Catholics of Yas Forums. What do you believe? Sedevacantism or no...

Catholics of Yas Forums. What do you believe? Sedevacantism or no? Is the current “Catholic Church” that used to be the Catholic Church now the seat of antichrist? That’s what the apparition of la Salette said will happen, Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of antichrist.

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I don’t engage with Christ cucks.
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti

The seat is vacant

Yes but it’s important to also specify who is sitting in that seat don’t you think?

NO is a valid Mass
Francis is Pope

Sedevacantists are Protestants did a good video on that, go to YouTube and search for “why the new mass is invalid”. You are denying the veracity of the prophecy of our lady of la salette which specifically said “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of antichrist” you can google this. No doubt about it, it’s all true.

Jack Chick also said that the pope is the anti Christ and the Vatican is the whore of Babylon. Stop being a protestant and submit.

No my friend. You submit. Do you deny the veracity of the statement “Rome will LOSE THE FAITH and become the SEAT OF ANTICHRIST”? Do you think the holy virgin lied?

I submit to the magisterium before any private revelation.

someone please post the op image in larger format so i can use it as my desktop wallpaper

The holy virgin appears, and talks secretly at first but allows these secrets to be revealed, and all you say is you follow the magisterium. Big blow. Really it’s an insult to the holy virgin because you think she made those statements in vain, exactly what the Vatican ii sect wants us to think, that this was just some nonsense. When will people believe? What does she have to do?

You mean what someone said that she said, whereas the Holy Spirit guarantees that the magisterium will be free from error.

I grew to know an understand things.
Not believe.

The Holy Spirit never guaranteed this to us. The popes after Pius xii were disastrous to the Vatican. They said Protestants are inside the church. They said the Jewish religion is noble. They are antichrist. Only an antichrist would say things like this in the name of God.

Watch the YouTube videos “the third secret of Fatima” and “is the world about to end” for clarification, by He read a lot of books. He knows the woman veiled in purple and scarlet. These videos showed me the truth.

Pope Michael is in Kansas. Hard to find and only a small following as has previously been the case at least once in history.

I said Vatican and not to the church. Because the church is made up of true followers of Christ, not a magisterium. At the time of the Arian heresy only around 1% of clergy were true to the faith. Is that “protection of the magisterium from error” to you? No. The true church never errs, yes. The true church is not just people clothed in big robes. Or people having hold over gigantic buildings. It’s the people. A heretic cannot become pope. This is fact.

Can a heretic become pope? Of course not. So if you assume he was not pope to begin with... what does this say about those who follow him? There is no written guarantee that the magisterium will always be free from error. Even if there is... most of the modern magisterium are not actually ordained in the valid ordination process and are therefore not actually the magisterium. Lol.

Sedes are excommunicated and heretics. You'd rather burn in hell than simply acknowledge Francis as pope?

It's the other way around. Bergoglio is not the Pope.

This is why Big Ben is silent.

No. Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of antichrist. You are not part of the one true church of Christ. You are part of the church of antichrist. I feel pity for your soul my friend. Our lady of la salette is clear and all who ignore her are destined to perdition.

I believe in relative sedevacantism. Meaning the currently Francis is not the Pope because of his heresies - however if he repented of said heresy he would become catholic again and become Pope again

on the flip side its entirely possible he could be the antichrist

this is hilarious because its modernists who "mass" and priestly ":ordination" is the same as the protestants

>Sedevacantism or yes?
ftfy. explain why every single pope after Vatican II was announced as a saint?

You are close. Show your flag.

You mean to say "why JPII is worshipped"

they are desperate to make valid their actions
also saint choices are not infallible

>Holy Spirit guarantees that the magisterium will be free from error.
the only problem with this is if someone has such utter hatred for Christ, God and the Holy Spirit, the holy spirit cant guide them

You see the doctrine is that the holy church is infallible. And it’s true. The new “popes” are not part of that church.

Novus Ordo.. which sounds like NWO btw, was made to bend to protestantism. Youre projecting.

Anti Popes and true Popes happened in the past.

If you're Sedevacantist then why not hussle and elect a Pope?

Pope Michael is the true Pope. He did his homework, dotted his i's and crossed his t's.

"antichrist" was fulfilled 2000 years ago. Last days of jerusalem and the temple not last days of world and time.

unless you think christ was mistaken when he said this generation wont pass, some here wont taste death till these things happen... revelation isnt your mail.

I read someone saying the actual wording meant until “these things BEGIN to come to pass” eg it begun at his time but went on for the next 2000 years. It’s debunked man.

All theae things doesnt mean some. So Christ was mistaken according to you. Gotcha.

more last days than first days? ok.

No... this generation won’t pass until all these things “begin” to come to pass. It will culminate in our age or in some later age. But it began at his age.

Antichrist comes after the promise of Fatima is fulfilled (russian consecration) and the seat is probably vacant (not our place to decide, however) and the new mass is invalid (it has no soul)

It is our place to decide though. You are not going to convince me to be a mute puppet. I am a temple of god.

Russia was consecrated by Pius xii.

For sure you know the lesson.
Fatima,La Salette, Bruno Cornacchiola, yeah It seems that on the throne of Peter the antichrist will seat, it will be a Pope though?
You connect automatically a Pope and his throne can it be done?
An antipope will be the false prophet along with the antichrist that will be a lay man.
That's all.

