Coronachan is amazing.
Germany fucked the entire Corona Virus crisis up. No country handled it worse...
>This country fucking sucks. I wish it didn't exist
I would hate you for saying this if it wasn’t the truth. I can’t even buy a bottle of whiskey right now because all the state stores are closed.
That sucks man. I make less than that in usd but at least I keep like 80% of it. I make like 34k and my job has strange tax law so I only pay on half of what I make but I also get no overtime.
oy vey
IDK don't be so down germ germ. Just eat some bratwurst and beer. Also stay away from plant based fats. Easy! After this is all over, you should move out of the cities, because the big cities suck especially in germany.
how much do engineers make over there germanbro?
here in spain 40k is pretty much a dream for someone who hastn been workign on it over 10 years
Pull yourself together, faggot. We were robbed and fucked already. It's a good thing what happens now.
Fuck the (((economy))), fuck this (((system))), and fuck people who don't get that things have to change drastically if we want to live in our own healthy Germanic country ever again.
>I suffer in the 1st world
That's not bad at all germanon, we will be like fuckin Ecuador soon, Germany is like paradise compared to 90% of earth at worst, suck it up and enjoy having a functioning society