on a flagpole, etc.
np, i got your point anyway
Does it come with soul? Because I'm not seeing any.
Not very interesting, way too japanesey
The ad was fucking weird, why were the children serious faced the whole time?
Shouldn't they been laughing and having fun?
It's like they told them
u mad kid ?
your point being?
this, just like the mario one, is for kids and manchildren.
Fuck that Duplo-looking kiddieshit, post Legos with SOUL
They won't make traditional sets if this sells well, they'll just make more of these sets.
You dumb fucking tripfag
Sure they will. Why stop with just this when theres more money to make?
Although a Zelda version of this might be cool too.
No shit Sherlock. He was making a point
He's in
Fuck, now I got the "joke" but I was already triggered and cant delete my post.
Welp, guess its time to close the thread
>mfw as a kid when claws were first introduced
Keep going, combine Nintendo AND Lego markup. The price will be insane
Are there any games with this aesthetic
It confuses me as to what it does, but it's still just a lego set so it doesn't matter to me.
>Tendie misses the point
No surprise
Because that costs more money with R&D and creating sets than just pumping out more of these.
Dumb fucking tripfag
>posting a snoy fanboy to make fun of nintendo
what point?
Ok consoomer
Hey, if the demand is there.
Don't tell me you wouldn't live a Lego Peach's Castle or Koopa Airship.
Or Lego Hyrule Castle. Or Lego Arwing.