I don’t think, because Leo xiii said it, among others, that a heretic can be pope, at any time. No one after Pius xii was pope. Maybe this Michael guy, we’ll see how it goes with him.

It’s pretty clear when she said Rome will lose the faith she meant the entirety of Rome. “Bishops” “cardinals” “popes”

Incorrect. That doesnt even make sense. Its said more than once, "not all here shall taste death". Also, the old covenant is done, not "will be done in the future."

The last days last for over 2000 years? Right... The 70 7s are complete, not paused.

Damn you’re right

not a sede

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Are you referring to the Gregorius(AKA card Siri) XVII successor?
We go into a realm of very complex fanfiction.
Since we are working with prophecies, is there some hint to this supposed dynasty of hidden Popes?

So a heretic can be a pope? All popes post pius xii were open heretics.

> chanting prayers when Christ said not to
> to Mary, when Christ is the Mediator
> believing that Mary with without sin despite not being God
> celibate pastors despite the clear instructions in Titus and 1 Tim
> promoted from outside the church
> "one church" despite Revelation being to 7 churches
> oh but we disagree with Francis for some reason

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Not that one. A guy from America who says he’s the new pope. Big claim but I don’t see him having a big following so I dismissed it.

“O graced one” is all I can say. She is clearly sinless. Only a sinless individual would be called “graced” by an angel without baptism.

hidden Popes makes more sense than hidden Bibles which were mysteriously found to justify several of the heresies of the day even though Christ said His words would be there for all generations

You do away with the mysteries of Christ and replace them with “sola scriptura” and “sola fide” absolutely Novel concepts. Repent my friend.

Why are Christfags evangelizing on this board so much?
You guys do know that we laugh at white women paying the toll? If your local churches knew you went on here they would excommunicate you from their congregation

I can see the moral despair of Protestantism by the grace of god, I thank him for that but feel sad that not everyone ca have a share in this gift.

> you see, grace is a magic power that God puts in your soul that prevents you from sinning
> that is why our pastors who are promoted from outside of their churches by some kind of arch-bishop can be trusted alone with other mens' women and children, they have more anti-sin magic

this one time in the Old Testament Israel was so far gone the king had to put some effort into finding the scriptures to restore the worship of God
sola fide is all over Romans and Ephesians

Wow, why did we need Christ if she was already sinless?...

Its like youve never opened scripture.

Well the Bible says faith without works is dead. You think a person never giving even one cent of alms in his life will enter heaven just by believing that Christ is god and rose from the dead?

She is the ark of the new covenant. Watch’s Video about it.

you mean like the thief on the next cross over?

shes actually not, and no ty. no scripture to support that catholic lie...

Listen heretic which one of the 30.000 sect of Protestantism is the true one?If the Truth is one one must be the Church.
Muh muh non-denomination, even worse HERETIC!
Now, you are willing renouncing to the sacraments of the Church of Our Lord because your idiotic, blind pride, I'm right!!!!!! A fool you are a complete fool.
Having said that, I'm going to completely ignore your moronic heretic rants.

He wasn’t called graced though.If you would watch the video... he lists many parallels. She is definitely the ark. Just as the ark is the holiest thing besides god, Mary is the holiest thing besides Jesus on earth.

> if a human has some title like "ark of the new covenant" or "pope"
> that human can participate in the "completion of every virtue" characteristic of God

was Mary a human?
"only God is good" say Jesus, and Ecclesiastes, and Paul, and so forth

What are you saying? She is clearly the ark. There are so many parallels. If you deny the Catholic Church, the true one, not the antichrist one, then the debate really has no point. The veneration of Mary is closely linked with accepting the true church of Christ.

> Truth is one
> therefore this one institution has it
why not the Bible?

Never said Mary was “good” just sinless. Jesus is called sinless in the Bible.

> 5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Did Mary say she had no sin? No, she said Jesus was her Savior.

By the way I don’t think Jesus was correct when he said the end of days is near, he was not omniscient, he did not know the hour, only the father does.

This is not going to make me deny a mystery revealed to the Catholic Church about the mother of god. No way. This is not sufficient proof. It just says we, as in the faithful, not every single human.

This is precisely the problem. Submitting to the authorities over any private revelation is exactly how “he will lead many astray”.

Reminder that in Jesus’s time, choosing the authorities over private revelation would’ve meant you were on the side of Christ’s murderers.


People that complain about the church need to closely read St. Paul's letters and think about what he is saying.

Why do you think the Catholics are correct when Rome is the feet of Nebuchadnezzars dream. iron and clay dont mix just like scripture and roman cathloics pagan beliefs.

Mary was a sinner than needed a savior.

>Holy Spirit guarantees that the magisterium will be free from error
>I know this because the magisterium said so

>he did not know the hour, only the father does.
this was before acension, he returned to john with his revelation of the signs of the time, which came soon. Just like rev says, Soon nit 2000+ years later.

That is blasphemous exactly because she is the ark of the new covenant. For one. She is the woman who bore the incarnate word. Called “graced one” by an angel, before she was ever baptized. That is not possible unless you are sinless. I don’t get the debate here... everyone has to agree that graced one can only mean this specific thing.