Is this a good starting game to get into the Tales Of series?

Is this a good starting game to get into the Tales Of series?

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It's an enjoyable video game.

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ye it's pretty good

i'd say so, yeh
abyss, symphonia, xillia, graces and vesperia are the best ones.. shame they aren't all on steam

Not exactly.
It's a very solid game but it was also the last Tales to have a classic jrpg game structure.
I think it's pretty much the last classic JRPG released.

every Tales after tries something different, either with the battle system, skills, world maps, etc.
So you will enjoy the game, but it doesn't necessarily prelare you for later games, only previous ones, who have similar battle systems but less refined.

i'd start with symphonia or abyss first but vesperia is definitely the best in my opinion

Nah, the definitive "baby's first" Tales Of game is Symphonia. It encapsulates everything the series in general is about
>story themes about either environmentalism or racism (sometimes both)
>simplistic enough version of the combat 90% of the series is known for
>the first game in the series to have a not-shit dub
>artstyle is chibi but not TOO chibi
>doesn't drag unnecessarily
>shows up perfectly how much this franchise loves to throw at you "THAT level"
>was one of the big reasons to own a gamecube

Attached: gc_tales_of_symphonia_p_n1voy5.jpg (1136x1600, 307.98K)

>>the first game in the series to have a not-shit dub
Any shitty dub moments in this game?

It's a fairly standard dub for 2003. The thing is, this is what we were working with beforehand.
Don't get me wrong, I love Tales of Eternia. From a gameplay standpoint it's fucking fantastic. But it's a PS1-era dub and it really shows. Funnily the voice of Reid went on to play Sly Cooper so he clearly got a lot better at acting.

With Teen Titans Robin as the MC and Liquid Snake as the cool older character in the party? Not really.