Why is this not a sticky? Pentagon OFFICIALLY released infamous UFO footage that was leaked some time ago

Why is this not a sticky? Pentagon OFFICIALLY released infamous UFO footage that was leaked some time ago.


For the past months many leakers predicted this soft disclosure leading to a big reveal in june/july this year. WTF, is it really REALLY happening this time?

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>why is this not a sticky

How about a nice Pleiades Accord, people of Earth?

We give you new tech, you give us resources as nice experiments for science? Deal?

Peace, Earthlings, anyway.

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>Focus on aliens goyim
if you fall for this shit you should be sterilized

>50,000 year old cities found on the ocean floor near Cuba
>the entire planet is on lockdown for the last month, the official reason is some imaginary flu that doesnt even exist
>Pentagon started releasing actual footage of UFO's flying over Earth
>Pentagon started releasing documents of CIA doing experiments on psychics proving ESP is real

Some really good shit is slowly happening, and we poor goy normies are being drip-fed facts slowly so that we wont lose our fucking minds over it.

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>focus on the non-existing flu or people cutting their dicks off and taking hormones
if you fall for this shit you should be sterilized

alien incarnating as human here


>ESP is real
uh... what?

They are trying to give people something to focus on because the coronavirus was a scam that the chinese used to fuck up western economies.

oh great now that the government is trying to show me that aliens are real let me just line right up for the demonic mark of the beast system when the aliens from hell arrive

thanks government

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>Why is this not a sticky?
I laid some nice sticky ropes on your moms gunt

old and nothing ever happens

how much and do you have a willy

Because it's some drone.

Its on the official cia.gov site.
cant copy the link here.
second hit from the top, pic related.

Attached: CIA ESP.jpg (848x407, 82.83K)


Is space fake and gay it seems fake and gay to me but you spaceniggers may know something about it. Also if I can travel faster than light can I escape from my past there is a this crazy woman I'd rather not deal with any longer

fake and gay

I can dump the whole thing if you want. It's kinda schizo not sure how much I buy it.

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not for sale and incarnating as straight male
i like to pay for escort though, to me earth romance and marriage is a very toxic relationship

oh wait, i can link it.

download the PDF and read.

Just a distraction because we're going full 1984 soon

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Look, if I'm not going to get a qt alien catgirl gf, then I just don't give a shit
Honestly, the ayyy lmaos could just arrive hollywood movie style and it'll change nothing
But stop the broadcast of reality tv shows to break the news of ayyy lmaos arriving hollywood style and it'll be
>The hell is this shit *burp* Imma need another beer, where ma program, was watching ma program, this don't be ma program *burp* gonna have to go outside and set fire to everything now
Because everyone is becoming more and more tarded
I include myself, most significant event in recent human history and I all I think is
We're all fucking doomed anyway
Fucking hell, thank you for reading my fucking blogpost, please support my patreon for more great content like this

do you have the other CIA documents where they experimented on two psychics in two closed rooms and were shocked they can actually communicate with each other?
cool shit.

So they're unidentified. What else is new? They've always been unidentified. When they come up with some means of identifying them and classifying them as something other than lens flares, I'll be interested.

Where's the radar and telemetry data, showing these things moving at speeds not accessible to known human tech? That never materialises. All we ever get is blobs.

I've often thought it weird that the one thing that hasn't got better as camera technology has improved is photos of UFOs. In the 50's they captured odd lights and blurs of movement. 70 years later, we're still capturing odd lights and blur of movement, and obvious CGI.

Loads of people would love to believe, but there's really nothing there to believe in at the moment.

space is real but earth is isolated from it, we can't go out unless we develop spiritually
speed of light is only relevant in this 3 + 1 dimension, this realm is a hologram, time and distance has ultimately no meaning, everything is here and Now

because its fake. thats an jet far away in infra red not a fucking UFO
damn retards, its been debunked several times and they even recreated almost identical video with a jet. but ofcourse its not online anymore because its not the agenda

lol thats a remote control toy fucking dunce

>space is real but

yikes thats how people talk about coronavirus too

"coronavirus is real but"

actually no its fiction and so is space and the globe

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The universe is just one huge mass of spaghetti, man
Maybe the only real limits are the rules you impose on your imagination
Included is whirly shit gif to add validity to this post

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we live in peculiar times when Pentagon is releasing actual UFO footage and debunkers are busy saying its not real.
I, too, watched the debunking youtube vids.
They clevelry omit the fact there were many of these things on the radar, the fighter jets couldnt even get close to them and had no fucking idea what it was.
Guess what.
I'd rather believe an actual fucking fighter jet pilot who spent thousands of hours flying than some random dicksucking faggot on youtube with music from the matrix in the background.

