Why do Chinese women love white men?

Do Chinese women really love white men? Seems that way. I remember banging this asian girl in high school and her mom wanted me to merry her. Also, I've had wealthy looking Asian women hit on me at work several times...

Do Chinese women really love white men or do they just hate Chinese men? Because I know most Chinese men are about 5 foot 3 and I hear they have really tiny penis'... Actually I know they do because I've seen them in porn... Asian men have like 2 inch dicks usually... But anyways, I know asian women really love white cock is it just to spite you because you all look really feminine with squinty bug eyes or is it just because women men are way sexier...

Anyways, if any Chinese men can explain to me why their women are always on my dick that'd be great...

Sincerely America

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Actually they're just happy they're creating a mixed mutt, they take you out of knowing they're helping kill the white race.

I only know that WMAF couples make me want to puke.

they get paid by the ccp if they can extract any juicy trade or government secrets from thirsty white males

I've fucked lots of women and never got any pregnant on purpose because most women are retarded and I don't want to be attached to one... I don't have a fetish for asian women but they are cute, Asian men are total wimps though whats the deal with that, like sure some of them got Karate but they're only like 110lbs soaking wet you just put the little bastard in a head lock...

none of this really applies to me btw


Everyone I know who married a Malay lady is pretty chad though

Chinese dog, your women suck the white cock very well

Lol what are "autism jeans"?

You are not white Pajeet

Literally what is wrong with "autism jeans"?

Women love status

I used to fuck Asian girls left, right and center. Completely forgotten some of their names due to how many there were but I remember what they were all like.

I'm sorry for my race treachery. But I lived in a majority Asian area and I'm still practically a sex addict. I learned the hard way like the anti-social retard I am.

AMA, I guess.

then show your flag "Günter"


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>AMA, I guess.
How do i get asian pussy?

Don't bother. It's not worth it.

Never fucked a prostitute in my life but white women don't fuck Asian men lol you're rated the most unattractive race by white women...

no they just like you/your money, anecdotal, they prefer their own kind

Naw poojets and niggers are more unattractive to them.

did an asian kid bully you at school or something?

They are ruthless social climbers who want a white boyfriend or husband as an accessory.

All females chase white dick, but Asians are especially eager.

>virgins confused about autism jeans

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Not true I'm not wealthy at all they just wanted dick quit trying to play this down. I know it's probably unbelievable to you that they just like to fuck, all women do... It didn't cost me shit

i have nothing more to say
so my larp ends now

I had to google it and all I found were some r9k posts.


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you've ignored the other part, as in "you" and "anecdotal", if you're a gigolo type and have the looks for it then wtf are you talking here about, your experience is irrelevant

All I know is Chinese women love big white cock, that is my entire theory and I'm trying to disprove it but I don't think I can. Science is settled.

less to no domestic abuse, less to no philandering, chances of white husband having a mistress close to zero, juicy big white cock, hapa kids, better chance of higher salary potential

Asian girls are cute but I don't think I could look at having a hapa son

HSK1/2 tier chinese, 语法错了。

Good. They treat white guy as trophies or tickets to riches.
>asians dun fight back
Depends on where you go. Certain places even in the city can get pretty nasty. Esp from the malays or polynesians.

kek, this.