Is science fake and gay? The whole "peer review" process seems to be a giant grift. The whole academic/political influence into science seems to be driving it into the ground.
We've been lied to so much it's hard to even tell what's the truth now.
Is science fake and gay? The whole "peer review" process seems to be a giant grift. The whole academic/political influence into science seems to be driving it into the ground.
We've been lied to so much it's hard to even tell what's the truth now.
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Don't you know books are bullshit?
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we did it reddit!
Physics itself is fake and gay.
It's pay-for-play. A paper claiming penises influenced global warming passed peer review. They did it to prove what garbage the process is.
>Is science fake and gay?
Science isn't prefect, but it is the best source of information we have. It's certainly better than religion or postmodernism.
>The whole academic/political influence into science seems to be driving it into the ground.
What sort of political influence are you talking about? Nazis complain about "Jewish science". Postmodernists and neo-Marxists complain about "white male science". Seems to me like every idiot sees their worst enemy in science.
>We've been lied to so much it's hard to even tell what's the truth now.
Science will help you more than any sort of political extremism will. Just compare the different types of political extremists and remember the lucky horseshoe.
Science is above these stupid slapfights over "muh feelz" and "muh identitiy".
It’s all just a game nobody knows shit
"Science" is a religion
Trust the experts for shit that you don't understand.
Those things you think are factors are not facrors, stfu. Only scientists can study shit.
Physics created the computer you are typing on.
have you actually read any postmodernism? Deleuze has a lot of interesting shit to say that would probably surprised you.
What kind of science are you talking about? Because to most fields the whole social shift stuff is irrelevant. Researchers care about getting results and their field, they don't concern themselves with pandering and other bullshit.
The garbage heaps are social 'sciences' wherr crackpots shit out conjecture and dress it up. Studying design and methodology is so laughably bad in these fields that no one takes them seriously.
Trust me when I say that scientists and engineers look down on social science as a joke.
(((Social sciences))) and most "soft" sciences are indeed, fake and gay.
>It's pay-for-play.
Damn capitalists! Oh ... wait ...
>A paper claiming penises influenced global warming passed peer review.
What? Cite it.
The guy behind this site thinks that germs aren't real. He's about as credible as the black supremacy crowd.
Are you advocating nihilism?
... or are you just advocating your preferred type of anti-science trash ... while dismissing every other type of anti-science trash?
One problem is that peer review can be anonymous. I think we should be able to see the names of our so-called experts.
Science is about questions, not answers.
Any scientist claiming to have answers isn't actually a scientist, he's a priest.
>"Science" is a religion
Religions don't change in the face of new evidence.
>Trust me when I say that scientists and engineers look down on social science as a joke.
I mean hard science, particularly biochemistry and physiology. I have a masters in biomed. I work in biotech now more in a sales role, so i'm a little rusty on actually doing science, but it just seems like so much of what is put out there is incredibly speculative with very little substance. The titles to a lot of these papers are increasingly becoming driven by marketing campaigns. I've seen a lot of this with Covid stuff. They give the paper a doomsday title and then when you actually get into the meat of the paper it's not really like what they describe it as.
Maybe I'm also confusing the science fan boys that fawn over the whole "peer review" process and are constantly delving into study design, double blind, rtc etc. I understand these things are very important when it comes to getting meaningful data, and perhaps it's just my somewhat removed access to these papers, but something seems pretty fishy in the last 3 years or so.
Mainstream science is religion
Thou must recieve the salvation of vaccines made from dead babies, virus, preservatives and cancer cells.
Thou hast sinned against the environment with co2 production, thou must purchase co2 atonement credits.
5G is totally harmless cause non ionizing radiation.
We have to build all knowing all seeing network for artificial intelligence to completely control people.
The basis of science
>have you actually read any postmodernism?
Postmodernism in a nutshell: "Science was founded on sexism! Scientists are filthy MALE neckbearded rapists! Newton's Principa Mathematica is a rape manual! I hate men! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
>Deleuze has a lot of interesting shit to say that would probably surprised you.
How much weed did he smoke?
>Religions don't change in the face of new evidence.
no but that's not the Point. From the Viewpoint of the "Herd" (or the People, the Sheep etc.).
it's literally the same like in Dark Ages where the Bible was only available in Latin while most people couldn't read, forget knew Latin. The local Priest could tell them everything.
today some gay (((scientists))) can tell you anything and you (or me) lack the knowledge or the know-how to analize the Numbers and calculations for ourself. Sure, we can try, but ....
