2 weeks till next paycheck

>2 weeks till next paycheck
>Only have 20 euros left

How do I survive this?

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buy bread and coffee you'll be fine

plant food and buy flour to make bread faggot

stop posting frogs.

Open an onlyfans with gf

better stop paying for that blacked.com subscription bro

If you got an Ali Watkins tier grip you could sell handys.

End it before the nukes fly.

That's the fun part--
You don't.

steal from your neighbor

What’s your PayPal user?

Segítsek user, itt egy szívecske

listen the album Animals of Pink Floyd.

It is possible. Buy eggs, potato, rice, dry beans, onion, and tomato juice. It will cost not more than 5000 ft. And 2k ft left for snacks.

I've been living on ham and boiled eggs for a week now. It's very tough, guys.

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Mutt's law

indoor chicken farmer

Post paypal

you dont, you are doomed, so take as many retards with you as you can, don't worry, it will all be counted as corona death so your honor will not be impugned.

>Gets free healthcare
>Dies of starvation in his 30sq meter studio apartment
>Tfw European

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people with no money or food are already rioting in france and italy

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Bread and water, bitch.

>TFW you live in a rural as fuck area
Time to get comfy boys.

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is that new york?

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gringolems BTFO

i see a load of women making blogs on how to feed your family on a dollar / pound a day you should check out one of them blogs

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Let me think... I think you should buy 4 packs of flour, a box of 12 eggs, a couple bottles of milk, some cheap fermentated alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer of cider (they are very nutritive), bread, 1 pack of sugar and beef. With this you should have enough to survive the next 2 weeks.

Is there no one donating food in your neighborhood?

who would win?

an acid barrel or a bus load of mexican school children?

2 weeks without food? Theoretically, you should be able to make it. How fat are you?

Also, I don't know the prices in your country, but can't you just buy 20 cans of beans? It won't be pretty, but they will keep you alive.

Just steal a car you fucking gypsy

Try to find cheap calories. Here in Canada you can have 50 lbs of potatoes for 15$ from the producer, not in grocery store.

Start gambling on horse racing

2 week speed bender