Just 5 more hours untill Delirium comes out.
Ready for Delirium?
is it gonna be good?
What build to go?
Just 5 more hours untill Delirium comes out.
Ready for Delirium?
is it gonna be good?
What build to go?
>Ready for Delirium?
>is it gonna be good?
>What build to go?
Whatever you prefer, stop asking others for validation
They improve performance at all since a few months ago? I was really close to having solid performance all around but I could just never quite get it as good as I wanted.
I think most preformance updates will come with POE 2.
>What build to go?
feels like spells are gonna be the hot shit this season, BUT delirium mechanics looks like cyclone, frost blades and sunders will be particularly good there. no major nerf to popular AOE so whatver worked before is still there.
Personally I'm gonna start with a "streamer build" that kinda garantee results, then in a few weeks I might switch to some personal builds attempts.
patch notes does say they improved high end performance
How is frostblades with bossing?
is cyclone still good?
How are brands? They look janky and I've never heard much about them.
>Personally I'm gonna start with a "streamer build" that kinda garantee results
which one?
necro is dead right?
I think it's still viable.
Depends what your idea of good is. Even the shittiest skills can be made decent with shitloads of currency.
necro was good enough
Only used them to curse and to proc EO.
Necromancer all day every day
the baron got nerfed to the ground also skellies nerf a LOT
How do you not get bored of this build?
Another filler breach clone, thanks, I'll skip it. It is obvious that their main efforts are dedicated to 4.0, and releases before it won't be anything impressive.
I just really like necromancers
I got corona yesterday, so I guess I'm gonna play ED Contagion just to stay on theme. I've never actually played it before so this will be my first attempt at metaslave.
Summoner nerf wasn't enough, summoners should be deleted from the game, and other skills that can deal damage while constantly moving like cyclone too. As long as that shit exists, anything that requires you to stay in place to deal damage, so majority of game's skills, will be worse in comparison because game is balanced with this shit existing in mind.
Baron is still the best way to help scale the homeless minions like arakaali spiders though. Them going ham with the bat on Str stacking is honestly fine and only makes Spidermancer more affordable for me.
Standard as fuck Spectre for clear Skellies for Boss Necro will be fine. Simulating the skelly nerfs by running juiced t16s on a pseudo 4L (Shaper 1h with Skelly/splash/Minion damage) and bosses still crumble to 400k shaper dps per Skellebro
Though Delirium's mechanic definitively favors zoomies so I'm probably starting Soulrend/Bane occultist for no investment. And the first build I spend my fortune on will be some variant of Flicker
The build is pretty shitty, but then so is corona?
Is it shitty? I know its like always one of the recommended starters just because it clears so well even if the single target isn't great.
Unnerf my Soul Catcher you fucks.
really terrible
I wish I was more excited about doing a bow build
They just did the bow revamp and all but I'm still gonna be using the same old skills and having the same old like 4k life
necrofags on suicide watch.
im starting ass bv, bro played it last league, was insane and assassin got buffed. will go ele into poison later
>is it gonna be good?
good joke shill
fuck off to your containment board
ziz spellslinger is a necro, and that's what I'm going to do. Usually no surprise with his builds, as they aren't tied to unique items.
depend of the boss. the new nodes seems to favor ice elements so the build is going to be stronger than ever.
nothing nerfed from last season so yeah.
do the snipe memes, keks will be had
>ED contagion
>pretty shitty
what the ever living FUCK am I reading
Not the best skill but should be fine as long as you understand that you need to stack melee damage where possible because you already have more than enough aoe damage. Assuming you use 2 ToA of course, but who the fuck uses anything else.
Why are the haters so fragile?
Any way to make that tornado skill from the bird set viable? Like a mini ethereal knives to go with actual ethereal knives or something?
4K exposes you to a lot of one shots with the modern game. I only feel safe when I get above 5K these days.
non-cyclone melee starter fuck it where my niggas at
But getting life on bow is just so damn tiresome
I played as a skeleton necro on my first run, which one is the easiest build to do all the main content now?
incursion armors drops like candy though, I think you have options to get less squishy now.
>But getting life on bow is just so damn tiresome
I had 7.3k life + divine flesh on poison scourge arrow build in metamorph, and more than enough damage to do all content. It's your problem if you can't get enough life on build that uses weapon which can have 6 links.
skeletons got nerfed too much this league, you'll need to move to specters or animated weapons, I think (I don't play summoners)
>new league plot is how Corona-chan grips Wraeclast
I shouldn't have looked in this thread, I thought I was free and now I'm thinking about builds
They nerfed lots of the mods though sadly
Thats how POE works.
I think it's a very boring build. Besides you need to get used to it aswell.
Clearing speed is pretty decent but bossing...
I swear one day I'll be able to make a viable leap slam build, I swear
Anyone have any recommendations for a good Gladiator Bloodsplosion build? Been interested in trying that.
Bleed Puncture. And I'm not joking.
its literally the most boring build in the game
>is it gonna be good?
This game is never going to be good until they revert the power creep and introduce playstyles that use more than one button.
For a game with a "hardcore" reputation, it sure is braindead easy. Literally press one button to win.
So you've cleared all the content, right user?
Going to be stronger given the cluster jewel notables available.
Yes. I copied a build from the forums, dropped a couple hundred exalt, and facetanked uber elder.
Why do they bother adding those faggy boss mechanics when you don't even have to dodge them?
>dropped a couple hundred exalt
and how did you get those ex? are you a standard faggot?
Storm Brand Inquisitor as an incredibly easy way to try out the new Mana shit.
>Stormbind looks clunky as fuck, less so now that they've removed the teleport from it (is now a Helm enchant)
>Support gems are all over the place for it since one part of the skill does no damage, but has the damage values, while another does no damage, but triggers the explosions and all that other shit going on
>But also unconditional 50% Hinder for TWELVE FUCKING SECONDS, so you can drop a few Runes and then never get hit by anything melee while your Brands do all the heavy lifting
>Arcane Cloak looks great on paper
>Archmage support also looks amazing on paper for stuff like Storm Brand
>If they're not great, I'll just sub in for meta Storm Brand stuff cause Storm Brand didn't get nerfed at all
>Brands are getting amazing Cluster Jewel mods, slap on Brand Loyalty and one of Remarkable, Holy Conquest, or Grand Design, Regal, use that until you can get a Rare with 3 of those and a Jewel Socket
Delirium mechanically seems like shit and Cluster Jewels seem like they're bordering on a fucking waste of points, but I'm still going to try to make it work.
Once I got a few Ex, I may make a secondary as a Hollow Palm Cyclone Champ.
>no I want you to feel weak in a game I don't want to play to begin with!
What terrible events in your life made you fall into this shit mentality, this is really sad.
Is it possible to top legion?
Its the most popular melee skill last season, so yes.
>I watched a streamer once
It shows, it shows. He probably called you a retard on chat, hence your current bitchfit in this thread.
>Cyclone AoE nerfed to oblivion
Cyclone Slayer was so fucking amazing that League.
>waaah, I don't want good and challenging games, I want mindless AOE explosions
How's it feel to have shit taste?