How would you fake this?

protip you (probably) cant

Attached: theyreoutthere.jpg (900x682, 131.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lots of rope, boards and several artists.

Prove it


>Have grid map of your field
>Mark down which coordinates on said map would need to be flattened to make that design
>Go to coordinates and flatten out crops

with a weather balloon retard faggot

Don't be a lazy faggot and look at jewtube

get a long string and tie it in the middle. then walk a certain distance away and begin traveling in a circle. every few calculated paces do the thing

A drone swarm that functions as a unit like a 3d printer

Obviously it's done with swamp gas retards

The real answer is Meth. It gives you a 18 hour high with endless energy and there is literally nothing else to do in fly over country. These people take meth and make crop circles for lack of anything better to do

it's not mathematically perfect. meaning it was probably done by a very organised and experienced group of mad lads. not reptilian ufos.

Spike in center of the circle with a measured rope hop on a 2x4 in a circle

I could easily do this with one other person, but I'm a surveyor.

it's the jews

The thing that fucks me up with crop circles is some of them are in wheat fields.
And there is no fucking way you can walk to the middle of a wheat field and not leave a visible trail of where you walked.
There would have to be an entrance and exit trail to the design unless you roped down from a helicopter and then roped back up.

This is actually plausible

its obvious the most intricate crop designs are by computer.
seems some space or air based tech then"prints" it onto the ground with some sort of energy.
not ayys though; the designs are mathematical and human, though based in universal geometry

or used stilts

Attached: 154432875.jpg (1100x1100, 204.92K)

In case nobody sees the most obvious one...

Attached: derp_circle.jpg (900x682, 173.41K)

So much work for 5 seconds of fame? It’s plausible.

Math is universal.

Or this one

Attached: Roundway-Hill_OH_600.jpg (600x398, 113.25K)

>grow poppies or dirtweed in cornfields to hide from feds
>destroy crops and make a cool design so you can claim aliums or some bored teenagers made it

/x/ is that way --->

>or used stilts
never thought of that
t. was a stilt building genius when I was a wee lad

(advanced) aliens communicate in mathematics you mong

Attached: 07200679copy.jpg (1024x835, 201.41K)

its not that much work seeing as the stilts also act as your angle and flattening device, just a knotted or marked rope and you can do any design. Yeah people risk death hanging off of things to do graffiti, we are weird cunts


>Inches are for carpenters and queers
I enjoyed surveying more than any other job I have had

I read a ton on this years ago on the brand new interwebs.
The big thing the early researchers pointed out was many of the circles the plant's stems were bent at the bottom and not broken as if they were laid over not forced down.

you trying drawing a perfect picture with the skid marks of your car

aliens aren't perfect

Attached: b74d092921f103c72b4cb009b4967e60--nazca-lines-crop-circles.jpg (736x528, 93.98K)

That was me. I was tripping on acid.

like this

i'd use a UFO

>gardening is impossible

i mean, you could just walk down the tractor lines

But user, these formations can easily be made by simply sticking a pole into the ground, tying some rope around it and then dragging that rope around to flatten the crops and form those seemingly perfect circles you see.

Attached: 04ef8363c35e78800377118f9ee9d406.png (500x359, 147.82K)

with magic ( or how we not retards call it "math")

What could this one mean?

Attached: ROADSIDE-Harvest-Social-is-bringing-a-craft-beer-corn-maze-to-Abbotsford-this-year-ROADSIDE-Harvest-Social.jpg (1160x767, 504.83K)

>these formations can easily be made by simply sticking a pole into the ground, tying some rope around it and then dragging that rope around to flatten the crops and form those seemingly perfect circles you see.
That's what the aliens did.

Clearly Aliens

Attached: 8247_4E5C802E.jpg (1242x1380, 515.47K)

There are some inconsistencies if you look closely. So it wasn't made by some alien laser beams obviously.

yea you can walk through wheet felds and not flatten shit as you go. them shits pop back up and sting if you rin through btw

Attached: Windmill.jpg (720x777, 232.19K)

why the fuck would aliens make cool patterns in our crops?

>i mean, you could just walk down the tractor lines
Not all the fields I have seen them in have those tractor lines/dead furrows. Those lines always seem to be a european farming feature.
Pic related is what I have always been used to here in the states. The bottom pics show where something has knocked the wheat down. Bottom line you need vertical access to enter a wheat field with out leaving a visible trail. Also I am not convinced you can walk into a wheat field on stilts and not leave a trail, You would have to pick them way too far up and not shuffle along.

t. junior stilt building master

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