Damn straight. There is no reason a mere civilian should be allowed to own an ASSAULT weapon...

Damn straight. There is no reason a mere civilian should be allowed to own an ASSAULT weapon. They are literally weapons designed to "assault" an enemy position in times of war.

How many enemy positions are you assaulting?

Civilians should be allowed standard 6 shot revolvers, and hunting rifles. That's all you really need for home defense and hunting.

Attached: 20191124_230857.jpg (937x527, 289.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A real patriot only needs fertilizer and an old truck.

I prefer battle rifles. .223 aint gonna cut it

Ok glow nigger

Ffffffrrrrrrttttttttt poop cock cum water shit bucket

>a well organized millitia
What did they mean by that?

Haha the m1 garand ..a ww2 rifle


Glowing intensifies.

Attached: CFD42BA3-E965-4BCB-B691-BC8E74B7D38A.jpg (300x380, 18.74K)

this right here is a ghost gun. you see that pistol grip? that is what allows school shooters to do what they do best- kill children. That detachable magazine? that allows the rifle to fire at over 4000 magazine-clips per second. that collapable stock? that allows the ghost gun to be more concealable than a pistol.

if the US military doesn't even use AR-15's, why should civillians be able to?

Attached: 5165490730-Smith_Wesson_M_P_15_SPORT_223_Rem_5_56_Semi_Automatic_AR_15_Rifle-12936.jpg (600x600, 17.97K)

Hunting what? Krauts?

was meant for

*per minute, sorry

Attached: e380f413ad9cf0169eaf884c93c297fa.png (540x541, 517.53K)

What the fuck is this post? Is this bait or something more insidious? Go back to r3ddit

Enemy positions? Not yet fren not yet.

But this is a bullshit slide thread - sage

Tongue my ass nigger


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Oh yeah tough guy, how many battles have you been to? You simply do not need such a weapon to kill deer.

Well REGULATED, as in under Government control can the people be allowed to bear arms.

DC v Heller says you can take your bullshit elsewhere

>The court then held that the Second Amendment "protects an individual right to keep and bear arms", that the "right existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution", also stating that the right was "premised on the private use of arms for activities such as hunting and self-defense, the latter being understood as resistance to either private lawlessness or the depredations of a tyrannical government (or a threat from abroad)."


growing produce and delivering it is patriotic

you do to overthrow a government, though.

Attached: 1585745548730.jpg (540x405, 42.84K)

Have some gold kind stranger

>reddit coffee

Attached: DhS7cKjU0AEgbj6.jpg (640x610, 44.01K)

If you honestly believe that Trump is a fascist, then you need all the firepower you can get. If you honestly believe that Hillary will kill you for making memes, then you need all the firepower you can get. If you honestly believe in Jewish conspiracies, then you need all the firepower you can get. What all Americans have in common is a reason to own means of combat.

Attached: 1586351943641.jpg (422x727, 26.8K)

Hello, American here. Ignore the flag, I have to use a VLC because of Conrono Virus
I have long supported control of guns because guns, if pointed and shot at people, can kill them. DiD you know that?
To take a random country at example, let's say Australia. In Australia they banned guns in 1943 after the Hitler massacre, and there have been zero gun death since then.
Why is America to stupid too follow they're lead?

Its not to hunt deer. Also, the weapon you posted shoots a .30-06. Which has significantly more stopping power than an AR 15 .223

>reddit coffee
what the fuck does this even mean

Something something breakfast.jpg

Isn't it so Americans can form a militia to fight against a tyrannical government

We'll need plenty of firepower if government keeps restricting our civil liberties as they're currently doing.
The 2nd Amendment is the cure for this totalitarianism.

regulated doesnt mean government control in this context it means "control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly."

victory gardens are patriotic indeed, user! and it's always helpful to deliver fresh vegetables and fruit from your own garden to your friends and neighbors. Patriots take care of their families and their communities!

You do know the OP pic is a battle rifle, far more powerful than an AR-15?

Just stay at home citizen the conronoa virus is very seruous.

stop sucking cock and then you'll understand

>you do to overthrow a government, though.

How exactly do you think you stand any chance against a government who knows pretty much everything about and outgun you tenfold?

inb4 "guerilla warfare"

What is this? A mini14 or CA compliant AR?

How much cock are you sucking? Jesus Christ.

That is the base reason. Literally anything the "govt" can own or use is available, or should be available to the people. Anyone that says anything different, is a shill cuck.
And yes..we CAN own tanks planes nuclear bombs etc.

>newfriends think this is serious
Have you guys never even played call of duty or seen a war movie?

Stop with this keymod vs m-lok bullshit as if you're not just repeating what you see on gun channels.

thanks for the explanation, stay on reddit next time instead of bringing their shitty memes here

>Outgun ten fold

Shocker the sweed is a self defeating pussy.

No, it's clearly a hunting rifle... I shot a gun just like that growing up.

That’s the M1 GRAND. It makes a loud ping when you shoot your last bullet and the Japanese use to wait until you hear the PING and then they would kamikaze charge!

>Not weapons meant for war
>Pic is at one time army issue...

because I'd rather fight and die than let an oppressive government take my liberty from me

Attached: god_bless_america.jpg (265x265, 12.75K)

>your pic
>semi-auto assault rifle
>not a hunting rifle in most states.

But it doesn't matter.
If the droolingly libtarded get their way, hunting rifles will be called "sniper rifles" and they'll be trying to ban those, too.

Have a nugget.

Attached: Nugget.jpg (600x450, 51.66K)

You're welcome, sucker of cock.

>who are jungle chinks
>who are goat fucking opium farmers


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And US troops would keep empty clips (yes, those were clips) and drop them on the ground to create that sound so as to encourage an idiotic charge.

What is a "war of attrition?"


Nobody needs to own a high powered military sniper rifle. You can kill a deer with a hinge shotgun, but obviously need to keep it in a vault and trigger locked.

Yeah damn straight brother

Attached: 210E32C7-D097-4A03-89D3-1527254BDDBC.jpg (1200x800, 1.29M)

That weapon there breh, that weapon there was made for war. M14's here i come. Thanks bro.

How do you not realize how war is fought?

The boogaloo isn't happening.
But it should.

It's a strategy in which one side attempts to stress the other sides ability to wage war by destroying infrastructure and supply.

Not enough range.
Not enough magazine capacity.
Completely ineffective come the boogaloo.

Assault an "enemy"

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Need more pepermint schnapps

a garand lol

An armed uprising does not need to overthrow the government to be successful. All they would have to do is create a conflict that would be too costly to quell, thus government politicians would vote to meet the uprisings demands.

Vietnam was a great success for the military. They overwhelmingly destroyed N.Vietnamese forces, even with insane Rules of Engagement that greatly restricted their war fighting ability. Yet the US politicians still voted to end the war. It was simply too costly and politically inconveniently. Iraq, Afghanistan are also examples of the phenomenon.

US troops operated in Afghanistan with extremely restricted Rules of Engagement. They knew any civilian dead, innocent or not, would be a victory for the enemy. What makes you think the US military would operate with more relaxed RoE against US civilians? Now ask yourself this: what makes you think the military would be willing to fight rebels who are demographically from the same background as themselves? Why would they want to fight their brothers, father's, neighbors etc?

Please shoe me in the Constitution where it protects the right to CERTAIN arms. I'll wait....

>posts pic of a weapon of war claiming it isnt because it 'looks old'
>declares AR15s a 'weapon of war'
Name one war that utilized the AR15. Its okay, i'll wait

>Well REGULATED, as in under Government control can the people be allowed to bear arms
Imagine believing this retarded talking point. Have a (you)