22 million new unemployed in the last 4 weeks

>22 million new unemployed in the last 4 weeks


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It blows my mind people aren't more worried about this.

It’s wild


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US population is 330 millionish, that's really not that much. 15%


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US has 150 million workers


You fell for yet another jewish trick:

If only tRump could handle a crisis

oh no, not the specialty cupcake shop, and the used vacuum stores!

You are literally retarded

15% going unemployed in a single month doesn't scare you?

Fucking China should be glassed

>US population is 330 millionish
That includes infants, children, stay at home moms, disabled people, retirees, etc.

It's fucking crazy

What's the problem?


nope only a couple more weeks than everything goes right back to normal my nintendo works for my dad and he said everything is fine


What's the unemployment rate in Antarctica?

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Boy they are FUCKED

The left has a hard-on over this. All these people lining up for free food, crashing unemployment servers everywhere, begging to be dependent on the state.

so, I really could care less about the "economy" it's all fatcats and jews complaining they aren't making shekels and want their stocks to rise so they siphon off the top like vampires, fuck'em.

>It's fucking crazy
It's really not. What did you expect to happen?>15% going unemployed in a single month doesn't scare you?
No, why would it?

The unemployment system is broken

Quarantine over in May

The problem is every unemployed person is 10 lost customers for other businesses who will lose revenue and need to lay off even more workers who will stop being paying customers for even more businesses.
Understand yet? This is how you have a new Great Depression with everyone freaking out and out of work at the same time beginning to hoard what little they have and the demand for non-essential business (and therefore all the employment that went with it) dropping off leaving everyone and everything in a negative feedback loop to rock bottom destitution.

absolute zeroh

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Is there some fucking deja vu, shitposting or something?
I'm pretty fucking sure we just had this thread with a similar op image and similar replies not long ago

in israel its 25%

In Michigan,Florida and Ohio people are getting ready to riot.

They want their fucking money.

maybe we won't spend our money on shitty plastic things from chi----na

pretty sure it's less than 150m

maybe closer to 100 million, so this is like 20-30% unemployed right now and its going to get worse

good though, because this shit had to end at some point. Our nations were/are open-air prison empires on a prison planet

Angry and disenfranchised people begin descending on the city centers, or on logistical sites like airports and ports. Their angry invasion resonates in a distinct yet parallel way with people living in marginalized or low-income neighborhoods either inside the city or at its edges (graffiti crews, rednecks, truck drivers, drug dealers, sex workers, former-prisoners, pensioners). Ethical extremists of various ideological or subcultural persuasions operate alongside one another in the streets, united only by their respective unwillingness to police each other’s anger at the system (for better and for worse: anarchists, neonazis, soccer hooligans, gang members). The various social groups never synthesize into a larger whole, but simply move alongside one another, occasionally clashing with one another, but returning week after week to smash the glittering facades of the cities and attacking police and governmental buildings. Those who can’t make it to the urban centers block the roads and arterial infrastructure on which they depend, from outside. This heterogeneous alliance of ‘randos’ from the near-and-far hinterlands and urban ethical extremists repolarizes the political situation from top and bottom, rather than left and right.

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Politicians, leftist organizations, trade unions and N.G.O.’s initially distance themselves from the confusing mêlée and denounce the violence. The crowds pay them no mind, owing them no allegiance. Realizing they have been eclipsed, leftist organizations have no choice but to tuck their tail and chase after the crowds from a rearguard position, attempting however possible to co-opt, manage, and eventually pacify them. College students and middle managers of all demographics attempt to shame and divide the rioters racially, sexually, geographically, by class, by any axis of identity they can, so as to better gain a foothold in the chaos. Along the way, the police will commit their usual heavy-handed blunders, which will (at first) widen the antagonism and expand the struggle, forcing the government to deploy the National Guard. When they reach this point, struggles will will either dissipate, or else succeed in fracturing the armed forces and inducing widespread social defection…


Deadly Virus shuts down economy, wonders why the uneployees is high...please just neck ypurself.

Alot governor's might end up killed by mobs for following the orders of their Jewish masters.

>Understand yet?
No dude, people are still getting paid. Non-essentials that have no money are poor people that didn't create any meaningful economic activity to begin with. They should be happy with the twelve hundred and extra unemployment benefits.

Tfw Rusian money is spent.

The problem is states like Florida,Michigan,Ohio and Kansas don't want to pay out unemployment money like the other 46 states.

Over 37% already in Hawaii lol.
This is so ridiculously bad. I don't know which would be worse: If this were an intentional fucked up plot to cripple people's financial independence or if shutting down business was an honest idea policy planners had without realizing the consequences.
No one's wondering you idiot. It's still awful.

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Just got laid off today, no warning. Was on a team of 3 that made at least triple our combined salaries in net rev but the corp is swinging its axe everywhere trying to offset the kung flu losses and decided they can do it with 2 people

Good. Degenerate jewish globohomo btfo. Maybe these newly unemployed neets will actually have time to think with all their new free time. No more nigger sportsball and 9-5 at Shekelson inc. to distract them. Absorb redpills and see (((who))) is in control of this country and behind the decadence.

