it's true, I'm sorry for betraying my fellow gamers :(
yes i play and mod in anime girls to play them
Sometimes, why?
>Sometimes, why?
For fucks sake man, it is entirely dependent on which character looks cooler. Enough with this dumb AF sexual insecurity shit.
Pic related is an example. Most (but not all), would agree that Hilda looks cooler than Hilbert. It's the same with any other game that has a character creator! you just go with whatever looks the best/makes the most sense in the context of the game (e.g. Mass Effect makes way more sense if Shepard is a man).
It's more fun
I'll play my waifu in fighting games to make her proud of me but i'm still self inserting like the chad I am for the rest of the games I play.
No, I prefer playing as sexy bear men because that's what I'm atracted to.
yes, sorry OP
Goddamn that's a spooky webm.
>wanting to impress your waifu is gay
I’ll admit it. I’m such a coomer even a clothed female makes me rock hard. Now imagine them walkigAHHJHHHHHHHH IM GOONNAAAAA...
now imagine they’re argonian
That waifu shit is a joke. You're just gay and autistic
Its not that I want to play as a girl but men are often overly masculine to my liking and I don't want my character to be so bulky.
uh femshep is canon, fag
remember what they did to that one gay dude? very based show.
I just like the aesthetic of a pettite little girl becomes killing mashine in your hands.
I usually don't play as women unless there's no other choice. With more and more games having "female protagonists" it keeps putting a bigger and bigger strain on ones ability to disregard realism.
Female warriors? Female soldiers? Female elite agents?
All pointless female power fantasies. Already tired and outdated. It just represents women's general inability to accept reality and their place in it, held back by their genetics and their own laziness, never by the invisible hand of the patriarchy as they so like to claim.
Pathetic, to be honest. A truly sad cope perpetrated by developers who should know better than to try and force this nonsense. Reality doesn't change simply because you will it to do so.
stop playing shitty games
for me its based off the aesthetics. i create female characters to make them a piece of art.
Shame the canvas is usually shit even before you begin.
Because you are gay.
No you're the gay.
Tony was based as fuck
Agreed. fuck cunnyposters
Yeah, so I can sexualize them.
Yes, how could you tell?
If I can play as a cute chubby girl, I don't see a reason not to
Unironically a closet tranny
>Hilda looks cooler than Hilbert
That's just plain fucking wrong and you know it bro
is that true? How lame.
cunnyposting and loli posting are two very different things
well, I did say "most would agree" Hilda looks cooler than Hilbert. I didn't say Hilbert didn't look cool.
listen here alright
Using a girl character is how you're suppose to play dol
I can't identify with a weak male
>west game
Pick a male character
>anime game
Pick a female character
Its that simple
Look, I don't give a fuck what you do in your private time. That's fine. Whatever reasons you have for enjoying your avatar being female are your prerogative.
But when I'm playing multiplayer games with you, and I fucking know you as a dude IRL (like, I've seen your face and heard your voice), playing video games with you as a girl character feels weird.
Like, I'm here to go on adventures, look cool, and do manly shit, but it feels like you're here to drool over how pretty and sexy your character is. It's just weird knowing you're probably getting a boner while playing video games with me.
Not me, im not a repressed trannie
There's nothing wrong with role playing as a girl.
This is reasonable.
This, but make sure the male character looks like gigachad
Objectively good opinion and exactly how I feel. It's why I have no problems calling these fucks out and ruining their depravity.
you lie
Try and stop me
ohhhh I get it. When people are bitching about dudes playing a female character, they are talking about in online multiplayer games. I agree that is kind of weird.
This is exactly how i feel.
t. man who plays as anime girl
If i do it in multiplayer its because i dont care and i do whatever i want.
I usually make a male character and then use a genderswap ability if the game has it lol
I don't see anything bad in playing girls. They are pretty, have cooler and cuter clothing options and most importantly - it just feels right to play one. It makes me relaxed, it lets me properly immerse into game, when I have female character. It feels uneasy and uncomfortable to play guys for me.
No, I don't have gender identity problems, I don't want to be girl IRL. It only applies to games.
So stop acting like that, like if I do something wrong.
>It feels uneasy and uncomfortable to play guys for me.
Why though? It never really feels uncomfortable unless im playing as some soifaggot
It's easy access to eye candy.
This shouldn't be an issue because I'm not self-inserting on a roleplay server like a repressed homo.
I played Orcs Must Die 2 with a friend and I was forced to play the girl character because for some reason, the game won't let you just play as the male character and his twin or something. It's not my fault. Also the girl character had the wand which was a better weapon.
I used to play female characters but at some point it felt really awkward to me so i stopped
I play as fem characters in vidya cause I like to imagine I am them when I lose and the enemy takes me as a trophy
Holy shit a psychologist could build a career on this post alone.
Denial is the least of your issues, friendo.
I like looking at female ass in sexy little outfits while I play, I can’t help that I’m straight.
It's easier to get into playing something completely different, so I have more fun.
It just is. Boring, odd, empty, cant really find proper word.
The only time I actually played guys (that's it, when I have the choice) is when playing games like Fallout with isometric view and simple model, where I mostly played girl anyway because you can skip lot of problems with sex.
I only pick girls if they have fat tits and ass, if not, then I play as a guy to look cool.
But most of the time I just pick whatever I feel like at the moment, the only problem I can see would be that you think whatever gender you pick in a videogame somehow makes you less of a man, and that's not the case at all.
Just play the videogame, dude.