Have you ever been to the city of Belgium?
Is Belgium a beautiful city, Yas Forums?
yes it's nice
kek based, why are you so mad at the truth mohammed
hey bud, you see that thing up there that says "id", that's how we can tell loser samefags like you apart. It's actually not that difficult either.
in any case, didn't Obama said at some point something about there being 51 states?
might as well be just a big city....belgium isn't a real country
lmfao I'm not a lefty but that's pretty funny, he does say some dumb shit now and then
Have you ever visited our beautiful 57 states?
Samefag please lurk more or kill yourself
ShareBlue is nerdvirgin sweatshop.
He's just mocking the size of Belgium and the fact that it shouldn't even exist.
With lit highways everywhere it kind of feels like a city. Too much light.
Well, Belgium is an european construction, it's not a true country, it's a chimera of bullshit , paedophiles, elite retards, dutch, flemish and french, it's the weirdest shit in the whole europe it makes no sense.
>B-But Obamer said..!
All Americans are stupid.
Considering Belgium is the size of my backyard, calling it a city sounds about right.
This post is going to create so much Trumptard salt lmao
>when all you have is out of context quotes
the man became president after saying he grabs women by the pussy and hes going to do it again, umad
Both of you retards lurk moar. He double posted. That's not samefagging at all.
He talked about the uv's and sunlight killing the virus around a minute, he just didn't remembered what the medic told him in the room just before going public. Let's say that he sucks at improvisation.
What? I don't understand? I was just asking if you've ever been to the USA and seen our beautiful 57 states.
mohammed was a fraud that made up islam to fuck kids and get free shit from his followers
Really the same thing can be said of Washington D.C. being the only city that is uniquely part of America and not its home state.
I’ve gone, just the grand palace, or place is cool. At night they put all these lights on the buildings.. everything else was meh, we took the train from Amsterdam to Belgium just to check it out, I wouldnt go again, just a little oddity oh and somehow we ended up in a section of the city with a fuckload of Muslims weirdest shit.
>Belgium 30,689 km2
>Jinan China 53,000 km2
city confirmed
t. someone who hasn't visited all 57 states
Who gives a fuck what Belgium is? You europoors are just salty that nobody in the US gives a shit about your irrelevant ass countries.
It was Brussels I don’t know about the rest of Belgium
He's not really wrong
Brussels is literally it. The rest isn't actually Belgium.
Double posting and bumping a slide thread is just as bad. Kys too niggerfaggot
I would call that one large megacity with a small garden province in the south.
Fix your shit omar.