Don't lie to me, this is the truth isn't it?

Don't lie to me, this is the truth isn't it?

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lol stinky game good

No one is playing third strike or San Andreas anymore, only smellee fags are that autistic

What's wrong with melee right now?
Can someone tell me what happened?

Melee has too many fundamentally broken characters, a plethora of weird glitches and plenty of dumb restrictions or mechanics.

>No one is playing third strike or San Andreas anymore
>implying that there's not a modding community alround

>No one is playing third strike

uh bro? Next you'll tell me no one cares about Marvel 2

Smashfags deserve to be antagonized.

>actually playing Melee
Most of them didn't even suck off Melee until 2013.

Third Strike fans don't throw a fit when their game isn't included at EVO

broken characters are staple in old fighting games, its just that the gap between melee's best to melees worst is way too fucking big. really good players like Kuroda could beat really good Yuns and Chuns with Q, but you never see a "good" bowser player beating any of the gods using Fox.

Depends on the game, but the general rule on Yas Forums is "old game good, new gamed bad".

I prefer vice city for aestetic reasons

Smash isn't just a fighting game, therefore that point becomes absolutely mute.

Kuroda was an anomaly. Any other Q players get blown the fuck up. The most you get is the stray Hugo player upsetting tournies

This is a retarded image, I see people complain about people who favor SA all the time.
I'm also convinced these melee ultimate shit flinging contests are all bullshit. People who actually play either of the games are too busy playing the actual fucking games to truly hate either one. It's all dumb rosterfags and leffen fanboys who don't actively play either game.

Yes, you're right, Smash 64 is the best in the series.

SFV is good, fuck off.

This, if they show that they trully play this game then nobody complains, some of the meleefags are really chill but its a small minority because of the compeititve side.
If Competivefags stay on their own circle then we havent got stinky melee on 5 years.
On a side note, yes.

There's a simple explanation to this: Smashfags are cocksuckers that will gargle Sakurai's balls with every new installment and will take personal offense if you don't like it. Of course, this is manchildren in general but many of them are attracted to Nintendo products and the colorful, simple, characters that they create. Also see: Sonic, Crash, etc.

That make sense.
>Also see: Sonic, Crash, etc.
Them too, however they have a good kind of autism unlike Nintendo.

>good kind of autism
What in the actual everloving fuck are you smoking user?
Have you been on the Internet in the last 15 years?

And the most fluid movement options in the entire series, which is all that matters

Sonic has like amount of fancontent that is much better than Sega's nowadays and they the one who saved the franchise, Mania.
Also, i agree, i aware of what the fanbase behaved in 2005.

I agree that Sonic Mania is the best kind of fan autism possible.

they're all different games with merits and faults of their own. comparing 3rd strike to sfiv and sfv is retarded.

Nothing wrong with it. The gameplay depended on exploits and glitches that were fixed in the next game, so the people who depended on those exploits and glitches never moved on. In reality no one gives a fuck of they want to keep playing their old game, but they do like to play the persecuted victim.

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All games in this picture are good. Melee-fags are, however, insufferable and have an inferiority complex when compared to the other communities. Even SFIV to SFV had less drama around it, despite V being demonstrably worse when they pushed it into EVO.

nigga u dumb

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wait, are we talking about ultimate?

san andreas is not better than IV or V. Melee is not better than brawl or ultimate. (maybe smash 4 though)

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#Meleeorbust, Baybee

there are basically no intentional glitches used in high level Melee
even wobbling could arguably be called an exploit

L-cancelling was 100% intentional, dash-dancing was 100% intentional, wavedashing was known about and not considered to be an issue. No bugs. It's just a fast game made for a hardcore audience that Nintendo ignores now

>Here's the interesting part. Despite having made Brawl seven years later, Sakurai still considers Melee "the sharpest game in the series... it just felt really good to play." The franchise creator did lament that the game did have a problematic accessibility level, as he targeted it toward those "well-versed in videogames." More revealing was the following quote:
>"There are three Smash Bros. games out now, but even if I ever had a chance at another one, I doubt we'll ever see one that's as geared toward hardcore gamers as Melee was. Melee fans who played deep into the game without any problems might have trouble understanding this, but Melee was just too difficult."

