Germany fucked the entire Corona Virus crisis up. No country handled it worse. Our economy will be 3rd world tier after this is over. This country fucking sucks. I wish it didn't exist. Why is the virus so weak? It could have killed us all and made the world a better place.
Germany fucked the entire Corona Virus crisis up. No country handled it worse...
at least we do not have draconian shut-in laws like in the home of Liberty "America" kek
USA and "freedom" is an oxymoron
even worse i could have been in another country by now but my ex fucked it up, i seriously just want to end my life at this point, im sick of this hellhole with no future where its impossible to become rich
>no more Economy
>no more taxes for government
>no more money for overblown social programs
we NEED poverty to purge us from this degeneracy that has gripped us
what did you do different from the rest of europe?
Nothing everyone is equally fucked. Except China maybe.
>im sick of this hellhole with no future where its impossible to become rich
Agree. It is very bad here. No upward mobility. 40-50k a year before taxes is considered to be a good salary. That's like what - 2k after taxes - rent/utilities that's 1k disposable incoming lol. It is only going to get worse now.
We call it being flexible. It’s a free country until it doesn’t need to be.
>Our economy will be 3rd world tier
Is it Weimar time already?
>Our economy will be 3rd world tier
but will niggers stop coming here?
Coronachan is amazing.
>This country fucking sucks. I wish it didn't exist
I would hate you for saying this if it wasn’t the truth. I can’t even buy a bottle of whiskey right now because all the state stores are closed.
That sucks man. I make less than that in usd but at least I keep like 80% of it. I make like 34k and my job has strange tax law so I only pay on half of what I make but I also get no overtime.
oy vey
IDK don't be so down germ germ. Just eat some bratwurst and beer. Also stay away from plant based fats. Easy! After this is all over, you should move out of the cities, because the big cities suck especially in germany.
how much do engineers make over there germanbro?
here in spain 40k is pretty much a dream for someone who hastn been workign on it over 10 years
Pull yourself together, faggot. We were robbed and fucked already. It's a good thing what happens now.
Fuck the (((economy))), fuck this (((system))), and fuck people who don't get that things have to change drastically if we want to live in our own healthy Germanic country ever again.
>I suffer in the 1st world
That's not bad at all germanon, we will be like fuckin Ecuador soon, Germany is like paradise compared to 90% of earth at worst, suck it up and enjoy having a functioning society
please crash this economy coronachan
with no surrvivors
Nonono, what do you think, refuuges need a shelter, which warmly welcomes them
Maybe if youre a pleb. Peopke expect to becone rich by suckibg their bosses duck ovediently and “working hard“ That has never been a thing.
And that disposable income gets consoomed or gambled on the stock markwt anyways, so whats the point?
1st world people are too comfortable to stand up to the obvious issues in society. It's enough to get by and blow money on superficial bs to occupy time and feel a sense of accomplishment/excitement. "you have all these nice things, why are you complaining about corruption/exploitation, shut up and get back to work" mentality
you also have reparations to pay
Half of Germany was American thus first world
Other half Russian, thus second world
You fuckers were always third world.
>in our own healthy Germanic country ever again
when did we?
I guess there are thinks to improve and that abundance can crate complacency, you are right in that, but you are far from being a hellhole or having low social mobility/bad salaries, I mean apart from Norway, luxembourg and Switzerland were does a Kraut go to better his ass off?
never lol. niggers will still get money... niggers niggers fuckniggers
and if you're government decides you don't need guns anymore?
whats your favourite flavour of shoe polish, btw?
I wish I was german.