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No one is getting paid in Florida,Michigan,Ohio and Kansas

The governor's don't want to hand out the money.

Who said I was wondering why?

i hope so


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just give money to billionaires, they will create jobs

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>tfw shit opening up in may
>tfw work in for profit education
>tfw about to get a fuck ton more customers and job security

Who else looking forward to may 1st

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Michigan finally started protesting. When another month of rent is due in 2 weeks we might see more. The problem is nobody can think long-term and there's a lot of "MUH FEE FEES!" over this. "But who cares is 50 million people lose their jobs if it saves one life it will be worth it. You can't put a price on human life!"
cringy as fuck, Trump is right and we need to start easing these lockdowns.

makes sense, since it's only a travel destination

The US has a population of 330+ million but only 155+ are actually employable (ie of a working age and capable of). So now we have 130-ish million. At this rate you can expect HALF of all the population unemployed in 3-5 months if things keep getting worse. Anyone saying that it's the non-essentials losing their jobs so why should they care are completely and utterly retarded. Read up on Keynesian Economics for a basic understanding. We NEED these people, after a certain point even the so called essentials will get FUCKED. We're looking at a catastrophe far far far worse than the Great Depression if nothing is done about it.

If everyone was getting paid you wouldn't see people in Michigan protesting the governor or people on Twitter taking a meltdown over Florida's unemployment system refusing to accept claims.

Dude, the majority of businesses that are closed are in Limbo. Most small businesses will not survive an extended quarantine. If Trump manages to end the lockdown, good, but if not all those businesses that are just free floating right now will collapse. 30-60% unemployment is not impossible. I don't really care, it'd be interesting, but this could be as big it bigger then the great depression.

until it's your life


Throw as much money as you want at them. It won't be the same as actually having a job and that definitely won't magically pump out the consumer spending needed for businesses to come anywhere close to deciding they ought to hire back the projected 50 million laid off population we'll have by end of month.
Not having a job and living off government checks which are always extremely temporary (4 months tops) in this country, alongside 50 million other out of work people all competing for the same few job openings is not going to work well.

Hawaii is a tourist state. places that rely on tourism are extra extra extra fucked. we have a tourist city in israel called Eilat. the offical unemployment number there is 80% but locals say its 95%.

>No one is getting paid in Florida,Michigan,Ohio and Kansas
That's a separate issue though.
>oh look number big
States that aren't upholding their obligation are much bigger problems than unemployment being high. That's fucked though. What's their reasoning?

Only a Israeli would find that funny don't be surprised if the governor's of Florida, Michigan,Ohio and Kansas die in a Riot for following the orders of Jews.

The majority of those billionaires are hemorrhaging money trying to keep their businesses in the black and employees paid. The small business find was emptied in days and most businesses didn't get a dime. It'll be bad for workers

The alternative is exposing 300+ million in the US alone to the virus. At just 1% mortality (which let's be honest, it's up to 14% in certain groups of people that's 3 million dead for a 100% preventable disease.

Those 4 states refuse to issue state unemployment and they refuse to honor the CARE ACT.

Kek. Finally americunts get a taste of unemployment. All the regular media, entertaintment, political bullshit is in hold G. At least the obesity rates will go down for a few months. If any amerimutts have half a brain they will watch and learn from this lockdown. What emerges from the lockdown will define American life for the next 50 years. Watch closely and you will see who the real worms, the real maggots, theives, liars and deviants will rise to the surface for air. This is the opportunity to rewrite your history and define your future. My bet is you'll be one more degenerative and obese with moar school, public mass shootings than ever. You will see zombies in the streets and people eat eachother to survive your capitalist fat arses. Your finished. Your flag is toilet roll. Kek.

Yes and most small businesses don't have more than a month of payroll in reserve. So unless it's reopened and people are allowed out, they're gone. Whole sectors are on the edge of collapse.

>0.0001% chance of dying
>90% chance of destroying my entire future in economic collapse that takes years to recover from
nope still gonna go with the first one

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The virus is just the flu as long as keep international travel banned till June we will be fine.

I am making more $ on unemployment then when I was working FULL TIME but I am not a nigger so I can't wait to go back to work.

>If everyone was getting paid you wouldn't see people in Michigan protesting
I just thought that was boomers being obnoxious
>but this could be as big it bigger then the great depression
Being as America isn't on the gold standard anymore I doubt it. But maybe your'e right, restaurants and clothing stores closing down could be the end of us.

Yes, a more contagious and 10x as deadly flu with no vaccine.

>The alternative is exposing 300+ million in the US alone to the virus.
There isn't good evidence the lockdowns have actually helped reduce infection. Nearly all American adults over the age of 18 (something like 95% of us) have the virus for chickenpox for example. Viruses can spread really effectively without there being much you can do to stop it. And there's evidence coming out from more testing among asymptomatic people that almost everyone might already have this new virus. Its lack of symptoms and long incubation period even in those who eventually do have symptoms means most of those infected from it were already infected before any of these state control measures were implemented.