Yeah okay Moshi.
"broadway star" has leg amputated due to clotting during coronachan hospitalization
vasopressors that keep blood pressure up can cause tissue necrosis
Retard spotted
Old farts and lards, they gotta to, man.
Maybe if you actually fucking paid attention the past week its confirmed that the virus pretty much attacks every part of your body. You're basically rolling the dice between choking to death, heart attack, and this shit.
As a Freemason, he would be willing to have his leg amputated and live out his life as a legless amputee martyr, for the Freemason hoax that this corona virus is real.
Think of David Hogg, son of a FBI officer, Freemason, over 30 and plays the roll of a high school "victim" of a mass shooting. For life. He will pretend his role, for life.
These Freemasons are fucking serious, and we the sheeple are 100% retarded for believing their bullshit.
There is no corona virus. It's a hoax 100%.
And naturally jewtube is taking these channels down that reveal the truth. Watch while you can...
Shut the fuck up, I'm not even justifying this with an argument.
I implore you, please go out and lick door handles to prove to us this hoax virus doesnt exist.
Ehhh ok mr chink chong wong! Whatever you say...