>6'3", quasi-famous white man single and childless at 38 because he has "high standards"
Sure thing, homo.
>6'3", quasi-famous white man single and childless at 38 because he has "high standards"
Sure thing, homo.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm 6'2 and 31 and single, because I have high standarts as well.
I wish I liked cock, then I would at least be not single
Homosexual rape is the straightest form of sex because it is unwanted. If you have sex with a woman, it’s gay because you’re literally having sex with someone who likes dicks, which is gay. If you have consensual sex with a man, well then that’s super gay. Forcing yourself into someone who doesn’t like dicks is the most dominant and masculine thing you can do.
Sure thing, Muhammad.
the level of cognitive dissonance in some faggots is out of this world
Pjw is woman repellant.
Women don't want to date eceleb fags who do nothing but yell on the intenet and are constantly under attack by the media? Imagine my shock.
maybe if he had a shave, a haircut and stopped looking like a homeless nigger he might find a girlfriend
he literary clean toilets before he got big in the internet if it wasnt for dumb people who think they're smart this bitch ass loser wouldnt make a penny no girl would ever find her attractive he got no jaw without beard just look really weak and stupid.
>I wish I liked cock
Uh, brah, I've got something to tell you
So if he is single then it means he is an homo. ok retard
This guy will die to a domestic violence if he talks to his girlfriend with the same nagging manchild tone as he does to his audience.
Yeah, he's a faggot.
I mean.. I guess. I guess that is quite literally the most dominating you can do.
He's a brit-bong. Homosexuality goes without saying
>high standards
new-speak for i am such an insufferable asshole in private not even my looks and fame can save it
Show us a prove of such.
How the fuck can you be 6'3" and not have a girlfriend. Tall guys have life on easy mode.
>I'm 6'2 and 31 and single, because I have high standarts
and you're probably ugly
get on gay chats
Then i guess this is a board of fags
6'1, 38, prefer being single. Don't need some live in to put their self realized problems on me. I can get sex whenever I want.
He fucked that psycho bitch then Baked Alaska picked up his sloppy seconds.
It's better to be single than to compromise.
Kill yourself, OP.
Because even though I’m tall and attractive, have a good job, I seem to only meet roasties. Or I just treat every woman like a roastie even if they’re not.
Also I’m autistic and have high standards that I really shouldn’t because I’m not much better.
Reminder that he has to deal with 10/10s in Bongland
syrian girl has a thing for anglos
My mom always said I was the handsomest boy in class and I'm still single.
Explain that you morons.
nigger fucks escorts daily he is one lying faggot
On OP "logic" you are a homo
If you can't even get laid in this place you should KYS.
According to Gavin Mcinnes, PJW fucked that Ashton Witty chick right in her pooper.
seems like a good match
I can, but I am single.
You think having a gf is life on easy?
Easy is not having one of the hysterical cunts around to fuck up your day.
T, 6'-4" with Italian gf. She's cute but she's a giant pain in the ass, like the rest of em.
>right in her pooper
So he's gay.
So first he was a homo because he was single, now he fucked that Ashton Witty
pretty sure he has a wife/gf