Why did no ancient civilization consciously practice eugenics?
Why did no ancient civilization consciously practice eugenics?
Not sure if trolling or just stupid
Spartans did
They practiced it subconsciously by following their self preservation instincts of in-group preference.
>meme flag
>retarded question
Impossible to tell.. does it matter though?
Elsa Hosk makes me coom
Ever notice how jews look alike?
Spartans leaving deformed babies to die is completely different from a conscious eugenics program. I'm talking about consciously trying to breed the master race. Nobody ever did this.
they did
>I'm talking about consciously trying to breed the master race. Nobody ever did this.
Because that's a retarded view of eugenics.
That's the only way it works and it's what the Nazi Party did. The question is why did it take until 1933 for someone to try?
Masterful in what?
What would be a master in one environment would be a slave in another.
The arctic, the Savannah and the forest are very different places with different needs
Aryan caste system in India, but it was probably implemented too late and they didnt kill enough niggerplebes.
>leaving deformed babies to die is completely different from a conscious eugenics program
No, that literally is eugenics
and the white man still conquered them all. how is that?
they didnt know about genetics and dna you utter memeflag kike nigger
Also, many of those weak babies would've died naturally 50% of babies died of disease or similar causes before reaching adulthood these would be disproportionately those with weak immune systems.
they did by default with their little to no medical intervention. Now we practice saving every life, doing unknown damage to our own gene pool. Having more children and letting weaker ones die naturally/risky activities is the answer. Also glorifying high risk high reward situations
Personally, I don't want to abandon medicine. You aren't going to get society or to accept not going to the hospital or getting vaccines for my child. If you want to be really retarded we could just ban soap, refrigeration, and remove plumbing from our civilization to spread disease but that is brainlet level thinking.
The vikings kinda did. But then they decided becoming a somali nigger with 60IQ is better than being the master race. Thats how gay they became.
>misses the point and attacks straw-men exaggerations.
I hope you can see the point at least, it's quite simple
>they didnt know about genetics and dn
They didn´t even know how genetics worked until the beginning of the 20th century. And as soon as they did quite a few countries experimented with eugnics, not just nazi germany. But it´s very difficult to pull off, because people don´t want to get sterilized or have their handicapped children get killed off. There is tons of social pressure against it and honestly that´s a good thing. Imagine if some government decided that conservatives or blonde people are inferior and need to get sterilized, you´d all be seething to no end.
What does this mean? As opposed to what?
Lived there? Other people live there too, defeat the natives? Violence. Why they left
Encouraging children to die in accidents will never be accepted either. The reason premodern societies had higher rates of infant mortality was because we didn't have modern technology like running water, refrigeration, soap, sewers, antibiotics etc... Nobody will give this shit up just to reintroduce regular plagues like the one we are having now.
the issue with eugenics is nobody knows what's best. We evolved to where we are now because of high selective pressure to survive, pressure which we have removed. So not only are we no longer improving, we are adding a great deal of random noise to the gene pool
Everyone knows what's best. Just look at the elite.
They did. The early adoption of the death penalty ensured that those people with genes unfit for society did not have the chance to reproduce
But would it be useful to have a society entirely made up of intelligent yet calculating manlets like Zuckerberg or Bezos? We still need contruction workers, soldiers, compassionate doctors and a whole bunch of other people. Being highly intelligent is not everything.
Also genetic diversity is not a meme. Eugenics could backfire if not done perfectly.
>Why did no ancient civilization consciously practice eugenics?
All civilization practice eugenics, why do you think we have insulin shots and eyeglasses?
>Nobody ever did this
Wrong. Pretty much every civilization has tried. Every single one of them has failed.
Because we are fat and lazy? You can ruin even the best genes by living like a dumb pig.
They literally had a council to examine a newborn for deformities or weakness and they actually encouraged young men and women to choose their partners based on physical health and strength.
Type I diabetics used to be rare before the advent of modern medicine because they would simply die. Nowadays they can live a normal life and have children, thus spreading their genes. I think that´s what the chinese user wanted to get at.
They didn't need to because their lives WERE eugenics programs.
Because the whole Master Race stuff doesn't work in practice, same as the Atlas Shrugged delusion. You need the full spectrum of people to have a functioning society and economy. Smart people have a tendency to be socially retarded, become hostile when given orders or instructions (so kiss goodbye to a functioning military), and are mentally incapable of menial, repetitive tasks, which accounts for the majority of the economy. Too many "superior" people leads to greater social conflict, as you have an excess of people competing for the upper levels of power, which by the very nature of hierarchy, are strictly limited.
Tldr you need dumb people, lots of them.
>But it´s very difficult to pull off, because people don´t want to get sterilized
Why does it always have to be about eliminating people from the gene pool? There are a roughly equal amount of men and women. I think with sophisticated system, everyone could be paired off with a partner that would produce healthy children. We don't have to create supermen in one generation. We could simply generate dating pools that contain only matches have the best chance of healthy/improved genetics.
Evry country and intelligent people with cultured history (so all non subsaharans basically) practiced degrees of eugenics sort of, esp nobles. A king of the iranians during the sassanian period said "Nothing needs guarding so much as degree among men" .
In reference specifically to forbidding noble men from reproducing with lower women:
"Degenerate heirs appear , who adopt boorish ways and forsake noble manners, and lose their dignity in the sight of the people. They busy themselves like tradesmen with the earning of money, and neglect to garner fair fame. They marry among the vulgar and those who are not their peers, from this begetting men of low character; this is what is meant by "decadence of rank" "