who created the creator and why does he care if you touch your dick

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no one created the creator. your mind can't comprehend god's infinity because it's filled with filth and subhuman pleasures like jacking off to how "logical" you are with this basic bs

God is an idea that was used to help our ancestors comprehend the governing forces of the universe. God is black matter, a force we cannot calculate or understand yet interacts with and has a relation to ever single molecule in the universe. But goat herders can't comprehend shit like dark matter, thus God came to use in the creation myth a way our ancestors could build the foundations and grasp even slightly the force behind our universe.

>who created the creator
Why do you think God needs a creator?

>and why does he care if you touch your dick
If God is God, who are you to say God is wrong in His thinking?

God has always been.

The alternative being that "reality" magically popped into existence 15 billion years ago is absurd. Stop chasing dragons.

> your mind comprehend an answer which I do not have
> animals masturbate religiously but somehow it's bad when humans do

an animal doesn't have a sense of self or sentience to know any better. We gained this knowledge and must hold ourselves to a higher standard than beasts. Not fucking rocket science here retard.

A dog can understand certain things humans do and say, and somewhat have the ability to communicate, but a Dog cannot to complex math or know about human history. Just how Humans can't fully understand their creator aka God. We can pray, and talk to him, but we have our limitations as well.

Also why are you comparing Humans to animals? Humans are above animals, and animals are beasts.


also scratch the "Also why are you comparing Humans to animals? Humans are above animals, and animals are beasts." It's kinda ironic, because I'm sorta making the same example, but it is a good example regardless.


i always die in laughter when religious schizos trying to reason with their literal belief in old man in the sky from a fairy tale then call you a retard because you are capable of not blindly following a braindead cult that pretends to know the origin of everything while we as human race literally dont even know what the fuck is in the ocean

>zero effort writing prompt
>unsupported presuppositions
>no source, argument, or context
Who paid OP?

>n-no you little nobodies could never topple a god like me stop it stop it HOW DARE YOU

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I cant cope with unknown so i just accept old man watching me from the cloud and not take responsibility for my actions. It makes me sleep comfy at night

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If God is nothing, he's everything. You're very narrowminded with your definition of God.

It's likely that the actual God does not care at all. In the Bible, nothing is mentioned about jerking off. Everybody references that one time that some dude pulled out, wasting literal divine seed.

Most people use God as an argument against masturbating because back then, humanity needed as much offspring as we could have to continue mandkind; mortality rates were fucked.

Keep in mind that for some fucked up reason, doctors only recently found out that basic hygiene is good.

what do you stand for tho? hedonism and being retarded? at least religious people have those inklings of being a pos and don't feel okay with it.

Actually, Satan gave us this knowledge by manipulating Eve into temping Adam. You probably should rethink this line of argument. With that said, free will is also thinking, so the bible contradicts itself; that's not a flaw, it does make sense in that it was written by many different people.

Understand that you are here on earth because God wills it.

Animals eat. Humans eat.
Animals breath. Humans breath.
Animals fuck. Humans fuck.
Having higher IQ doesn't take away the need for sexual release after puberty

Masturbation is necessary for men to carry on with their lives without being constantly consumed with the need to bed women.
Some people are fat, doesn't mean you should stop eating.

how does not affiliating with ancient cults that rape and kill children and literally believe in magic make me retarded?

if god needs a creator then that creator needs a creator, etc

> dogs don't have sense of self
What kind of nonsense is this? I don't think we even know what animals know of themselves. The key differences have always laid in the opposable thumb and vocal chords

you offer no alternative because the human mind isn't cut out for that so instead you look like a little kid rebelling against god daddy who has good intentions for you and wants you to live a decent life

Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system

>Infinite: Egyptians interpreted this as a recursive type of infinity, which can be best seen in the Ouroboros or the geometry of the Torus. The beginning is the end is the beginning.

>Negentropic: light and life is inherently anti-entropic. This is achieved through orthogonally-stellated dimensions.

>Holofractal: the all is reflected in the individual. The Big Bang, the Nile, Ptah, Pangaea, your conception - these are all holofractal representations of the same thing: the beginning of a universe.

>Lorenz system: a fixture in chaos theory, these systems describe how a polarized order emerges out of chaos. In our case on Earth, the two most pressing poles are that of Good and Evil. Light never dies. Heaven and Hell are forever - the seeds of which are sown in this life.

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i live in 100% atheistic community all my life we care about facts and science. We are still very early and dumb to know the answers to the major questions but one day we will get there. In meanwhile i refuse to blindly accept fairy tale bullshit to calm my mind. Im actually pretty ok with no knowing, it makes life more interresting.

if you need to believe in old man in the sky to behave like a decent human being you are just low IQ animal

It's just the way humans are I guess, we always need something we can't control that we can feel is in control.

Something I realized recently is that I basically pray to my subconscious, I've elevated it to the level of a deity just so I can have some small hope of it one day cooperating with me in the way I desire.

you live in an atheistic community because you were once soviet union's bitch bowing to the gods stalin and lenin, and we see how that turned out for all you eastern euro poorfags.

