Is Belgium a beautiful city, Yas Forums?

ShareBlue is nerdvirgin sweatshop.

He's just mocking the size of Belgium and the fact that it shouldn't even exist.

With lit highways everywhere it kind of feels like a city. Too much light.

Well, Belgium is an european construction, it's not a true country, it's a chimera of bullshit , paedophiles, elite retards, dutch, flemish and french, it's the weirdest shit in the whole europe it makes no sense.

>B-But Obamer said..!
All Americans are stupid.

Considering Belgium is the size of my backyard, calling it a city sounds about right.

This post is going to create so much Trumptard salt lmao

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>when all you have is out of context quotes
the man became president after saying he grabs women by the pussy and hes going to do it again, umad

Both of you retards lurk moar. He double posted. That's not samefagging at all.

He talked about the uv's and sunlight killing the virus around a minute, he just didn't remembered what the medic told him in the room just before going public. Let's say that he sucks at improvisation.