Most scientists just do there job i think. But a lot will instrumentalize it to get gibs from politicians. You just have to look at climate-change-fearmongering to see this.
okay so you've read none of it.
>The garbage heaps are social 'sciences' wherr crackpots shit out conjecture and dress it up.
I agree with this. A lot of people in the soft sciences are way too obsessed with their feelings and this interferes with the methodology.
The hard sciences are great though.
That's why it is shit. Fuck physics and fuck the Demiurge.
The bible speaks of people building gods. You carve some wood or melt gold & silver to make an image & you bow down and warship it. Objectively stupid behavior
But science tops this by building a literal god - omnipresent surveillance, extremely high powered computers to enforce rules.
Its quite possible that this network will become Hell - a literal place to suffer forever after your consciousness is loaded into a computer.
I've taken many science red pills.
The majority seems to be fake.
It is fake and gay and you are taught to manipulate data in undergrad in order to pass labs you HAVE to fudge numbers or end up spending assloads of hours redoing a gay project. Peer review is more based on the buddy system than being a prick about being right sadly. Only think that isnt gayed up is taxonomy because if you prove someone wrong you get to cross out their name and put your in its place. Only science that still shames. Its wonderful.
t. chemist
Climate science and genetics are hard sciences that are totally subverted for social reasons.
>Thou must recieve the salvation of vaccines
Better than dying of smallpox.
>made from dead babies, virus, preservatives and cancer cells.
Is this your PMS talking?
>Thou hast sinned against the environment with co2 production, thou must purchase co2 atonement credits.
It's been known for a long time that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that the temperature changes when CO2 production exceeds CO2 consumption.
>5G is totally harmless cause non ionizing radiation.
You know that visible light is a type of radiation right? Not all radiation is bad for you.
>We have to build all knowing all seeing network for artificial intelligence to completely control people.
You are confusing science fiction with science.
>Is science fake and gay?
Yes science comes from books and books are for nerds
Yes. You can make an experiment say whatever the fuck you want by jewing around the technicalities. It's the same shit as Wikipedia in that regard: TECHNICALLY, Wikipedia is "reliable" because it's fully sourced. The sources are decided by commie mods and there's restrictions on any sources not deemed "reliable" based on their fee fees. What you get is a shitty website that pulls out legit conspiracy/fringe theories on things like god, Jesus, Nationalism, etc. The difficult part is that trying to uncover one of these lies in these sort of systems requires a lot of time and study, and by the time you dig out the truth, you'll have five more webs of lies knitted. Trust in Christ and trust your instinct.
Most scientists cant math things out themselves. They run computer models.
There are too many variables& unknowns affecting things so models are usually wrong. But they "correct" the measurements or adjust perameters to confirm things.
Then they apply credit to the science people.
Scientists warned that millions would die of covid19 by now, it hasent.
"It would have killed everyone but we shut down half the economy & made lots of stupid rules that saved you from this shit" we saved everyone from this thing!!!!!!!
>Is science fake and gay?
Yes and no. It's a good system, but is prone to human error in reporting bias and result analysis.
>The whole "peer review" process seems to be a giant grift. The whole academic/political influence into science seems to be driving it into the ground.
Yeah, the problem lies mainly in the "soft sciences" like sociology, which are mostly qualitative by nature and allow a large amount of room for bullshit to proliferate. In thesr fields its become a circle jerk where hoaxes like the Sokal Affair and the Conceptual Penis ans others have been able to publish ridiculous, meaningless pieces filled with nothing but buzzwords, and ridiculous theses.
>We've been lied to so much it's hard to even tell what's the truth now.
Use your own judgement.
"Jewish science" makes as much sense as "bourgeois science". It's really all just science. Real science.
Everyone's so used to being used
That it means nothing on the frontpage news
Jannies are stopping my thread on Ivermectin treating coronavirus from being seen!
Go comment or bump!!
The guy you're replying to is probably wrong but you're a prime example of what I mean with "corrupted science".
You can tell by your language and how you type. You're one of the people that worship science as a source of all real knowledge because without those claims your existence is baseless. Science is a way of doing philosophy. It's a way of interpreting phenomena into meaningful systems. It doesn't mean that it is the end-all be all of epistemology.
>The bible speaks of people building gods. You carve some wood or melt gold & silver to make an image & you bow down and warship it. Objectively stupid behavior
Nobody ever actually worshiped a statue. Polytheists worshiped gods and used statues as mere symbols of these gods. The Bible LIED about other religions.