How do I stop this fucking torture Yas Forums?
How do I stop this fucking torture Yas Forums?
Embrace National Socialism.
neck yourself desu senpai
This imagine literally made me lmfao. It's so accurate, I fucking hate working and my dream is to buy a home by the countryside so I can wake up in the morning, sit on my chair and just THINK
unironically read the power of now
Realize you're not special or a genius and you're only running away from your problems.
Do some fucking pushups, bud
zoomers are the redditest generation
same but without dreams
Me irl
I feel attacked. Not cool OP
I realize that but I feel like I'm having a heart attack every time I start trying to deal with my problems.
Wow that was basically me when I was 18-19 and a NEET laying on my floor all day. It could have been better if I had the discipline to stop eating the junk food my mom bought and became extremely active, e.g., walking 10+ mi a day, swimming in the river, hiking, as I do now.
Holy shit. Every single one of those things is me. I thought it was all just my schizophrenia.
Take the tedpill
You should add stares at the tv just to think and no one will realize it and doesn’t pay attention what’s going on the tv
Lift weights. Create to-do lists that involve production of something tangible and do the work. But mostly lift weights.
try to accomplish anything. the smaller the better.
During this time I felt like I was having heart attacks on two or three occasions, it was panic attacks. My chest hurt a bit and that's when I departed from that lifestyle a little, started riding the bus downtown for the first time in my life, buying my own food, walking ~1 mi a day. Years later I got a puppy and that's what got me walking a ton more.
Wow everyone in this thread is just like me.
Shit, this hits home... Almost every single one applies to me except that I'm even worse because I'm 29 and can't even drive.
I hope corona-chan takes me in her warm thighs
Just get married.
Same but I just wanna LEARN
Pic related is actually me. Even the age, I swear.
>conjures mere powerfantasies
Time to pick one junior. Seems like "19 year old impotent fantasizer" might be more descriptive of your lame condition.
I have spent an entire year of my life being exactly this, a NEET who was constantly thinking. I thought all this thinking was very introspective and would help me develop as a person but it didn't do anything for me. When I got a job I realized how much time and money I wasted. It's not healthy and completely useless
>Hedgehog dilemma
>Inner monologue has become his entire reality
Too personal, man
Youtube Eckhart Tolle or Mooji.
Meditation is the only thing that can help, you sit and just train yourself to stop thinking
Get a job that allows you to get a hobby.
Do both.
And just act like a piece of shit if you want to get a gf.
Sounds to me like you need to take some acid or some shit.
Maybe even SSRIs could help.
You have to be able to reflect on reality or you will never move on.
Ego death is essential for becoming your own person.
>start over life
>at 19
just wait lmao
>stop thinking
nice try, shlomo
I’m in this thread and I don’t like it
try making your inner voice that of macho man Randy savage. It is my secret to success, OH YEEEAH!