is it possible to admire both orthodoxy and catholicism at the same time or do you like have to pick a side or else?
Is it possible to admire both orthodoxy and catholicism at the same time or do you like have to pick a side or else?
its totally fair and fine to "admire them both, I for one do. However, if you wished to convert to one, there are dogmatic differences between the two.
There's only 1 side that is Jesus Christ, that's our blessed hope.
You have to pick one, because the world is a pyramid, somebody always has to be the point on the top.
Martin Luther literally ate feces. He was a massive autist
It is actually pretty autistic to have opinion on who was right and wrong in the Great Schism.
Sola Fide, and Sola Scriptura are completely false. Where in the Bible does it say to only follow the bible? It does not. In fact, the bible was compiled based on Tradition and dogmatic decisions from the Early Church.
I was in your boat once. Then studying up on what the hell the Kali Yuga is redpilled me on the dharmic path. Ever looked into it? Kali Yuga is the only explanation for our times that makes any sense
yes I have read up on it, albeit briefly. I was also raised catholic and spent several months attending my fiancé’s grandma’s antiochan parish. I just really like both catholicism and orthodoxy for different reasons. can you recommend any readings? im guessing evola?
Sola Fide is completely Biblical and that supports Sola Scriptura. If you're saved by grace through faith, not of works (Ephesians 2:8) and the Bible is the word of God, written directly by the Holy Ghost, you surely won't trust someone saying otherwise and applying something contrary to the word of God. So yes, if tradition is contrary to the word of God Himself, it's satanic, even if it's a protestant tradition.
bhagavad gita.
Super autistic. I picked a side on it years ago and now I realize I had no idea what the hell I was doing and I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about and I probably should have stayed with the faith of my WESTERN european ancestors, and I may still go back. Don't know if it makes a difference really.
both are pretty fucking cringe honestly
They are almost identical and you are allowed to receive the Eucharist and the rest of the sacraments at either if you are Catholic or Orthodox, it's really down to the Nicene Creed split and papal authority.
Imagine reading the Bible and actually arriving at Protestantism
1 Cor. 9:25-27
>Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.
>Well, I do not run aimlessly, I do not box as one beating the air;
>but I pommel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
Let me repeat:
> lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
Seems St. Paul thought you could be disqualified from an imperishable reward
So much for Protestant assurance of salvation
Protestantism is a heresy plain and simple. We are not to interperete the Scripture ourselves. That is why there are 40,000 schismatic protestant sects.
Imagine being this theologically illiterate that you think no Protestant field rejects osas
Imagine reading John 3:16 and not thinking that whosoever believes shall not perish
I'll assume you're not doing that out of dishonesty. Read the previous verse, it's talking about a crown. What's a crown? Rewards Salvation
Incorruptible Crown 1 Cor 9:25 Blood Bought Christians
Crown of Rejoicing 1 Thessa 2:19 Soul Winners,
Crown of Life James 1:12 Those who love Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory
Crown of Glory 1 Peter 5:1-4 Those who help others grow in Christ
Crown of Righteousness 2 Timothy 4:8 Those who love His appearing.
attending an orthodox church for a few months really demystified the whole thing, I learned it’s first and foremost an ethnic social club, and if you’re not greek or russian or serbian or syrian there’s no place for you there. youll always just be a guy from the occident larping. in short it pushed me back into embracing my catholic roots, but there are still aspects of the eastern rite I greatly enjoy.
Romans 11:22
>Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off.
>provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off.
I'm beginning to think there's a little bit more to salvation than simply faith alone
>If you're saved by grace through faith, not of works
Initial salvation works that way, of course. No amount of works can justify your initial salvation
And you can remain saved, provided you continue in his kindness (i.e. demonstrating the fruits of the spirit; Gal. 5:22-23 )
Wesleyanism is Christianity: Precious Moments version. You can practically see the big-headed little statues whenever you read his theology.
Yes, it's possible.
Great argument
Wesleyan shit is pretty great
Sad to see the UMC being dragged under by fags
Happy to see that the Church of the Nazarene is picking up the slack tho
The dogmatic differences are almost non existent. The disagree on a line about the Holy Spirit in one of the creeds and on the primacy of the pope. Although the orthodoxy agrees the pope is important, he is a first among equals for them.
I recently became Roman Catholic Brother. I agree mostly with the oint you make that these churches are ethnic conclaves. If you enjoy the liturgy and aesthetics, I implore you to attend Divine Liturgy at a Eastern Rite Catholic Church. But I would Suggest sticking to the Latin Rite for your own Rite.
I basically talked myself into "well if the true faith was preserved in this Byzantine religion, then so be it." position. Now I just cringe at the occidental LARPers who take Orthodoxy as this weird Eastern Roman Cargo Cult. It's just the same faith as Catholicism that happens to have a checkered past with the Roman Church and several reactionary reactions against its pronouncements as a result. It's sad, really. May God forgive us and heal the division in His Church in time.
Sola Scriptura is a fundamentally illogical doctrine. 1. It is not taught in the Bible. 2. It is contradicted by many teachings in the Bible. 3. It was also not a belief among the Hebrews, i.e. no precedent. 4. Often reference to scripture in the NT refers back to the Hebrew scripture, not the NT which didn't exist. 5. NT was written and compiled based on need, it wasn't just some block of text that dropped out of the sky one day. There are other reasons why Sola Scriptura is bunkum, that's just the beginning.
Are you denying that Wesley glosses over the stricter aspects of your faith to focus on the feel good stuff? Have you never read the man's sermons?
Eastern Rite Catholic Churches are still ethnic enclaves for cradles and Byzantine Cargo Cult centers for converts, with the extra sperg from the TradCats fed up with Susan from the Parish Council at their local Novus Ordo Church. ER Catholicism isn't much of a refuge.
Yes, ultimately both of them, and even protestants, are all one in Christ.
Calvinist here, I like parts of the Anglican Church and the Catholic church. Catholic posters are pretty insufferable sometimes but am willing to overlook it. I've grown the dislike the Orthodox over the past couple of years. I'm sure cradle orthos are ok.