22 million new unemployed in the last 4 weeks

The alternative is exposing 300+ million in the US alone to the virus. At just 1% mortality (which let's be honest, it's up to 14% in certain groups of people that's 3 million dead for a 100% preventable disease.

Those 4 states refuse to issue state unemployment and they refuse to honor the CARE ACT.

Kek. Finally americunts get a taste of unemployment. All the regular media, entertaintment, political bullshit is in hold G. At least the obesity rates will go down for a few months. If any amerimutts have half a brain they will watch and learn from this lockdown. What emerges from the lockdown will define American life for the next 50 years. Watch closely and you will see who the real worms, the real maggots, theives, liars and deviants will rise to the surface for air. This is the opportunity to rewrite your history and define your future. My bet is you'll be one more degenerative and obese with moar school, public mass shootings than ever. You will see zombies in the streets and people eat eachother to survive your capitalist fat arses. Your finished. Your flag is toilet roll. Kek.

Yes and most small businesses don't have more than a month of payroll in reserve. So unless it's reopened and people are allowed out, they're gone. Whole sectors are on the edge of collapse.

>0.0001% chance of dying
>90% chance of destroying my entire future in economic collapse that takes years to recover from
nope still gonna go with the first one

Attached: boomer dilemma.png (500x756, 370.6K)

The virus is just the flu as long as keep international travel banned till June we will be fine.

I am making more $ on unemployment then when I was working FULL TIME but I am not a nigger so I can't wait to go back to work.

>If everyone was getting paid you wouldn't see people in Michigan protesting
I just thought that was boomers being obnoxious
>but this could be as big it bigger then the great depression
Being as America isn't on the gold standard anymore I doubt it. But maybe your'e right, restaurants and clothing stores closing down could be the end of us.

Yes, a more contagious and 10x as deadly flu with no vaccine.

>The alternative is exposing 300+ million in the US alone to the virus.
There isn't good evidence the lockdowns have actually helped reduce infection. Nearly all American adults over the age of 18 (something like 95% of us) have the virus for chickenpox for example. Viruses can spread really effectively without there being much you can do to stop it. And there's evidence coming out from more testing among asymptomatic people that almost everyone might already have this new virus. Its lack of symptoms and long incubation period even in those who eventually do have symptoms means most of those infected from it were already infected before any of these state control measures were implemented.