This is not how you convert people.

i'm not trying to convert anyone. to each their own. but atheists aren't some woke group.

Do you eat your own shit? The shit of others?


>who created the creator
Brainlet question.
>and why does he care if you touch your dick
It makes one a lesser of a person, just like being a faggot or a whore. I'm guilty, I hope He forgives me.

its funny how you religious schizos recite ancient bullshit about how to be a nice person, to love everyone kek but always aggressively attack anyone who doubts the legitimacy of your belief.

why are you grouping every gay person with more specific types of degeneracy?

>who created the creator
'I am that I am'
>why does he care if you touch your dick
He loves you and wants you to be happy. Touch peepee, peepee feel good for 5 minutes, bad in the long run. See eternal coomer.

God is outside of time therefore he is the beginning and the end.

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>trying this hard to justify being a coomer

based and godpilled

>and why does he care if you touch your dick
God prefers all sexual acts to be done between a man and a woman joined in marriage. Masturbating is selfish.

it's funny how you flippantly throw around serious mental health conditions like schizo and make assumptions instead of looking in a mirror

And they never attack with logic either.

It's always "Ah it's gods will, he intended it to be that way, you can't question God". Never any sound arguments for anything their retarded jew literature says.

>pretending you “comprehend dark matter” any better than ancient people did.
>tips fedora


You expect logical restrictions to be applied to people based on illogical jewish texts. Then your response to people questioning it is "gOd DoSeNt hAvE tO mAkE SeNsE."

Thankfully your Jewish desert cow demon isn't real so we're good.

God makes perfect sense. The person who made this glass I'm drinking out of is not in the glass. God who made the universe is not in the universe.

>so the bible contradicts itself
Name the contradiction so I can point out to you that you don't know how to read, or didn't actually read the book you are attempting to critique.

>best answer
>special pleading

>Satan gave us this knowledge
Satan didn't give anything. He just told a lie and a woman believed it. Why can't you people understand simple things?

No it isn't. You have a whole part of your brain that other animals and some black people do not have. The human brain is also wired for symbolism and abstract thinking. There is also the fact that we don't fit into any natural environment or ecosystem like every other animal does. And so on and so on.

>my desert cow demon made the universe
>certainly not the universe which made man who then made the desert cow demon

The only religious people worthy of any shred of respect are deists. The rest of you are brainwashed NPCs.

Become Orthodox.

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jews are logical thinkers and value education because of the way their text is studied.
this was attempted by catholics but they failed because they don't have the same structure or integrity of leaders.
protestants are more like, interpret the bible for yourself as long as you're being a good person.

religion has inspired a lot of valuable contributions to humanity. some of the best scientists and artists and musicians are religious. religious people have also contributed to humanitarian causes.

all i see is atheists knocking down other people's beliefs and trying to blame things on religion instead of human stupidity shared by atheists. you're not smarter for being an atheist.

just so I am clear on your position

>I will entertain the idea of omniscience
>only if it makes sense to my 2 digit IQ

Seems like a strange objection if you could actually comprehend what omniscience is.

>the universe made itself
Bet you think that makes real sense. Lightning striking an ore vein will produce a car.

It's not about anyone caring, it's about the consequences of your own actions. Something like
>what goes up must come down and if you jump off of a really tall tree God will smite you with broken legs
Youd be here asking why God cares so much if you like to jump off of trees, when anyone with a 3 digit IQ can determine that
>oh shit. If I do a, then b happens. That's why people are told not to do a.
Like gluttony. Being a fatass isnt some magical sky being punishing you for it. You brought it upon yourself by eating too much.

do the math dot org

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you need to be able to think 5th dimensionally to understand the answer to that.
To put it here, in a way you can, we are the program he made and this is all a simulation.

The creator is emenated by logical necessity from the overflowing creative energy of the Monad.


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Why do immoral atheist apes think and argue like children?

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>God who made the universe is not in the universe.

Well, where is he then? What evidence is there that this place even exists?

The universe making itself has more credibility than a cow cult invented by Arab copper miners and imported into ancient Israel.

He didnt answer the question at all. "God is beyond it" is not an answer.

The Creator was always there.
His very impossibility IS the possibility of Creation.

Jews, Niggers and American Ambassadors don't know this trick.


No one created the creator; He's the first cause and has sovereignty over time and space. He repudiates lust because it is idolatry; God created you to commune and worship Him through Christ Jesus, not spend your time fapping to traps.

Outside of it. It is as credible as multiverses.

There's is a huge difference. You believe nothing became something by itself. I believe nothing became something by an intelligence.

>He didnt answer the question at all. "God is beyond it" is not an answer.
You are just too stupid to understand it, atheist. Since the universe, and thus matter and time, had a beginning, the causality for this beginning must logically be outside time and space.

Religion is just multiplayer schizophrenia

cuz ur wasting Male divine energy on not continuing God's creation

Wrong. You believe a cow cult invented by Bronze Age desert dwellers created the universe. Meaning you worship things made by men.

Here is the reason why atheists hate God:

You are here to copulate and have children. Touching your dick does not make children.

>dogs roll in their own shit why shouldn't we?

>who created the creator
The KreaTor created the creator.