Why is this not a sticky? Pentagon OFFICIALLY released infamous UFO footage that was leaked some time ago

>Why is this not a sticky?
I laid some nice sticky ropes on your moms gunt

old and nothing ever happens

how much and do you have a willy

Because it's some drone.

Its on the official cia.gov site.
cant copy the link here.
second hit from the top, pic related.

Attached: CIA ESP.jpg (848x407, 82.83K)


Is space fake and gay it seems fake and gay to me but you spaceniggers may know something about it. Also if I can travel faster than light can I escape from my past there is a this crazy woman I'd rather not deal with any longer

fake and gay

I can dump the whole thing if you want. It's kinda schizo not sure how much I buy it.

Attached: 1547774578913.png (777x2777, 904.96K)

not for sale and incarnating as straight male
i like to pay for escort though, to me earth romance and marriage is a very toxic relationship