Yeah, Zain didnt even play until he watched the smash documentary, what a fake gamer.
All these people going back and playing NES/SNES games on the switch should just consume new product!
>really good players like Kuroda could beat really good Yuns and Chuns with Q, but you never see a "good" bowser player beating any of the gods using Fox.
Interesting how kuroda counts by just beating "really good yuns" but DJ nintendo or Qorb have to beat gods to count. You can just admit that you dislike melee, no need to feign retardation.

I dont see 3rd Strikefags actively shitting on players of the new versions as much as meleeniggers do.

Don't lie to yourself, this is the truth isn't it?

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I'm actually a fighting game boomer and I will tell you 100% no one cares. They might meet up to run some sets for old times sake. Usually they'll run low tier tournaments for fun. But no one is seriously grinding old games to "be the best."


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Hoes indeed mad

>fortnight nigger, overdyke, MINECRAFT STEVE
>better then byleth

lmao hoes mad

I still think 3S is the most fun SF game

Melee has the best ratio of tournament-viable characters to unusable ones in the whole franchise.

>use these 3 unless you want to camp your heart out to make another 4 viable

sure thing

>At least Steve wouldn't use another fucking sword

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Almost half the cast has won or is capable of winning a grand major, user

>third turd

Why Melee instead of Smash 64?

some of these points are right but
>steve wouldnt use a sword
he would, he 100% would use a diamond sword for non-special attacks.
>Tracer would have been better
She would have been worse than Byleth.
Tracer representing Blizzard would be like having DOTA 2 represent Valve or Splatoon represent all of Nintendo. Yes, those games are popular but they arent what put those companies on the map. Thrall, Grom Hellscream, Arthas Menethil, Jaina Proudmoore, Mal'ganis, or even Archimonde would be better representation of Blizzard's history than Tracer ever will be.

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>watch the one (1).falcon major win
>camps like a bitch to win
>watch the pika major win
>camps like a bitch to win
>watch any peach win
>more camping like a bitch
>just Hbox

ya ok

So winning using a defensive playstyle means the victory is un-viable to you?
No wonder Melee is stagnating if you turn up your nose against any character that isn't Fox or Falco. It's not that the game has only 3 viable picks, it's that those are the only ones YOU want to watch. You don't care about the game, you only care about watching Twitch clips of sicknasty epic meme combos.

Steve doesnt need a sword to work

Watching a Fox 1v1 is infinitely more interesting and mechanically complex than any character in Ultimate.

>thinking running away is acceptable when the game has a 8 min timer and not a 99 second one

it is nonviable in any way that isn't 100% toxic to play across from or to spectate

3S Chun is many times more degenerate and dominating than Fox.
And Yun is hardly any better

is this you?

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But the problem is that at least Overwatch isn't over represented in the Smash roster. Tracer isn't ideal but she's objectively better than Byleth.

every fucking time there's a discussion about 3s some fuckwit has to bring up kuroda as an example of how the game is balanced, thing is 3s isnt being played by everyone and it isnt part of something that would make people play it. if cpt was 3s you wouldnt see anything lower than ken on the tier list because people would be playing to win rather than have fun

nice gimmick to avoid the character limit too bad cause i didnt read it LOL

OK boomer

in a vaccume, yes.
In reality it would be swapping a shill for a single player game with a shill from a failing FPS made by hack developers who's lead only did World content for WoW before moving onto different genre entirely.

Thats because the FGC has been sucking publisher dick for decades. But every year, when they come back from another unsatisfying evo of Mortal Kombat whatever, some anime game that they didnt bother to pick up even though it seemed cool because they know it wont be here next year, and a few SF matches that almost made the event worth going to, each member of the community wishes in their little heart of hearts that they could still be playing the 5th and 6th gen arcade classics.