Is it possible to be in the CIA without knowing it?

Is it possible to be in the CIA without knowing it?

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As someone who is in the CIA without knowing it I can assure you that it is impossible to be in the CIA without knowing it.

Most CIA informants don't know they're in the CIA.

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Define "in" but they do have assets who are completely unaware as to who they work for.

go to bed trevor

A bit like being a janitor on Yas Forums. Only paid in hotpockets at best but providing a service.

Yeah but it's for free


Depends on your affiliations to others. Theoretically you could be in with no strings attached to take advantage of your connections elsewhere. You would know whether you're "in" or not but there would be no paperwork for you to sign. All in all, maybe not.

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It's quite funny actually. Intelligence agencies that compartmentalize end up centralizing, and intelligence agencies that decentralize end up decompartmentalized.

Like make up your damn mind, do you want me to know what your up to, or pretend simply?

This. Thread could have stopped here.

yes. look at informants, puppet goverments and ISIS

>Is it possible to be in the CIA without knowing it?
Yes, you just have to carry a phone 24/7.

Some people are much more likely to encounter illegal activity because of how some people are.

Following/monitoring those people would make it easy to detect illegal activity.

>Is it possible to be in the CIA without knowing it?

Yes, kind of.

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Imagine you think you're just an ordinary criminal thinking you're just doing criminal stuff and your boss isn't actually a criminal but just CIA.

Does the cia provide you income? Theres your answer.


Yeah, you're almost certainly Gang Stalking some schizo in your neighborhood. Every time you go outside to the store he's convinced you're driving past his house to harass him into insanity.

Well, there's cia front companies and all that. You might actually get an income working for the CIA without you knowing it is.


I never did that but I did pretend to be an undercover cop occasionally dressing like tourist and harrased junkies with my presence.

>I never did that
Oh, rest assured, it's real in his mind.

Is it possible to know whether it is possible to be in the CIA without knowing it?

There's known knowns,
known unknowns,
unknowned knowns,
and unknown unknowns.

I don't know, but Get Smart is good and Agent 99 is qt
(Yeah I know he's half jewish, it doesn't show in the show's writing though)

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Most crimeline citezen callers don't know that they are in the police department...

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Is it possible to be in the CIA without a buttplug

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It's possible to work for the CIA without knowing it. I doubt most of Yas Forums is actually on a CIA payroll but the majority of memes are CIA-made.

They know they’re snitching. They just don’t know it’s cia.

My psychiatrists have the most lacking mental functions ever. They say there are only high frequency low risk and low frequency high risk offenders.

Effects of any action or reaction resonate globally.
Processing the echoed signal sometimes triggers chain reactions, which are often misinterpreted as CIA involvement.

But when you think about it Yas Forums does actually do psyop operations and had a hand in the election of trump, unironically. I mean everybody complains about the russians and muh foreign influence but nobody actually talks about me seeding propaganda all over the place in form of meme frogs and so on.

So they think there can't be low frequency low offenders?

Every American is in the CIA. There’s your answer.

When it comes down to kids and human slavery fuck your "snitching"

>posting "CIA"
>flags Googlebots to archive post
>sends analysis reports to CIA NSA FBI
if "in the CIA" means contributing to databases, then yes

why are there so many CIA posts recently? If you want hire me, call me the fuck up and hire me


Are you saying the CIA doesn't work for the american citizens but somehow americans ended up working for the CIA?

Guise seriusly tho, ghosts and lizards r trying to own us, they think we are pets.

That's actually stupid. I used to download one or two movies but not anymore. Was literally low frequency low offense. I drove too fast once as well but I'm not a speeder.

You think you're funny until you're on an alien space ship locked in hypersleep headed for the next Lizard hive over.

No. I worked side-by-side with CIA SOG in Iraq and Afghanistan doing SR and HUMINT. The only time that could happen without a warrant is if they get a NSA non-FISA Tap over your communication devices.


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>Most crimeline citezen callers don't know that they are in the police department...
That's the worst false equivalence I've ever seen.

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I'm too high to be on twatter so I came here after almost spewing chan-esque statements onto a west coast communist's hate post.
The madness created by the cognitive dissonance is obnoxious.
>Christine Blaisey Ford is MuhHeroine! Buhleebs her!
>Dat trashy womins who sayin dat Bidan is a handsy man jus' be talkin' trash!
Am I CIANigger, Yas Forums?

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>How to be knowingly CIA
>Have a data, management or legal degree from Ivy League, be approached
>End up having job title of analyst, field officer, case officer or some menual work related to your degree.
>Have SOF background
>Be recommended by current SOF working for CIA
>End up having job title of field officer, case officer or some security/direct action posting.
>Have SOF background
>Join a PMC
>PMC wins Global Response Staff contract etc
>Get picked up for contract
>End up having job title of Security Contractor/GRS Team Member or GRS Team Coordinator.

>How to be unknowingly CIA
>Be a crook with connection to organized crime
>Do commissions
>Commission might by requested by CIA front
>End up having job title of 'that guy who stages suicides with two gunshots to back of head'.
>Be a radical in foreign country
>Have a power base
>Some cool guy comes over and offers you lots of guns
>Accept it, miraculously not arrested
>End up having job title of 'paramilitary asset'.
>Be somebody in position of power
>Somebody offers you a bribe for information
>Accept bribe, miraculously not arrested
>End up having a job title of 'information source'
>Have some sort of interesting skillset
>Post on Yas Forums educating zoomers on various concepts, see: Oppenheimer
>Have job title of 'that retard that an analyst can ask a question, and then spin your bullshit for his weekly powerpoint presentation'.

What an interdasting past it amusing?

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Kek that's not true.

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