I have the one where they used their minds to speed up or slow down computers. I know which one you're talking about. I dunno where I put it. Just started researching this shit a week ago.

This is some weird boomer conspiracy shit that if I brought up to my dad he would talk my ear off... but I mean the fucking US Army thought it was legit. so... kinda hard to deny that.

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It absolutely is, so is telepathy.

So its gay just not fake thanks spacenigger

Didnt Rogan have a podcast with the pilot ? I thought this was old news

Yeah these are being radar tracked. Not sure why anyone is trying to debunk this, the navy admitted it.

It’s literally just a bug of some kind on the camera lens.

The aliens memoryholed it. It's new news now.

>matrix music
man you watch some sketchy shit, did you not read the part where i said that they recreated this video with an actual JET

>trusting information released by the '''US Government'''
Not even the nornies are buying this

It's just a flying TicTac bilboard.

It's probably just something on the lense or some shit like that... it just doesn't move like something that is far away and moving at high speed. I doubt that instruments are even good enough to lock on to an unknown target that precisely...

They're looking for more money and aliums are a pretty argument if they want infinite money and no questions asked.

>US gov

dude can you pleeeeeeeeeeeeease shut your mouth together with all the idiots, this nothingburger news already got released 1 or 2 years ago and nobody cared back then, there are no aliens and steven greer is a larping cuck (lol at the clip in the documentary where he cries because its all "just so much" omg hahahah)

>Is space fake

Bunch of people during the LA blackout reported Milky Way as UFOs. Figure it out.

the entire debunking on this one is trained fighter pilots are retarded army men

the absolute state of skeptics

>mfw Yas Forums was right again about something that was supposed to be a shitpost

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>nobody cared back then
people are stupid if not outright NPCs, how old are you?

They'll tell us that aliens are here to save us from COVID-19. :D

not drained
>US Gov
kiked to hell still

Why are they so bad at flying? Fucking space chinks.

Oh hell, I just had a scary thought
What if this is space jews and this is how they advertise their crap old technology that nobody else in the galaxy wants anymore to moron planets who are easily impressed by shiny objects to profitably obtain some resources from those planets?
And because it's done with the (lol) consent of those moron planets they aren't breaking any space law or some shit like that

The average iq of califorina competes with Africa they just have several smart people there that use their lawyers to avoid paying taxes

Maybe they aliens are here to Commence Operation Violent Interplanetary Domination

Aliens are actually scared of us we could easily beat them in a 1v1

The constant dismissals and ignoring of it is exactly why the Pentagon published it

The best way to discredit an idea and make people think it's bullshit is to slap a Government Approved sticker on it and shove it out for the world to see.

The video is US force projection btw, they have access to some kind of antigrav propulsion or something similar for craft which they likely reverse engineered from something, whether it was ancient alien etc. is unknown perhaps even to them

man you're retarded

they see humans like humans see niggers

You know what the most fascinating and frightening fact about Roswell or any tech find or crash of aayyyys in general is?

The higher ups are not actually afraid of the aysss, they are afrid of the tech they still werent able to understand. At this point (this is coming form either a real leaker or another shizo) they want to get rid of the ufos becasue they literally fear the tech could destroy the planet.

Its this kind of clear and practical thinking that makes me believe the WHOLE fucking crash story even more. Its not even about contact anymore, they want to get rid of a nuclear bomb they dont have the controls for. Terrifying stuff. How do you get rid of a mobile bomb you cant just launch into space?

Damn these are great.
Post more if you got em, lad.


maybe not Africa, but I was not expecting them to be in the bottom 3 stupidest states...
explains a lot