What made this game so good?

what made this game so good?

Attached: 2012-01-19_213234_1253598.jpg (1011x716, 112.58K)

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simplicity and openness

low IQ



it bears a strong resemblance to the afterlife

>this blank sheet of paper isn't good, here's why
>this blank sheet of paper is great, here's why

nothing makes it's good, it depends on whether the player can enjoy it. initially people were threatened by the hunger system for ruining this, even if they didn't realize and/or couldn't articuate the reason why, but managing the hunger bar is such a non issue that this percieved threat wore off.

>/Thread his own post

Easy to understand. Comfy music. Simple with unlimited possibilities.

When I was a kid about 20 years ago we had a computer program where you could learn things like the cube and you had to build a pyramid with like 10 cubes. There was also a free building mode. It only had yellow blocks and I remember spending time a school building stuff.

I always remembered that and how that worked. Which was addicting same with lego.

It actually is just a toy without creating a mess and your own imagination can be used like how a child plays. But in this you can make your things a reality. This is why it’s succesfull

Freedom to do anything you want, great ambient soundtrack for some of that confy feel

Literally everything in the game world is material, thats what makes it so compelling.