Is shit actually getting heated between Australia and China, or is it just a false flag to rally xenophobic Australians?

Is shit actually getting heated between Australia and China, or is it just a false flag to rally xenophobic Australians?

Why the fuck would Australia be biting the hand that has fed them over the last few decades?

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Because the chinks are fucking parasites you faggot Ching Chong bitch.

If you're not xenophobic you're a retard

Australia feeds 100 million in a drought year. We have the mineral resources to build any empire a thousand times over.

We aren’t the ones biting here. Except OP, who bites down on pillows, hard. Fag.

Nigger i hate the bug people as much as the rest of anyone outside of China, but I fail to see how this is helping us, surely we're better off waiting for the economy to get better and abusing their labor and THEN kicking them to the curb.

Why is Scomo getting up in arms when he should be leaving it to Daddy Trump so we have some degrees of seperation

based aussies kicking off WW3 the only nation i would die for besides my own

This is definitely bait but the minerals won't do shit if no one can dig them up faggot

you fail to see how standing up the chinks who are circling your nation like flies to shit waiting to take over is a good thing?

yes white people have never dug, only gooks can dig i forgot

Fucking kys traitor

Based white man larping as a black man

Read my post faggot. It's better off waiting for a larger superpower to give us a reason to go to war than to declare it ourself. Then we have deniability.

I want to fucking purge the world of shitskins and chinks but I know it's not gonna happen, at least in my country, without a set of dominoes falling like in WW1


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China won’t take you seriously no matter how ruffled your feathers get. Leave this to daddy.

Australia I am really sorry about your chinksect problem you should really deport posters like OP here

>Why dont we wait for our enemy to stop giving us things before exposing them
Nu Australians are such poofs

Fuck bro, if we don’t dig them up right now and hock them to the chinks they’ll expire and we won’t be able to use them in the future? Shits been in the ground awhile already, you cunts stop buying it won’t just evaporate. I thought you chinks were big on long term thinking?

We're only any good at the big wars any way. Nobody really understands what our military can do when we take the leash off and the ROE goes from "win hearts and minds" to "yes".

Attached: Love Thy Enemy and ROE Ruined Military.jpg (1242x881, 730K)

talk hard in public, bend over in private

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Chang, you and I both know that by the time a shooting war heats up, it’s years too late.

As an aside, don’t think we can’t see exactly what’s going in the South China Sea, and perhaps even further with absolute clarity. Hell launch a box lantern and we see that shit in real time. We have options that Beijing isn’t even sure exists.

Fuck I’m sleepy.

Biting the hand that fed us?

>They bought out most of the property market, forcing the locals to pay (((rent))).

>Loot baby formula, so much so that there are photos of a visiting chinese navy ship getting loaded with baby formula.

>Repurposed staff at chinese owned and staffed companies to buy face masks from our chemists.

>Their IP’s appear in virtually every cyber security log file in the country.

>They have agents in out country harassing any chinese nationals that disagree with the CCP.

>Smuggle meth in to the country.

>Price locals out of university courses.

>Use donations to pay off our political parties.

In open warfare, no bullshit ROE, the US military could literally fight a dozen wars at the same time and close them out within a week.

Secretary Adamson should be tired and punished for treason.

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I hope Australia invites America to shell ching chong land from the safety of the exploding Burning fire tree forest

They’re going to try to buy up the entire country if they don’t get dicked out of it now. Worse than it already is.

>"I'm a coward fight my battles for me daddy america"

What did he mean by this?

True. And if we were allowed to colonize again and displace enemy populations we could conquer entire countries in a month.

Australia is based, fuck the CCP

We're an American vassal state, this is pure theater.

Morrison doesn't have the balls to rebel against China, because he's probably in a lot of their pockets, and Chinese investors own half the fucking country. It's far too late and dangerous to suddenly "cut ties" with China, but our reliance with them is in direct conflict with Trump's intention to destroy their economy and return independent manufacturing to America. Australia has always been a lapdog bitch to other countries, first it was England, then it was America, and now it's China, and we're seeing the consequences of stupidly trying to keep ties with all of them simultaneously.

If WWIII happens between America and China, Australia will become a prison island again, as half the population will be interned, and cultural differences will incite mass rioting because nobody will know for sure who their own country is fighting for. It wouldn't be able to recover from it.

Not quite
US can, and will fan the flames on this spat to use it for their own benefit
Watch and see

He thought that comment out in Chinese, didn’t translate across perfectly.

Chinks don’t really like the idea of taking on australia because we’re not half bad at war and we only have to hold out until daddy gets home. Then the staunchest military alliance in the world gets to the real work and the pacific turns into a meat grinder for the Chinese.

Yeah, well we're mostly agreed, but ultimately, we don't do dick, we dont say shit, without the US state dept/ CIA's say so. Of course tensions are being manufactured for the US' benefit. Anyone worried about the "buying up of Australia" by the chongs doesnt realise, they can all be undone with the stroke of a pen, and likely will, its gonna get rowdy.

Nah too many US assets here, geographic location is critical to a war effort against China. Too many treaties and defence pacts. We get into it alongside the yanks without hesitation as soon as the big dance begins.

Now New Zealand, bet they cuck hard at the first sign of trouble.