Lesbian NASA astronaut commits first crime from space

NASA astronaut accused of stealing her estranged wife’s identity from space

Decorated NASA astronaut Anne McClain is accused of stealing her estranged wife’s identity and improperly accessing her bank account while McClain was on a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station — likely the first crime ever committed in space.

The wife, Summer Worden, a former Air Force intelligence officer who lives in Kansas, and McClain have been locked in an ugly divorce since 2018 that includes a nasty parenting dispute over Worden’s 6-year-old son, whom McClain was helping to raise before their split, the New York Times reported. Worden never consented to McClain adopting the boy, who was a year old when they met in 2014.

McClain was supposed to be part of NASA’s first all-female spacewalk in March before it was canceled for a lack of properly fitting spacesuits.

Though Worden filed for divorce in 2018, McClain continued to ask her highly detailed questions about her financial life, Worden claims. That led Worden to have her bank check into who had recently accessed her bank account, and the bank found access from a NASA computer network, according to reports.

“I was shocked and appalled at the audacity by her to think that she could get away with that, and I was very disheartened that I couldn’t keep anything private,” Worden told NBC News.


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Looks like John McClane

In space no one can hear you scheme.

An insight into the world of queers.

interesting that astronauts are as fucked up attention whores as actors are

Underrated post.

Sensible chuckle.

>hetero couples don't go through ugly divorces

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>McClain was supposed to be part of NASA’s first all-female spacewalk in March before it was canceled for a lack of properly fitting spacesuits.

Women stepping out in the same outfit? Not gonna happen.

Wow dude a little late on this thread are we? Also didn't they update this story like 2 weeks ago because they found out it was all bullshit? You're a dingus, op. I'm sorry you had to find out this way :(

Yeah, we're done exploring space aren't we?

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It's more like they hired the same activists-type cunts and this is what they get.

>woman eats apple
>First sin
>Several thousand years of bullshit
It's almost as if they are trying to be the first in everything.

Leaders in Space Crime.

IF only Adam just murdered Eve right from the start we wouldn't have this bullshit now.

Will we ever discover who the first person to jack it in space was?
I think that married couple is the "official" first sex in space but I bet some really gay experiments went on in the Soviet and American space programs for research purposes.



0.01% of astronauts do 100% of the crime?

I saw this news a few months back

>all female spacewalk
Surely the women are the most qualified and it isn't some pr stunt

Now that's what I call the DYKE stuff!

>Fugged that rightUp.com

Attached: TheManWhoLaughs.jpg (627x469, 39.15K)

>I must think in one language at a time.
I must think in one language at a time.
>I must think in one language at a time.
I must think in one language at a time.
>I must think in one language at a time.
I must think in one language at a time.


So would the last bits of sperm get stuck in your shaft?

"Ah yes... I'll have one can of Dyke Stuff please. Thanks."

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They didn't even have female space suits

>fucking around with your ex on the job
>a job where you are in orbit and might compromise the small bubble of air millions of dollars in engineering and taxpayer money got you up there with
>a job where your integrity might be an issue, and now reflecting poorly on shit tier USA values and hiring selection process as it's the ISS

Yeah just a typical perfectly normal domestic dispute.

Be gay do crimes

How? Haven't there been space walks with female Astronauts before?

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gay and lesbian partners have higher rates of domestic violence than hetero couples though, mister big brain.

she looks like someone drowned cillian murphy and pulled his bloated corpse out the river a month later.

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Send her to Space Jail.
After she get's proper representation in Space Court and is judged by a Jury of her Space Peers.

is everyone in this thread gonna pretend these links don't exist or what


Nice outdated link dipshit.

0.0003s on wiki

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>Anne McClain is accused of stealing her estranged wife’s identity
How can a woman have a wife? Triple nigger.

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How do you take custody of someone else's kid just because you scissored his mom?

>Confederate meme flag
>Trusting the government
Epic fail bruh

Even if they had the tech, we would be the last to know.

How the fuck did a lesbian pass the psychological testing to become an astronaut? She's either Anger Issues Incarnate or a Human Punching Bag. Lesbians hospitalize each other through domestic violence at EIGHTEEN times the rate of heterosexuals, which given how few lesbians there are is astonisihing.
I'm starting to believe the batshit conspiracy theories about the ISS being filmed in a Hollywood basement, there's no way you'd put someone that emotionally unstable into space without serious consequences.

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>Confederate meme flag


Oh wow, you dumb bro.