Is carnivore diet based?

How about eating only raw meat and other animal products (like eggs, milk, etc)?

Attached: purina-can-dogs-eat-real-meat-500x300.jpg (1200x630, 87.23K)

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It's the only healthy diet, but (((they))) would rather make money with shit that's very cheap to mass-produce and has a long shelf life, e.g: high carb synthetic trash.
Saw a "vegan steak" the other day at the supermarket, dont even want to know what the fuck's in there.
Anyways raw meat is too gross for me to eat, which is a shame, but I'm perfectly fine drinking eggs. I still cook my meat and eat bread regularly but fuck it, I lift and am lean so it's fine. I'm not on the level of actual fatass carb addicts.

Here's another redpill for you: fasting is fucking god tier for the body, or rather, eating multiple meals a day is terrible.
You fat? Eat one single zerocarb meal every 72 hours, see how you lose that fat.
You lean? Eat OMAD or even do 48s. Eat big, fast long.

Fasting makes me horny as fuck and makes me feel fresh. I've eaten a shitty diet for years.

I'm going to start fasting and eating keto, lots of semi-raw and organic animal products.

>Anyways raw meat is too gross for me to eat, which is a shame
Just lightly cook your meat, but leave a lot of redness.

>eating keto
greens are a fucking meme, my guy

I eat shit and am healthier than anyone on the northern hemishere.

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Some green veg is good for you.

How so?

I could probably benchpress two of you

Animals with stomach sickness seek out greens to eat. Dogs and cats do this. Pairing meat with greens is good for digestion. Too much veg is bad, sure.

That's a good point but then again pets eat (((dogfood))) biscuits which are absolute garbage.
Don't forget greens have fiber, which we cannot digest therefore causes inflammation, and have toxins to keep away bacteria while they're alive. These toxins do build up inside you.

If you want vitamins stick to organ meats. You want to heal your gut? Fast.

You guys are overcomplicating this shit.

Just eat a balanced fucking diet and avoid the processed shit, holy fuck you non/fit/ fags are so tiresome.

Best diet = one that can be sustained indefinitely without special considerations needed to be made and consist of whole/unprocessed food.

While both keto and IF have its benefits, neither are optimal for sustain. They can help you achieve weight loss, but you'll eventually start running low on certain nutrients, and you'd need to carb up at some point,

Don't even get me started on this carnivore meme shit. There's a reason elite athletes all eat copious amount of carbs, because without carbs, you'd have absolute energy conversion, meaning you'll be a weak fuck.

Exactly how are we making things complicated?
>Best diet = one that can be sustained indefinitely without special considerations needed to be made and consist of whole/unprocessed food.
Like what special considerations?
>intermittent fasting
Literally nobody said intermittent fasting before you did.

I think you're having hallucinations dude. Read what people type before jumping your gun.

>fiber causes inflammation

Top KEK, you know insoluble fiber is critical for gut health, right?

I'm guessing you're fat.

79kg at 1.81m of height, with muscle

You're literal goycattle

You have to eat liver, bones marrow etc. if you go only meat. You need to eat the whole animal.
But cook your fucking meat please jesus christ don't be a retard and fall for these meme diets, just eat balanced.

I love carnivore but it is hard for me to stick to. All that delicious savory meat makes me crave something more CRISP like fresh veggies or something. I found that a lot of lemon in water helps satiate that, but not completely.

Fiber isn't all bad. Small amounts of fiber occur in the diets of hunter gatherers.

I'm trying chicken liver for the first time today. What can I expect?

>Literally nobody said intermittent fasting before you did.
Whatever the hell you wanna call it, bro. You mentioned fasting in the first comment.

>Like what special considerations?
Even keto experts advise carbing up every now and then. That's a special consideration, it requires you to break from the pattern.

Carnivore is an ELIMINATION diet, it also cannot be sustained long term without major nutritional deficiencies. Keep staying on it and see what happens, have fun staining your toilet due to zero fiber and having basically no ATP conversion.

And there's nothing inherently magical about fasting, the problem today is overeating, all it does is ALLOW the body to focus on regulating the other parts of the body while it's not busy constantly digesting shit 24/7. Sure, you can fast, but doing it after a while isn't going to magically make you an alpha predator. That whole bullshit about how "hunters used to eat one meal a day" is just blatantly wrong.

It really says a lot how misinformed the populace is about dieting.
Even on /pol, EVEN in the supposed redpill general you find people spouting shit about fruit and other extremely bluepilled non-diets.
Enjoy your skin issues, enjoy being weak fat fucks slaves to sugar.

If greens is the worst shit you crave then eat them dude, they're not good but they're perfectly fine compared to bread and sweets.

Yes in the occasion that hunters cant find anything they have the option to die or eat fiber/fruits. In the 21st century you don't have to hunt, there's no scarcity of meat, so no reason to pick the weaker option.

Can't tell you mate, only liver I eat is cow liver. If the thread's up after you ate it please do post how it was

>Whatever the hell you wanna call it, bro
Not eating.
Somehow this is a very complicated concept for you.

>major nutritional deficiencies

*shits bile*

Nice counter.

So i guess you're more elite even than Olympians that literally just eat a balanced diet rich in carbs? Address this, please.

>buys into all the diet fads
calls someone a goycattle


this is a 50 year old on years of carnivore diet

I don't want to get medals I want to be healthy.

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If you eat meat other than seafood and fish, you are a faggot

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That shit is polluted as fuck nowadays, literal poison.
If you can somehow find non-polluted fish then by all means.

I live in Italy, a country proud of its grass-fed meat, so I'm covered.

Vitamin C

Try again

lol fag

Eating raw chicken changed my life for the better. Anyone that doesn't do this is sub 60 IQ.

that's a 50 year old on TRT and HGH

>literally posting someone else that you don't know claiming something


The need for vitamin C goes up the more carbs you consume in your diet.

lmao the cope

wanna see some vegans instead? sure bro

Its based but hard to adhere to mentally desu

>I live in Italy, a country proud of its grass-fed meat, so I'm covered.
Imagine believing this

Grass fed or not it's still trash meat

How so?

Never reply to canadians

Grass fed meat is the greatest food for human health. I feel like dirt when I carbo load. Why do you think junk food is so bad for people?

>Grass fed meat is the greatest food for human health
So how do you know the meat was grass fed? Just like those "halal" branded foods, how can you know for sure?