yes, sorry OP
Brandon Hernandez
Samuel Parker
Goddamn that's a spooky webm.
Luis Cook
Juan Gomez
>wanting to impress your waifu is gay
Grayson Anderson
I’ll admit it. I’m such a coomer even a clothed female makes me rock hard. Now imagine them walkigAHHJHHHHHHHH IM GOONNAAAAA...
now imagine they’re argonian
Christopher Foster
That waifu shit is a joke. You're just gay and autistic
Cameron Smith
Its not that I want to play as a girl but men are often overly masculine to my liking and I don't want my character to be so bulky.
Leo Diaz
uh femshep is canon, fag
Michael Morris
remember what they did to that one gay dude? very based show.
Jaxon Thomas
I just like the aesthetic of a pettite little girl becomes killing mashine in your hands.