How is that game coming along Yas Forums, you ARE making game RIGHT?

How is that game coming along Yas Forums, you ARE making game RIGHT?

Attached: game-engines.png (890x400, 52.7K)

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I can post assets for ninja game. Other guy is silent and did nothing. So i can throw it all away or maybe someone here could use it.

Yeah, post it bro. I'm curious to see what kind of ninja game this could've been.

Ok. I have only tilesets for levels and animations. I will upload here. I just don't want to throw it away. Give me some time


Use my image, idiot.

Attached: overman5.jpg (1024x1072, 247.28K)

I'm just an artist and ideas guy who can't work with other people, math and code is too big brain for me
There's no hope

I am. I haven't progressed much but I have done some things. It's easy when you're in the process of doing something but hard when you're done with that because you don't know what to do next. I was working on the player taking damage and doing fine, but as soon as I was done with that now I don't know what to tackle next.

Maybe buy unity and some game kits and make game this way. I can't code nothing more than simple webpage. But i was able to get job in 2K Games.

Worked on 2D lighting for a cave area. I am pretty much feature complete, just need to finish designing areas and a few assets here and there.

Attached: Lighting.gif (480x351, 1.17M)

use a logarithmic gradient instead of a linear one

I keep installing different dev tools, tinkering around a bit and then closing them thinking I'll start properly later.

I never do.

Attached: 1329714104593.jpg (500x540, 55.34K)

That's an interesting idea. What would be the advantage?

That's how light works in real life, it looks better

Is it really that easy?

That's how light actually works, dumdum.

Most real space phenoma exponentially degrades.

Attached: 1429040796770.png (1280x720, 64.03K)

Yeah but like, it's a cartoony 2d platformer. Realism isn't the top priority here.

It's not about realism it's about the fact that it looks better

Things are going well! We're releasing on the 27th.

Attached: paperball.jpg (1920x1080, 983.39K)

No. It is not easy, but what is easy. You will have some basics and you will more or less make skin for it. It is possible now so use it. Even if your game is excatly not inovative or creative, you will have something to show and you will learn some skills.

Character sprites. I have it in vectors. Idea was that enemies will share moves but you can give them diferent colors, weapons and heads .

Attached: character_export.jpg (2550x4700, 1.42M)

Attached: fight_stance_big.gif (1200x400, 20.44K)

Attached: run_2.gif (200x200, 23.24K)

I'd just like to start small and figure out how to drop some 3D models into a generic space and make them move and collide with things.
Would you say that's something a beginner can do with Unity and a little trial/error/reverseengineering? If I can get that far then I'm pretty sure that foundation will give me enough gumption to branch out from there

Attached: flip_01.gif (200x200, 47.59K)

>"We have mortal kombat at home."

In the past 10 years literally exactly 10 years in a few weeks I've started and quit making a game six times. And those are only the attempts that lasted more than 50 hours or so. If we count the single-afternoon-then-quit attempts, its maybe hundreds. I have gotten to the point of commissioning some visuals and audio for two of these "cancelled projects".
I just realize how mediocre and dull my game would be, even in the ideal case of me actually finishing it as my realistic plans insist, without compromise. And I always end up compromising before I end up quitting. Why go through so much effort and nerves just to produce a mediocre game that 200 people will play, maybe?

Attached: Hey hey people Mandalore here.png (1310x909, 1.29M)

There's something really eerie about that

I would say it is possible.

If you think your game is so mediocre then why do you want to make it so much

guys I started going to AGDG in 2011 and still haven't completed a game

Attached: 32534.png (582x158, 19.57K)

I don't want to make "my game", I want to make a game. Thats why I have started multiple very diverse projects, because none of them is special. Its a mood. Whats special is wanting to make a good game.
Its a bit like when you restart your run halfway through because you want to try another build, and never end up beating the game after starting it several times.

