Nigger Man was the cats name
Hey Yas Forums my sanity is dipping real fucking low, how are you guys holding up?
When millions of people have died and when everyone knows someone who has died, and a vaccine isn't coming, there will be severe economical and societal consequences. It's just unavoidable. A large percentage of the population will refuse to expose themselves and will apply political pressure as well.
In "Rats in The Walls" the protagonist's cat is called Niggerman.
In "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" the family cat is called "Nig" which I find infinitely more hilarious. It's jokerposting in the 1920's.
as a NEET my life is nearly unaffected at all and i have to remind myself there is a quarantine on the rare occasions i leave home.
feels kinda good, its like everyone is as crazy as i am about going outside.
we need a series of creepy pastas to scare people from going outside. this whole event has made my life seem normal for once.
I'm doing fine. In fact I feel more focused and catching up to things I was intending to read and started meditating again
>millions of people have died.
Fat boomers are dying, and not even that many. I bet you my left leg that the death toll will not exceed 1 million world wide.
no being an hp lovecraft loser
And I mean by Corona solely. You know how many people have died in the Netherlands from CORONA ONLY? 34
Let's shut down the world goys!
What was the cats name again ?