Catholics of Yas Forums. What do you believe? Sedevacantism or no...

The holy virgin appears, and talks secretly at first but allows these secrets to be revealed, and all you say is you follow the magisterium. Big blow. Really it’s an insult to the holy virgin because you think she made those statements in vain, exactly what the Vatican ii sect wants us to think, that this was just some nonsense. When will people believe? What does she have to do?

You mean what someone said that she said, whereas the Holy Spirit guarantees that the magisterium will be free from error.

I grew to know an understand things.
Not believe.

The Holy Spirit never guaranteed this to us. The popes after Pius xii were disastrous to the Vatican. They said Protestants are inside the church. They said the Jewish religion is noble. They are antichrist. Only an antichrist would say things like this in the name of God.

Watch the YouTube videos “the third secret of Fatima” and “is the world about to end” for clarification, by He read a lot of books. He knows the woman veiled in purple and scarlet. These videos showed me the truth.

Pope Michael is in Kansas. Hard to find and only a small following as has previously been the case at least once in history.

I said Vatican and not to the church. Because the church is made up of true followers of Christ, not a magisterium. At the time of the Arian heresy only around 1% of clergy were true to the faith. Is that “protection of the magisterium from error” to you? No. The true church never errs, yes. The true church is not just people clothed in big robes. Or people having hold over gigantic buildings. It’s the people. A heretic cannot become pope. This is fact.

Can a heretic become pope? Of course not. So if you assume he was not pope to begin with... what does this say about those who follow him? There is no written guarantee that the magisterium will always be free from error. Even if there is... most of the modern magisterium are not actually ordained in the valid ordination process and are therefore not actually the magisterium. Lol.

Sedes are excommunicated and heretics. You'd rather burn in hell than simply acknowledge Francis as pope?

It's the other way around. Bergoglio is not the Pope.