If you consistently start projects, then you must feel a passion for it, which means you can make something special


Yes. Idea was to make 2D Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks. Dude already had working stuff with shitty graphics. But just can't do anything. Even reply to email with more then one sentence. Shame because all he had to was use what i made.

Attached: tileset_01_robocop.png (1000x1000, 239.22K)

why are these ops always so passive aggressive?

It makes people respond
It's like advertising

Where do I even start? I know nothing about game making or coding.

Probably should start by learning about game making and coding.

Hand animations is not excatly great but you know. I do it for free. And looks like project is dead so i didn't bother to fix. It is in vectors so it is not hard to do something about. Still it could be usable someone for someone who can code.

Attached: 05_fight_03.gif (200x150, 30.17K)

Basically its something like this.
If I quit a project early, its because I realize I can't do it. If I quit it late, its because it was prototyped enough and developed enough for me to notice I wouldn't play that game if someone else released it.

Attached: agdg.png (1247x664, 29.49K)

As you develop your skills you'll be able to make cooler games, and eventually make one that you'd like to play
Everyone starts making shit games, at least you have the wisdom not to try and finish and sell them like most people do

You don't to know that, any retard can boot up Unity and drag-and-drop now.

This looks like a 2007 flash game... it has an assembalence of SOUL! looks pretty cool.

You need to learn enough about programming to be able to type reasonable questions into Google and copy the answers. So start with programming 101.

>corona labs

Attached: 1514970081228.jpg (1920x916, 585.02K)

Sounds cool. I want to have at least test my concept to see if it's viable.

Attached: yoel.webm (720x720, 2.91M)

I've come up with a few ideas, but I'm only working on two.

>FPS that combines modern and classic mechanics
>Metroidvania where you play as a qt robot girl (Created via forced consciousness transferal) fighting aliens. (Been working on this one for a while. It's the reason I'm trying to learn coding)
>A retro-style FPS where you play as a weird humanoid being with a containment suit who spouts one-liners and has a deep mildly British voice. They need to restore order to the worlds. (Actually working on this one)
>An FPS that tries to replicate David Lynches style of surrealism, what with weird shit happening constantly and the characters questioning almost none of it. It has unconventional weaponry and a protagonist who is literally a guy in a gimp suit wearing 1920s detective gear.
>A combination of COD and Gone Home, in a sense. We follow what amounts to a former Spunkgargleweewee protagonist as he tries to reconcile with the fact that he killed hundreds of people.
>What amounts to a combination of Death Stranding and Dynasty Warriors with TPS elements. We control a post apocalyptic soldier as he learns to feel emotions again.
>Basically Halo/Destiny/Warframe whatever, except this time we're playing as the alien, as they attempt to get revenge for their raided home against those who didn't know better.

Just a few feature shy away from the v0.01 demo to show to couple of friends. Recently I've been switching back and forth, being unable to settle on the environment tileset that would look nice, finally settled on this one.

Attached: ForestPalette.gif (160x160, 48.49K)

Finished VFX for Blue's HYPER TRIGGER

Attached: [ShowingHype] 2020_03_05 19_01_28.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

That's cool shit

Corona Labs??

Previous one was bit too small

Attached: ForestPalette.gif (320x320, 116.21K)

Yes. You can do it. You can test your project.

Thanks. Idea was to make that game in few months. Not some neverending project. With world like Dark Souls with connected areas. If anyone is interested my email is : [email protected]

Anyway i will export tilesets as png, and export source files for vectors and post link here. But time is running out so who knows when.

Attached: tileset_07_tenchu_test.png (1000x1000, 295.08K)

Looks a bit generic but well made. What's the gameplay?

I got lazy, I'll start now

I’m starting to learn Python and am watching some tutorials on Godot
Speaking of which, would you guys recommend sticking to a language I know in Godot or using their own language?

That's quite easy in the scheme of things. Placing models is rudimentary, and giving them collision is simple. Adding animations or scripting events might be a little tougher, but go ahead and give it a try. My suggestion is to follow some tutorials

I discovered a style I like better for my game but I'm too far in to change