I had to google it and all I found were some r9k posts.
Why do Chinese women love white men?
you've ignored the other part, as in "you" and "anecdotal", if you're a gigolo type and have the looks for it then wtf are you talking here about, your experience is irrelevant
All I know is Chinese women love big white cock, that is my entire theory and I'm trying to disprove it but I don't think I can. Science is settled.
less to no domestic abuse, less to no philandering, chances of white husband having a mistress close to zero, juicy big white cock, hapa kids, better chance of higher salary potential
Asian girls are cute but I don't think I could look at having a hapa son
HSK1/2 tier chinese, 语法错了。
Good. They treat white guy as trophies or tickets to riches.
>asians dun fight back
Depends on where you go. Certain places even in the city can get pretty nasty. Esp from the malays or polynesians.
kek, this.