Storm Brand Inquisitor as an incredibly easy way to try out the new Mana shit.
>Stormbind looks clunky as fuck, less so now that they've removed the teleport from it (is now a Helm enchant)
>Support gems are all over the place for it since one part of the skill does no damage, but has the damage values, while another does no damage, but triggers the explosions and all that other shit going on
>But also unconditional 50% Hinder for TWELVE FUCKING SECONDS, so you can drop a few Runes and then never get hit by anything melee while your Brands do all the heavy lifting
>Arcane Cloak looks great on paper
>Archmage support also looks amazing on paper for stuff like Storm Brand
>If they're not great, I'll just sub in for meta Storm Brand stuff cause Storm Brand didn't get nerfed at all
>Brands are getting amazing Cluster Jewel mods, slap on Brand Loyalty and one of Remarkable, Holy Conquest, or Grand Design, Regal, use that until you can get a Rare with 3 of those and a Jewel Socket
Delirium mechanically seems like shit and Cluster Jewels seem like they're bordering on a fucking waste of points, but I'm still going to try to make it work.
Once I got a few Ex, I may make a secondary as a Hollow Palm Cyclone Champ.
Path of Exile - Delirium
Luke Jackson
Cameron Gonzalez
>no I want you to feel weak in a game I don't want to play to begin with!
What terrible events in your life made you fall into this shit mentality, this is really sad.
Gabriel Lee
Is it possible to top legion?
Henry Nguyen
Its the most popular melee skill last season, so yes.
Brayden Garcia
>I watched a streamer once
It shows, it shows. He probably called you a retard on chat, hence your current bitchfit in this thread.
Owen Price
>Cyclone AoE nerfed to oblivion
Cyclone Slayer was so fucking amazing that League.
Noah Collins
>waaah, I don't want good and challenging games, I want mindless AOE explosions
How's it feel to have shit taste?